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US DEMANDS TOUGH Sanctions on China for Fentanyl Crisis

US DEMANDS TOUGH Sanctions on China for Fentanyl Crisis

A group has filed a petition with the U.S. Trade Representative, urging action against China under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974. This section allows the U.S. to impose sanctions on countries that violate trade agreements or harm American commerce. Attorney Nazak Nikakhtar emphasized that sanctions are within legal rights and necessary to pressure China economically.

The opioid crisis cost the U.S. nearly $1.5 trillion in 2020, according to a House Joint Economic Committee report from September 2022. An investigation by Reuters revealed that Chinese companies openly sell fentanyl ingredients online and ship them easily to the U.S., contributing significantly to this crisis. These suppliers often send shipments to Mexican cartels, which then manufacture synthetic opioids like fentanyl, worsening the problem further.

In May 2023, the CDC reported that synthetic opioids caused over 81,000 American deaths in one year, mainly due to fentanyl overdoses. The ongoing crisis highlights an urgent need for effective measures against foreign suppliers fueling this epidemic affecting countless American families daily.;

TRAGIC Migrant RESCUE in English Channel Exposes Border Crisis

TRAGIC Migrant RESCUE in English Channel Exposes Border Crisis

Around 60 migrants were rescued by the French navy and coastguard from a capsized inflatable boat near Boulogne-sur-Mer. Four migrants were found unresponsive and could not be revived. The rescue operation is ongoing, with concerns that more victims may still be in the water.

The migrant crisis on Britain’s southern shore remains unresolved, contributing to the downfall of the previous British government. The new Labour government has promised action but has yet to deliver any meaningful results.

Nigel Farage, leader of Reform UK, criticized the new government for its inaction following the recent deaths in the Channel. He warned that he would hold them accountable just as he did with their predecessors.

People smugglers continue to exploit desperate migrants, leading to overcrowded and dangerous crossings. This year alone, 19 people have died attempting to cross the English Channel, while 14,000 have successfully made it across — a nearly 20% increase from last year.

BIDEN’S Border Chaos: Record Crossings Spark Outrage

President Biden’s border policy is facing intense scrutiny as illegal crossings hit record highs. Critics argue that the administration’s approach has led to chaos and insecurity at the southern border. Republican lawmakers are calling for immediate action to restore order.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has deployed additional state resources to manage the surge. He stated, “The federal government’s failure leaves us no choice but to protect our own borders.” Local communities are feeling the strain, with many residents expressing concerns over safety and resources.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas defended the administration’s strategy, claiming it aims for a “humane” approach. However, many believe this leniency only encourages more illegal immigration.

With midterm elections approaching, border security remains a hot-button issue. Republicans see this as an opportunity to highlight what they view as Biden’s failed policies and push for stricter enforcement measures.

Biden’s BORDER Policies are FAILING: Shocking New Data Exposed

New data reveals that President Biden’s border policies are not working. The number of illegal crossings has skyrocketed, causing major concerns. Border Patrol agents are overwhelmed, and many believe the administration is not doing enough to secure the border.

Critics argue that Biden’s approach is too lenient and invites more illegal immigration. They say stronger measures are needed to protect the country and ensure safety. This includes building more barriers and increasing patrols along the border.

Supporters of stricter policies claim that current strategies fail to address the root problems. They emphasize that without tougher enforcement, illegal crossings will continue to rise, putting a strain on resources and communities near the border.

The debate over how to handle immigration continues, but one thing is clear: Biden’s current policies are facing serious challenges. Many Americans want change and demand action to secure the nation’s borders effectively.

BIDEN’S Border Failure: Communities Suffer Amid Migrant Surge

President Biden’s border policy is under scrutiny as a new wave of migrants arrives at the southern border. Border Patrol agents report an unprecedented surge, straining resources and personnel.

Republican leaders criticize the administration for what they call a “failed approach” to immigration. Texas Governor Greg Abbott stated, “The federal government must take immediate action to secure our borders.”

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas insists the administration is handling the situation effectively. However, many conservatives argue that current policies encourage illegal crossings.

