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TRUMP And HARRIS Neck-And-Neck: What’s Behind the Poll Shocker?

TRUMP And HARRIS Neck-And-Neck: What’s Behind the Poll Shocker?

Recent polls show a tight race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, with both candidates nearly tied. Just last month, Harris was ahead in election and favorability ratings. Now, her lead is gone, sparking questions about why voters are changing their minds.

NBC’s Savannah Guthrie talked with analyst Steve Kornacki about this shift. He explained how Harris’s favorability ratings have reversed. Last month, she had a 48% positive rating compared to Trump’s steady numbers. Now her positive rating has fallen to 43%, while her negative rating jumped to 49%.

Kornacki noted that this change brings Harris’s ratings closer to Trump’s figures. He also mentioned an interesting twist about public views on Trump’s presidency. Recent polling shows that 44% of voters think Trump’s policies helped their families more than during his time in office.

Biden’s BORDER Crisis: SHOCKING Numbers Reveal the Truth

The border crisis under President Biden is getting worse. New data shows a record number of illegal crossings. Many Americans are worried about the impact on our country’s safety and economy.

In August alone, over 200,000 illegal immigrants were caught crossing the southern border. This is a huge increase from previous months. Border Patrol agents are overwhelmed and struggling to keep up with the surge.

Critics say Biden’s policies are to blame for this crisis. They argue that his administration has been too lenient on immigration laws. This has encouraged more people to try and enter the U.S. illegally, putting strain on resources and communities near the border.

Supporters of stricter immigration laws believe that tougher measures are needed now more than ever. They call for stronger enforcement at the border and policies that discourage illegal crossings altogether. The situation remains tense as America watches how this issue will unfold in the coming months under Biden’s leadership.

ISRAELI HOSTAGES & Biden’s Diplomatic Disaster: The Shocking Truth Unveiled

ISRAELI HOSTAGES & Biden’s Diplomatic Disaster: The Shocking Truth Unveiled

134 Israeli hostages are reportedly held in Rafah, leading Israel to ponder negotiations for their freedom. This situation arises despite President Joe Biden’s public caution against Israel entering Rafah. He voiced concerns for Palestinian civilians taking shelter there. Intriguingly, it appears that the welfare of these civilians falls on Israel, not Hamas — the faction that has ruled Gaza for nearly two decades and sparked the war on October 7.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu speculated in mid-February that the war would end within 'weeks’ once an operation in Rafah started. However, persistent hesitation has worsened conditions in Gaza. On Monday, Biden seemingly made Israel’s decision easier by siding with Russia and China at the United Nations Security Council.

Biden approved a resolution separating a ceasefire from a hostage release agreement. As a result, Hamas returned to its original demand of ending the war before freeing any more hostages. Many view this action by Biden as a significant misstep and an abandonment of Israel.

Some theorize that this disagreement may secretly satisfy the Biden administration as it allows them to publicly resist an Israeli operation while discreetly maintaining arms supply. If true, this would let them profit from an Israeli triumph over Iran-backed Hamas without diplomatic or political repercussions.

SHOCKING Truth Revealed: MAJORITY of Americans Support Border Wall, New Poll Discloses

SHOCKING Truth Revealed: MAJORITY of Americans Support Border Wall, New Poll Discloses

A recent poll surveying 40,513 U.S. adults has revealed a surprising fact: half of the respondents are in favor of building a border wall. This majority includes not only typical conservative demographics but also groups such as black and Hispanic Americans, women, and independents.

The data shows that 45% of black Americans polled support the idea of a wall, compared to just 30% who oppose it. Hispanic support for the wall is at 42%, marginally outnumbering those against it at 40%. These figures could potentially cause concern for Democrats who have traditionally relied on these demographics for support.

The poll also reveals significant backing from women and independents. Among female respondents, supporters outnumber opponents by nine points (45-36). Independents show an even stronger pro-wall sentiment with an eleven-point lead (44-33). Support appears to be widespread across all regional demographics — even in the traditionally Democrat-leaning Northeast where backing stands at a surprising 49%.

