THREAD: dawkins picks
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DAWKINS Picks CHRISTIANITY Over Islam: A Shocking Twist From the Renowned Atheist
— Richard Dawkins, a celebrated author and emeritus fellow of New College, Oxford, recently shared his surprising preference for Christian society over Islamic nations. In a conversation with LBC Radio’s Rachel Johnson, he revealed that despite being an atheist, he identifies as a “cultural Christian” and feels more comfortable in the Christian ethos.
Dawkins expressed his disapproval of Ramadan lights replacing Easter ones in London. He firmly believes that the UK is culturally rooted in Christianity and showed strong opposition towards the idea of substitifying it with any other religion.
While recognizing Christianity’s decline in the UK — a trend he supports — Dawkins emphasized his concern over losing cathedrals and other cultural elements tied to living in a Christian country. “If I had to pick between Christianity and Islam,” Dawkins stated emphatically, “I’d choose Christianity every single time.”
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