The debate over border security continues to heat up as communities near the border feel the impact. Calls for stricter enforcement and policy changes grow louder from Republican lawmakers and citizens alike.

Biden’s BORDER Crisis: SHOCKING Surge in Illegal Crossings Alarms Americans

Biden’s BORDER Crisis: SHOCKING Surge in Illegal Crossings Alarms Americans

The border crisis under President Biden has reached alarming levels. New data shows a shocking surge in illegal crossings, leaving many Americans concerned. The situation at the southern border is deteriorating, with record numbers of migrants attempting to enter the country.

Border Patrol agents are overwhelmed as they try to manage the influx. Many believe that Biden’s policies are too lenient and encourage more illegal immigration. Critics argue that stronger measures are needed to secure the border and protect American citizens.

Local communities near the border are feeling the impact firsthand. Increased crime rates and strained resources have residents worried about their safety and well-being. Many are calling for immediate action to address these pressing issues before they worsen further.

As this crisis continues, it’s clear that a change in strategy is necessary. Americans want effective solutions that will restore order and security at our borders, ensuring a safer future for everyone involved. The time for decisive action is now, before things spiral out of control even more dramatically than they already have.

BIDEN’S Border Policy Disaster: Record Migrant Surge Sparks Outrage

The Biden administration’s border policies are facing renewed scrutiny as record numbers of migrants overwhelm U.S. border facilities. Critics argue that the administration’s lenient stance has encouraged illegal crossings, leading to chaos and insecurity.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported over 250,000 encounters in September alone, a historic high. This surge has strained resources and raised concerns about national security and public safety.

Republican lawmakers are calling for immediate action to secure the border. “Our communities are at risk,” said Senator Ted Cruz, emphasizing the need for stricter enforcement measures.

The White House has yet to present a concrete plan to address this crisis, leaving many Americans frustrated. As the situation deteriorates, calls for accountability continue to grow louder.

Joe Biden: The President The White House

Biden’s BORDER Policy SHOCKS Americans: Crime Rates Soar

President Biden’s border policy has led to a surge in illegal crossings. Many Americans are worried about the rising crime rates linked to this influx. Local communities are feeling the impact, and some residents say they no longer feel safe in their own neighborhoods.

Critics argue that Biden’s approach is too lenient and lacks proper enforcement. They believe this has encouraged more people to cross illegally, putting a strain on resources and law enforcement.

Supporters of stricter border control point out that crime rates have increased in areas with high numbers of illegal immigrants. They call for immediate action to secure the border and protect American citizens from further harm.

The debate over immigration policy continues, but one thing is clear: many Americans are deeply concerned about their safety and the future of their communities under current policies.

Biden’s BORDER Crisis: SHOCKING Numbers Reveal the Truth

The border crisis under President Biden is getting worse. New data shows a record number of illegal crossings. Many Americans are worried about the impact on our country’s safety and economy.

In August alone, over 200,000 illegal immigrants were caught crossing the southern border. This is a huge increase from previous months. Border Patrol agents are overwhelmed and struggling to keep up with the surge.

Critics say Biden’s policies are to blame for this crisis. They argue that his administration has been too lenient on immigration laws. This has encouraged more people to try and enter the U.S. illegally, putting strain on resources and communities near the border.

Supporters of stricter immigration laws believe that tougher measures are needed now more than ever. They call for stronger enforcement at the border and policies that discourage illegal crossings altogether. The situation remains tense as America watches how this issue will unfold in the coming months under Biden’s leadership.

Narendra Modi - Wikipedia

MODI’S REMARKS Ignite Controversy: Accusations of Hate Speech During Campaign

India’s main opposition party, the Congress, has accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of using hate speech during a campaign rally. Modi called Muslims “infiltrators,” leading to significant backlash. The Congress filed a complaint with the Election Commission of India, arguing that such comments could worsen religious tensions.

Critics believe that under Modi’s leadership and his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), India’s commitment to secularism and diversity is at risk. They accuse the BJP of fostering religious intolerance and occasionally inciting violence, although the party claims its policies benefit all Indians without bias.