Leading this wave of support is the South with over half (51%) favoring border wall construction. These findings could be game-changers in political strategies as they indicate broad-based endorsement for what has been primarily seen as a MAGA Republican priority.

INDIAN MOSQUE Discovery Ignites Fury: The Explosive Truth Behind Gyanvapi Mosque Controversy

INDIAN MOSQUE Discovery Ignites Fury: The Explosive Truth Behind Gyanvapi Mosque Controversy

A potentially explosive discovery has recently intensified a long-standing dispute between Indian Hindus and Muslims. The controversy revolves around the historic Gyanvapi Mosque, constructed in Uttar Pradesh, India, in 1669 by Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb Alamgir.

The Mughal Empire (1526-1761), an expansionist power founded by distant descendants of Genghis Khan, was predominantly Muslim. While its rulers generally tolerated other faiths, Aurangzeb proved to be less accepting and implemented policies that sowed discord within the empire.

Aurangzeb’s legacy continues to divide modern India. Some Muslims view him as a legendary hero while others believe he hindered the potential greatness of a Muslim state. Hindu nationalists often portray him as one of India’s worst oppressors during their speeches.

This recent discovery could escalate existing tensions between Hindus and Muslims who are already in court over the site’s ownership. The rich and intricate history surrounding this site provides ample fodder for controversy among all parties involved.

Israeli genocide

South Africa SLAMS Israel with GENOCIDE Accusations at UN Court: The Truth Unveiled

South Africa has officially leveled accusations of genocide against Israel at the United Nations’ highest court. The case, which challenges the very essence of Israel’s national identity, demands an immediate cessation of Israeli military operations in Gaza. In response to these grave allegations, Israel, a nation born out of the Holocaust aftermath, has vehemently denied them.

In a surprising move that deviates from their usual approach of boycotting international tribunals or U.N. investigations — perceived as biased and unjust — Israeli leaders have decided to confront this matter head-on in court to defend their global reputation.

South African legal representatives argue that the recent conflict in Gaza is simply an extension of what they see as decades-long oppression by Israelis against Palestinians. They assert there is “a credible claim of genocidal acts,” grounded on evidence presented over the past 13 weeks.

With preliminary orders sought by South Africa to compel Israel to halt its military campaign in Gaza — where over 23,000 deaths have been reported by the Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry — they firmly believe that only a decree from this court can alleviate ongoing suffering.

IMAM’S SHOCKING Outburst Post Fatal Hit-and-Run: The Truth Uncovered at Old Bailey Trial

IMAM’S SHOCKING Outburst Post Fatal Hit-and-Run: The Truth Uncovered at Old Bailey Trial

A shocking hit-and-run event involving Imam Qari Abassi has led to a high-profile trial at the Old Bailey, England and Wales’ Central Criminal Court. On May 4th, 2021, Abassi is accused of fatally striking Harvinder Singh, who was lying unconscious on a London street while two men tried to shield him. The incident occurred as Abassi raced towards a mosque for early morning prayers.

Court evidence included dashcam footage capturing the moment of impact. After the collision, Abassi was recorded shouting derogatory phrases in Urdu. He defended his outburst by claiming it was aimed at the two men who narrowly escaped his car’s path, not Singh.

The two men testified that they had to leap aside “to save their lives” from Abassi’s speeding vehicle. Singh suffered fatal head and chest injuries after being run over. Despite admitting he was driving above the speed limit, Abassi denies causing death by careless driving.

Through an interpreter in court, Abassi claimed he thought Singh was an object like a “bin or briefcase.” He expressed frustration towards the two men signaling him to stop because he didn’t know them and saw no need to interrupt his journey.

