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LifeLine Media real news

Our Mission


The mainstream left-wing media are DEAD, this is your LIFELINE for REAL and UNCENSORED NEWS!

We bring you the breaking news and stories in politics, business, finance, and global issues. We’re an alternative news source that focuses on bringing you the real uncensored FACTS!

We are an online conservative newspaper and media company and one of our central aims is to promote free speech and civilized debate. The mainstream media are biased and cherry-pick the information that fits their left-wing agenda. There are virtually no conservative news companies left and the ones that are left, are being censored.

If you believe in free speech and freedom of information and are looking for one of the best conservative news sites that give you real uncensored news, LifeLineâ„¢ Media is for you!

Richard Ahern uncensored news about
Richard Ahern - CEO and Host of LifeLineâ„¢ Media

My name is Richard Ahern and I created LifeLine™ Media! I was desperately searching for a real news network and was sick to my stomach of the fake news. So, I created my own media company! I’m an entrepreneur, investor, bodybuilder, dad, CEO, and host at LifeLine™ Media.

I started out as a fitness entrepreneur and built a large successful fitness movement and business over the last few years. I left a position to study biochemistry at Imperial College London to go my own way and follow my dream of starting my own business. You can read about my university story here. 

I’ve always loved fitness and bodybuilding and that’s what I built my first business around. I am very proud of the physique I achieved and believe bodybuilding taught me some very important life lessons. 

Richard Ahern bodybuilder uncensored news
Richard Ahern - Bodybuilder

My life took a turn for the worse though:

The year 2020 destroyed me and left me for dead. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the fitness industry was crippled by government lockdowns with gyms closed and all bodybuilding competitions canceled. On top of that, my supplier for my brand’s gym and sports clothing shut down due to financial difficulties caused by the pandemic. It was a soul-destroying year, but it was not the end, it was the beginning of something new.

As many others have done so recently, I adapted to thrive in the new emerging world and stay-at-home economy. I created LifeLine™ Media to serve the world’s desperate need for real and reliable online news sources. As the data clearly shows, more and more people are flocking away from the left-wing biased mainstream media in search of new alternative news sources.

This is their LifeLine. This is YOUR LifeLine!

Richard Ahern LifeLine Media
Richard Ahern — LifeLine Media

I strongly believe that the left-wing ‘woke’ agenda is extremely dangerous and I will do everything I can to fight it. I have a two-year-old son called Stanley, and I genuinely worry about what the future will hold for Stanley as a ‘white male’ in a left-wing ‘woke’ world. In a world where being manly is bad, men are always violent rapists, and every white person is a racist. Everyone should be treated equally and with respect, but the left have gone too far in the opposite direction and they must be stopped. At LifeLine™ Media we are not ‘woke’ (we’d rather be in a coma!), we are fair, honest, and conservative!

I believe free speech is one of our most sacred rights, a right that is being eroded bit by bit by left-wing governments, big tech, and the media. I have been a victim of suppression of free speech and it felt grossly unfair. When I was much younger, I was called into a police station because I had sent a text message calling someone a ‘little sh*t’ during an argument and they reported it for malicious communications. No joke, that was it and the police told me people are routinely arrested for posting ‘mean’ (not threatening) messages on Facebook and Twitter! If that’s not suppression of free speech, I don’t know what is!

Humanity and society will never progress if we censor new and scary ideas. The exchange of different ideas and ways of thinking are the fuel to the fire of progress and advancement; a world where we are scared to speak will forever be motionless in clouds of darkness. Alternative views must be heard, not suppressed, and that is why freedom of speech is so vital.

We are charting unknown waters in these unprecedented times, but we must not let anyone take away what matters most to us and the future of our children…

Freedom of information. Freedom of speech. Freedom.  

To learn more about our mission, you can watch our first video below.

If you don’t want to miss any real and uncensored news, you can SUBSCRIBE here! Make sure you ring the bell too!

We bring you the real and uncensored news for free, but that is only made possible thanks to our sponsors and patrons! Click here to check them out and get some amazing exclusive deals from our sponsors!

To contact me, drop me an email at [email protected]

You can also follow me on my personal social media pages:

Twitter – @RichardJAhern

Instagram – @Richard.Ahern

Facebook – @RichardJamesAhern


LifeLine Media fact check guarantee
Fact-check guarantee


We’re one of the only media companies that provide a fact-check guarantee on all our articles and videos that allows you to verify the sources of information we’ve used.

All the references will be listed at the top or bottom of an article. References are underlined and hyperlinked for you to check. 

References are color-coded depending on their type. Our color-coding system allows you to look at an article and instantly see whether a reference is from an academic journal, a government website, or another type of source.

Misinformation is a real issue in the media, but often those complaining about misinformation are the ones spreading it! We believe readers are smart, so we provide you with the sources we’ve used so you can check them for yourself. This is the only way for readers to have 100% trust in the media.

We will tell you what kind of references we’ve used and how many. We will only provide a fact-check guarantee if the source of information comes from one of the following:

  • Peer-reviewed research papers: A Peer-reviewed research paper means that the subject matter, research, and ideas have been scrutinized by other experts in the field to ensure the highest quality. 
  • Academic journals/websites: These are scholarly articles published by academic journals or university websites with the .edu domain. Research papers that are not peer-reviewed are included in this category but are still a very reliable source of information.  
  • Official statistics: We only quote statistics that come from official and verifiable public databases. For example, we will quote economic statistics directly from a central bank’s website and polling results will come straight from the organization that conducted the poll.
  • Government websites: Sources from government websites, usually with the .gov domain are considered highly reliable. 
  • Straight from the source: ‘Straight from the horse’s mouth’, so to speak. If we’re quoting something, we will only quote and link it back to the original source.
  • Official transcripts: If we’re quoting from an interview, we will quote and link it back to the official transcript if possible.
  • Official court documents: If we’re discussing legal issues concerning criminal trials and court cases, we will quote directly from the official court documents published by the court. 
  • Medical authorities: If we’re quoting health and medical information, we will link it back to an official medical authority such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the General Medical Council (GMC), and the World Health Organization (WHO).
  • High authority and trusted websites: These are websites such as online encyclopedias that are well-known and regarded as trustworthy sources of information. We also provide these as further reading material for interested readers. 


We take the news very seriously and feel it is our obligation to bring you only the highest-quality information. 

We’re also a conservative media company that loves science and we believe that debunking the ‘woke’ madness with solid scientific research is what will win the political war.

You won’t find us talking about frivolous stories, we cover what matters most and will never publish anything that we can’t back up. 

This is YOUR right and OUR obligation.  

The forefront of media innovation

We know you’re busy and don’t always have the time to read articles. Therefore on some of our long-form content, you have the option to listen instead!

As a media technology company, we are at the forefront of innovation. We have implemented two sophisticated AI text-to-speech synthesizers to read articles to you with beautifully natural-sounding speech.

We even give you the option of listening to a male or a female voice!


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