In a speech in Rajasthan, Modi criticized the Congress party’s previous governance, accusing them of favoring Muslims in resource distribution. He warned that a reelected Congress would reallocate wealth to what he called “infiltrators,” questioning whether it is right to use citizens’ earnings this way.

Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge condemned Modi’s comments as “hate speech.” Meanwhile, spokesperson Abhishek Manu Singhvi described them as “deeply objectionable.” This controversy comes at a critical time during India’s general election process.

BUKELE’S TRIUMPH: El Salvador’s ‘Charming Tyrant’ Sweeps Re-Election

BUKELE’S TRIUMPH: El Salvador’s ‘Charming Tyrant’ Sweeps Re-Election

El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele, who proudly wears the label of the “planet’s most charming tyrant,” celebrated a decisive re-election victory this Sunday. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was quick to extend his congratulations, praising the efforts of election monitors and expressing readiness to collaborate with the freshly elected officials after their June inauguration.

Blinken highlighted the enduring bond between the U.S and El Salvador, a relationship that has endured for over a century and a half. He asserted that occurrences in El Salvador have direct consequences on U.S interests at home and abroad. Furthermore, he affirmed that good governance, inclusive economic growth, assurance of fair trials, and human rights would remain at the forefront under their Root Causes Strategy.

Preliminary election results indicate Bukele clinching victory with an astounding 83% support rate, leaving his closest rival trailing far behind at just 7%. The confident president had already proclaimed himself as winner before official results were released, asserting he had garnered more than 85% of votes.

TEXAS BORDER Rally: Unleashing Patriotic Fervor & Standing Strong for Law Enforcement

TEXAS BORDER Rally: Unleashing Patriotic Fervor & Standing Strong for Law Enforcement

The “Take Our Border Back Rally” was a vibrant scene of patriotism and support for law enforcement. Media from across the nation flocked to this small ranch, which was alive with food trucks, vendors selling patriotic merchandise, and a stage featuring Christian music.

Attendees, many donned in red, white, and blue or displaying Trump-supporting gear, reveled in the music and speeches. They traveled from various states including Texas, Arkansas, Maryland, Missouri, New Mexico and New York to voice their demand for a secure border under a sea of flags supporting former President Donald Trump.

Treniss Evans — one of the event’s organizers — told Breitbart Texas that this rally aimed to back all law enforcement officers working along the border — both federal and state officials alike. The rally is set to remain stationed in Quemado without crossing into Eagle Pass city limits.

Evans made it clear that their group had no plans to disrupt law enforcement operations in Eagle Pass or impede local commuters’ mobility within the city. This declaration comes amid recent media focus on a seized city border park.

SHOCKING Truth Revealed: MAJORITY of Americans Support Border Wall, New Poll Discloses

SHOCKING Truth Revealed: MAJORITY of Americans Support Border Wall, New Poll Discloses

A recent poll surveying 40,513 U.S. adults has revealed a surprising fact: half of the respondents are in favor of building a border wall. This majority includes not only typical conservative demographics but also groups such as black and Hispanic Americans, women, and independents.

The data shows that 45% of black Americans polled support the idea of a wall, compared to just 30% who oppose it. Hispanic support for the wall is at 42%, marginally outnumbering those against it at 40%. These figures could potentially cause concern for Democrats who have traditionally relied on these demographics for support.

The poll also reveals significant backing from women and independents. Among female respondents, supporters outnumber opponents by nine points (45-36). Independents show an even stronger pro-wall sentiment with an eleven-point lead (44-33). Support appears to be widespread across all regional demographics — even in the traditionally Democrat-leaning Northeast where backing stands at a surprising 49%.

Leading this wave of support is the South with over half (51%) favoring border wall construction. These findings could be game-changers in political strategies as they indicate broad-based endorsement for what has been primarily seen as a MAGA Republican priority.

Opinion | Germany's First Lady Problem - The New York Times

NEW YEAR’S EVE Revelations: Bidens Discuss Holiday Cheer and 2024 Ambitions

During a New Year’s Eve interview with Ryan Seacrest, President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden opened up about their holiday festivities and future aspirations. The chat was part of Dick Clarke’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve show, which had a friendly atmosphere but wasn’t devoid of political implications.