Joe Biden: The President | The White House

Biden’s BOLD Defiance of Supreme Court: The TRUTH Behind Student Loan Forgiveness Numbers

President Joe Biden made a bold claim on Wednesday, boasting about his defiance of the Supreme Court’s ruling on student loans. During a speech in Milwaukee, he asserted that he had wiped out the debt for 136 million people. This statement came despite the Supreme Court rejecting his $400 billion loan forgiveness plan back in June.

However, this claim not only challenges the separation of powers but also holds no water factually. As per data from early December, only $132 billion in student loan debt has been cleared for a mere 3.6 million borrowers. This implies that Biden exaggerated the number of beneficiaries by an astounding figure – approximately 133 million.

Biden’s misrepresentation sparks concerns about his administration’s transparency and its respect for judicial decisions. His remarks further fuel ongoing discussions around student loan forgiveness and its ripple effects on economic aspects like homeownership and entrepreneurship.

“This incident underscores the need for accurate information from our leaders and respectful adherence to judicial rulings. It also highlights how critical it is to have open dialogues about policy impacts, particularly when they affect millions of Americans’ financial futures.”

ELF BAR Disposable Pod Device | £4.99 | NEW ELF BAR FLAVOURS!

ELF BAR Exposed: The Shocking Truth Behind the World’s Top E-Cigarette and Its Billion-Dollar TAX Scam

In just two years, Elf Bar, a flashy vaping gadget, has skyrocketed to global prominence as the leading disposable e-cigarette. Not only has it raked in billions in sales, but it has also become a favorite among underage American teens who vape. Last week saw the first public confiscation of Elf Bar products by U.S. authorities during an operation that seized 1.4 million illegal flavored e-cigarettes from China.

The confiscated goods were worth $18 million and included brands beyond Elf Bar. However, public records and court documents disclose that Chinese e-cigarette manufacturers have smuggled in products valued at hundreds of millions while adeptly circumventing customs duties and import fees. These firms frequently mislabel their shipments as “battery chargers’ or ”flashlights', thereby hampering efforts to control teen vaping in America.

Eric Lindblom, a former FDA official, lambasted regulatory approaches towards disposables as “very weak”, allowing this issue to spiral out of control. Meanwhile, fruit-and-candy-flavored disposables have flooded into America following China’s ban on vaping flavors last year under the pretense of safeguard

Joe Biden: The President | The White House

BIDEN’S Motorcade Shocked in Unexpected CAR Crash: What Really Happened?

On Sunday evening, an unforeseen event took place involving President Joe Biden’s motorcade. As the President and First Lady Jill Biden were departing from the Biden-Harris 2024 headquarters, their convoy was struck by a car. This incident transpired in Wilmington, Delaware.

A silver sedan bearing Delaware license plates collided with an SUV that was part of the presidential convoy. The impact produced a loud bang which reportedly caught President Biden off guard.

Immediately following the collision, agents surrounded the driver with firearms at ready while members of the press were quickly moved away from the scene. Despite this startling occurrence, both Bidens were safely escorted away from the location of impact.

ALARMING DHS Revelation: 670,000 Border 'Gotaways’ in FY2023 — The Shocking Truth Behind the Numbers

ALARMING DHS Revelation: 670,000 Border 'Gotaways’ in FY2023 — The Shocking Truth Behind the Numbers

Fox News recently uncovered a startling revelation from officials at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). They disclosed to Arizona’s congressional delegation and House and Senate Judiciary and Homeland Security committees that an astounding 670,000 known “gotaways” slipped through the border in FY2023.

In addition to this alarming figure, lawmakers were made aware of a daily influx of approximately 5,000 illegal immigrants into the U.S. These individuals are handed off to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that aid them in reaching their final destinations. This rate could equate to nearly 1.8 million illegal migrants entering the country each year.

The DHS report also shed light on a record-breaking number of daily encounters by Border Patrol with migrants — over 12,000 in one day alone. This follows a record-setting year with more than 2.4 million encounters in FY23 and an unprecedented monthly high exceeding 260,000 last September.

When questioned about collaboration efforts with Mexico to control migrant flow at the southern border, DHS officials expressed concern for the “safety and security of noncitizens”. They highlighted risks these individuals often face due to dangerous travel methods like illicit train rides.

Alex Murdaugh’s SHOCKING 27-Year Sentence: The TRUTH Behind His Financial Crimes Unveiled

Alex Murdaugh’s SHOCKING 27-Year Sentence: The TRUTH Behind His Financial Crimes Unveiled

Alex Murdaugh, a convicted murderer and fallen lawyer, has been slapped with a 27-year sentence for his financial wrongdoings. This punishment is in addition to the two life terms he’s already serving for the brutal murders of his wife and son back in 2021. He confessed to an alarming total of 22 charges including breach of trust, money laundering, forgery, and dodging taxes.

South Carolina Circuit Court Judge Clifton Newman delivered the sentence this Tuesday. The accusations against Murdaugh rack up to a staggering $10 million from roughly around 100 counts. In a courtroom in Beaufort County, Murdaugh openly admitted to his horrendous actions.

Prosecutor Creighton Waters shed light on how Murdaugh’s perceived reliability played into his decade-long fraudulent scheme. Waters explained that numerous individuals were duped by him due to their trust in him and were victims of his cunning manipulations. His standing among community members, fellow lawyers and banking institutions aided these financial misdeeds.

After listening to several victims along with their legal representatives in court, Murdaugh directly

ANTI-ISRAEL Protests: The Truth About Jewish Sentiment in America

ANTI-ISRAEL Protests: The Truth About Jewish Sentiment in America

Recently, anti-Israel groups staged an unauthorized protest in Hollywood, causing traffic disruption and demanding a Gaza ceasefire. This demand is not backed by any mainstream Jewish group. Organizations like “Jewish Voice for Peace” and “IfNotNow” have demonstrated their contentious views through actions such as honoring convicted Palestinian terrorists and failing to condemn Hamas terror.

On the other hand, last October saw thousands of Jews from various political backgrounds participate in a lawful, peaceful demonstration in Los Angeles. They marched and rallied to support Israel against terror. In a similar vein, nearly 300,000 Jews attended the largest pro-Israel rally ever held this week in Washington DC.

American sentiment mirrors these pro-Israel rallies. A recent poll revealed two-thirds agree with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stance against a ceasefire until Hamas is completely defeated. This follows Hamas’s violation of the existing ceasefire agreement on October 7th that resulted in over 1200 Israeli civilian deaths.

In Israel itself, opposition to the war is minimal and primarily advocates for freeing hostages taken by Hamas rather than simply calling for a ceasefire. These demands hold Hamas accountable — something conspicuously absent from the LA protest.

IDENTITIES SOUGHT: British Transport Police Hunt Men Behind Racial Clash Amid Anti-Israel Protests

IDENTITIES SOUGHT: British Transport Police Hunt Men Behind Racial Clash Amid Anti-Israel Protests

Images of four men involved in a racially charged incident at a London metro station have been released by the British transportation police. The incident took place during anti-Israel protests which drew hundreds of thousands to the city streets.

The London Metropolitan Police had previously recognized videos showing unacceptable abuse, including anti-Semitic language and threatening behavior. The responsibility for investigating these incidents now lies with the British Transport Police (BTP), who oversee safety on the transport system.

On Sunday, BTP publicized four images stating they wish to interview the men shown following an incident at Waterloo Station. They believe these individuals possess critical information for their investigation.

A video making rounds online shows these four men hurling racial slurs and threats at pro-Palestinian demonstrators inside Waterloo Station. One man can be seen confronting another group before being restrained by his friend.

REP VAN Orden’s Heroic Journey in Israel: The Truth Behind the Frontlines

REP VAN Orden’s Heroic Journey in Israel: The Truth Behind the Frontlines

On a solo mission, Rep. Van Orden faced the stark realities confronting Israelis daily. His guide was Rabbi David Katz, head of the Israel Heritage Foundation (IHF). This nonprofit works tirelessly to reinforce Israel’s sovereignty and fight antisemitism.