President Biden took the opportunity to highlight his administration’s achievements, with a special focus on job creation. He proudly pointed out the resurgence of factory jobs that were once outsourced overseas. The President claimed that since his inauguration, his administration has been responsible for creating 14 million jobs.

Furthermore, Biden expressed his desire for Americans to appreciate their nation’s current strength as we usher in the new year. He hopes this awareness will spur unity and progress as we approach 2024.

TEXAS STRIKES Back: Governor Abbott Signs Tough Laws to Tackle Illegal Immigration

TEXAS STRIKES Back: Governor Abbott Signs Tough Laws to Tackle Illegal Immigration

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has enacted three stringent laws aimed at halting illegal immigration. These laws, passed in two special sessions this fall, are part of a broader strategy to stem the tide of migrants from Mexico. The governor announced on Twitter that unlawful entry into Texas is now a crime with potential penalties including deportation or imprisonment.

The bill signing event in Brownsville saw the attendance of Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick and National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd among other border officials. However, House Speaker Dade Phelan was conspicuously absent. Senate Bill 4 from the fourth special session criminalizes unauthorized entry into Texas from foreign countries.

This state legislation mirrors federal statute Title 8 of the United States Code 1325 but takes it a step further by allowing for sentences up to two decades for violators. It also includes mechanisms for deporting offenders back to their home countries and offers legal protection to local and state officials enforcing these rules. Critics claim that current federal immigration laws are not being sufficiently enforced under the present administration.

With these new measures — including funding for wall construction and harsher penalties for human smuggling — Texas is

ALARMING DHS Revelation: 670,000 Border 'Gotaways’ in FY2023 — The Shocking Truth Behind the Numbers

ALARMING DHS Revelation: 670,000 Border 'Gotaways’ in FY2023 — The Shocking Truth Behind the Numbers

Fox News recently uncovered a startling revelation from officials at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). They disclosed to Arizona’s congressional delegation and House and Senate Judiciary and Homeland Security committees that an astounding 670,000 known “gotaways” slipped through the border in FY2023.

In addition to this alarming figure, lawmakers were made aware of a daily influx of approximately 5,000 illegal immigrants into the U.S. These individuals are handed off to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that aid them in reaching their final destinations. This rate could equate to nearly 1.8 million illegal migrants entering the country each year.

The DHS report also shed light on a record-breaking number of daily encounters by Border Patrol with migrants — over 12,000 in one day alone. This follows a record-setting year with more than 2.4 million encounters in FY23 and an unprecedented monthly high exceeding 260,000 last September.

When questioned about collaboration efforts with Mexico to control migrant flow at the southern border, DHS officials expressed concern for the “safety and security of noncitizens”. They highlighted risks these individuals often face due to dangerous travel methods like illicit train rides.

Belt and Road Initiative

ITALY’S Bold Exit from China’s Belt and Road Initiative: A Triumph for Western Independence

Italy recently declared its departure from China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), signifying a major shift in Western attitudes towards Beijing’s economic clout. After four years of involvement, Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani noted that nations not participating in the initiative have seen superior results.

The official withdrawal notice was issued by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s administration this week, well before the initial agreement expires next year. This decision sets the stage for an upcoming summit hosted by China with European Union leaders who have lately adopted a more wary stance towards Beijing.

In response to mounting skepticism, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi advocated for mutually beneficial relationships between Europe and China to boost global development. However, such views are increasingly met with suspicion in Europe as Western societies strive to steer clear of economic connections that might give Beijing an upper hand during political upheavals.

Stefano Stefanini, former Italian Ambassador, underscored an official G7 policy termed “de-risking”, spotlighting U.S.'s opposition against Italy’s participation in BRI. Despite U.S warnings labeling it as a “predatory” lending scheme aimed at controlling strategic infrastructure, Italy joined the initiative back in 2019.

Biden’s APPROVAL RATINGS Dive: Is Inflation to Blame?

President Biden’s popularity is taking a serious hit, largely due to the ongoing inflation crisis. Recent polls indicate a steep drop in public support, with many pointing fingers at his economic strategies as the root cause of the current predicament.

The escalating cost of living and soaring gas prices are fueling widespread dissatisfaction. Detractors argue that Biden’s economic management style has directly contributed to these problems.

Moreover, there is mounting unease about how the administration is dealing with foreign policy issues, especially concerning China and Russia. These concerns have further dented the president’s approval ratings.

As we inch closer to mid-term elections, these statistics could spell potential disaster for Democrats. The party will need to pull out all stops to rebuild public trust and restore faith in their leadership abilities.

PEACE at RISK: Biden’s Push for Palestinian Consulate Jeopardizes Israel-Saudi Talks

PEACE at RISK: Biden’s Push for Palestinian Consulate Jeopardizes Israel-Saudi Talks

Last month, President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a meeting. The focus was on encouraging peace talks between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Notably, these discussions did not necessitate the establishment of a Palestinian state — a significant shift in Middle East policy. Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia also appeared to ease his position on the Palestine issue.

However, recent reports suggest that the Biden administration may be jeopardizing this potential peace accord. They are insisting on establishing a new Palestinian consulate in Jerusalem. This move could effectively split Jerusalem between Israel and Palestine, overturning policies set by President Donald Trump and breaking bipartisan commitments to keep the city united.

Israeli news outlet Israel Hayom has reported growing frustration among Israeli and Saudi officials with Washington’s overemphasis on concessions for Palestinians. Insiders familiar with the ongoing negotiations suggest this focus is impeding potential progress.

The primary hurdle seems to be defining the specifics of a U.S.-Saudi defense agreement. This includes whether nuclear enrichment will be allowed on Saudi soil — an aspect that Israel appears willing to accept for comprehensive peace.

Immigration CRISIS: Biden’s Policies Cause SURGE at Border

The number of people attempting to cross the US-Mexico border has seen a dramatic increase recently. This surge is believed to be a result of President Biden’s immigration policies.

Many believe that Biden’s decision to reverse several of Trump’s immigration policies has led to this increase. Critics argue that these changes have encouraged more people to attempt the risky journey.

In response, the White House has defended its policies, stating they are more humane and fair than those of the previous administration. However, this defense has done little to quell concerns about the rising numbers at the border.

As we move forward, it remains unclear how this situation will evolve. What is clear though is that immigration will continue to be a hot-button issue in American politics.

Biden’s Approval Rating PLUNGES to Record Low: Is INFLATION to Blame?

A recent Gallup poll reveals a new low for President Joe Biden’s approval rating. Amid escalating inflation and economic unease, the President’s popularity is dwindling.

The survey shows a mere 40% of Americans giving the nod to Biden’s job performance — the lowest since he assumed office in January 2021.

The soaring cost of goods and services is hitting American households hard, leading to financial stress and discontent with the current administration.

This steep decline in approval could spell trouble for Democrats in the forthcoming midterm elections. If this trend persists, Republicans may seize control of Congress come November.

NET NEUTRALITY Revival Pushed by Biden’s New FCC Pick: The Real Impact on Telecom Companies

NET NEUTRALITY Revival Pushed by Biden’s New FCC Pick: The Real Impact on Telecom Companies

Following the unsuccessful Senate endorsement of Gigi Sohn, President Biden has now confirmed Anna Gomez as the new commissioner for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). This appointment breaks a 2-2 deadlock at the Commission. In response, Democrats and progressive nonprofits have begun to advocate for the return of Title II regulations on telecom companies.

On Monday, a group of 27 Senate Democrats, which included Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Ron Wyden (D-OR), and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), called on FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel to reestablish Title II regulations on internet service providers. These were regulations that had been withdrawn during Trump’s tenure.

Last week, progressive nonprofit Free Press also stepped up its efforts by starting a petition urging the FCC to bring back net neutrality rules. These rules were first introduced during Obama’s presidency before social media censorship became widespread. Net neutrality was initially touted as a means to safeguard an open internet by classifying telecom companies as common carriers.

Free Press emphasized that net neutrality is essential for preserving an internet that is “free, open and accessible to all.” However, critics contend that such regulation could potentially stifle innovation and competition within the sector.

BORDER CHAOS Escalates: Migrants from Around the Globe Swarm Southern Border, Agents Struggle to Cope

BORDER CHAOS Escalates: Migrants from Around the Globe Swarm Southern Border, Agents Struggle to Cope

In a remote corner of Southern California, a diverse group of migrants hailing from countries such as China, Ecuador, Brazil, and Colombia have surrendered to Border Patrol agents. Their makeshift desert campsite is a stark symbol of the recent surge in asylum-seekers that has put immense pressure on various parts of the U.S.-Mexico border. This influx has led to shutdowns at border crossings in Eagle Pass (Texas), San Diego and El Paso.

The Biden administration finds itself scrambling for solutions following a brief dip in illegal crossings due to new asylum restrictions introduced in May. With Democrats pushing for more resources to accommodate asylum-seekers and Republicans using this issue as ammunition for the upcoming 2024 elections, Temporary Protected Status has been granted to an estimated 472,000 Venezuelans already residing in the U.S., adding to the 242,700 who had previously qualified.

In response to this crisis, an additional 800 active-duty military personnel have been deployed at the border joining an existing force of 2,500 National Guard members. Furthermore, holding facilities are being expanded by an additional capacity of 3,250 spaces. The administration

US AID To UKRAINE: Biden’s Pledge Faces Surge of Resistance — How Americans Really Feel

US AID To UKRAINE: Biden’s Pledge Faces Surge of Resistance — How Americans Really Feel

President Biden’s call for sustained aid to Ukraine, announced at the United Nations General Assembly, is meeting escalating resistance within the US. The administration is pushing for an extra $24 billion in aid for Ukraine by the end of this year. This would escalate total assistance to a whopping $135 billion since the conflict ignited in February 2022.

Yet, a CNN poll from August uncovers that most Americans oppose further aid to Ukraine. The topic has grown increasingly divisive over time. Moreover, despite Western backing and training, Ukraine’s much-hyped counter-offensive has not yielded significant wins.

A Wall Street Journal survey earlier this month revealed that more than half of American voters — 52% — disapprove of Biden’s handling of the Ukrainian situation — a rise from 46% on March 22. Among those surveyed, over one-third believe too much effort is being put into helping Ukraine while only about one-fifth think not enough is being done.

America’s BORDER CRISIS: A Deep Dive into Biden’s Disastrous Immigration Policies

The ongoing border crisis in America is a direct result of President Biden’s disastrous immigration policies. His decisions have led to an unprecedented influx of illegal immigrants, putting immense strain on border patrol agents and local communities.

President Biden reversed many of Trump’s strict immigration policies upon taking office. This has resulted in a surge of migrants attempting to cross the border illegally, with numbers reaching their highest levels in over two decades.

Local communities near the border are feeling the impact. Schools are overwhelmed, crime rates are rising, and public resources are stretched thin. Yet, the administration seems indifferent to their plight.

Biden’s approach to immigration is not just flawed; it’s catastrophic. It undermines national security and disregards the rule of law. It’s time for America to wake up and hold him accountable for this crisis.

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DEMOCRATS BLOCK Border Security Funding, Spark Outrage

House Republicans proposed a bill to increase funding for border security, but it was blocked by Democrats. The bill aimed to allocate additional resources for border patrol agents and technology. This move has sparked outrage among conservative lawmakers who argue that securing the border is a top priority.

“It’s disappointing that our colleagues across the aisle don’t see the urgency in protecting our nation’s borders,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH). He emphasized that increased funding is essential to combat illegal immigration and drug trafficking.

Democrats argued that the proposed bill lacked comprehensive immigration reform measures, which they believe are necessary for any effective solution. They also raised concerns about the potential impact on asylum seekers and humanitarian efforts at the border.

The debate over border security continues to be a contentious issue in Congress, with both sides standing firm on their positions. As this stalemate persists, many Americans remain concerned about national security and immigration policies.

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