The pair toured significant locations such as Magen David Adom, Israel’s emergency medical service; Yad Vashem, the official Holocaust Museum; and the historic Western Wall. Rabbi Katz shared a moving story about a young soldier named Danny whose life was irrevocably changed after an attack by Hamas terrorists.

Danny was left helpless for over eight hours after being shot in the foot by a Hamas terrorist. By the time he reached hospital, his foot had to be amputated due to oxygen deprivation and blood loss.

Rep. Van Orden expressed his admiration for Magen David Adom (MDA) during his visit. He personally thanked each dispatcher and even donated blood, demonstrating his dedication to positively impacting MDA and IDF.

HEARTBREAKING TRUTH: Maya Kowalski’s Shocking Testimony on Alleged Medical Abuse and Mother’s Suicide

HEARTBREAKING TRUTH: Maya Kowalski’s Shocking Testimony on Alleged Medical Abuse and Mother’s Suicide

Maya Kowalski, the young woman embroiled in a high-profile alleged child medical abuse case in Florida, delivered her testimony on Monday. The case has catapulted into national consciousness due to its ties with the Netflix documentary “Take Care of Maya”. In 2016, Maya was diagnosed with a rare condition known as complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and was subsequently admitted to Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital (JHAC).

Hospital staff raised suspicions of “medical abuse” by her parents and promptly notified the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF). This led to an enforced separation between Maya and her parents while she remained hospitalized. During her testimony in a Sarasota County courtroom, she portrayed this separation as “unbelievably cruel”.

The allegations had devastating consequences for Maya’s family. Her mother, Beata Kowalski, tragically ended her own life after enduring months without seeing her daughter. According to family attorney Greg Anderson, Beata committed suicide on January 7th, 2016.

Emergency Alerts |

EMERGENCY Alert Test: The NATIONWIDE Drill You Can’t Ignore

The federal government is set to conduct a nationwide test of the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System on Wednesday. This system, designed to deliver a presidential message to Americans within 10 minutes during a national crisis, uses the Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alerts.

Wireless phone users in the U.S. will receive an alert at 2:20 p.m. Eastern time that reads: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.” Along with this message, phones will emit sound and vibration signals. If any phones are switched off at this time, they will display the alert once powered back on within a half-hour window.

For those tuning into broadcast or cable television or radio during this period, they’ll encounter a one-minute message stating: “This is a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System by Federal Emergency Management Agency covering United States from 14:20 to 14:50 hours ET. This is only a test. No action required by public.”

Marcos Jr STANDS UP to China: The Bold Challenge Over South China Sea Barrier

Marcos Jr STANDS UP to China: The Bold Challenge Over South China Sea Barrier

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has taken a firm stance against China’s installation of a 300-meter barrier at the entrance to Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea. This marks his first public opposition to this move, following his directive to dismantle the barrier. Marcos asserted, "We’re not seeking conflict, but we won’t back down from defending our maritime territory and our fishermen’s rights.”

This recent face-off between China and the Philippines follows Marcos’ decision earlier this year to increase U.S. military presence under a defense pact from 2014. This move has raised concerns in Beijing, as it could lead to an increased American military presence near Taiwan and southern China.

After the Philippine coast guard removed the Chinese barrier at Scarborough Shoal, Filipino fishing boats managed to catch around 164 tons of fish in just one day. “This is what our fishermen miss out on... it’s evident that this area belongs to the Philippines,” stated Marcos.

Despite these efforts, two Chinese coast guard vessels were seen patrolling the shoal’s entrance by a Philippine surveillance aircraft on Thursday. According to Commodore Jay Tar

NET NEUTRALITY Revival Pushed by Biden’s New FCC Pick: The Real Impact on Telecom Companies

NET NEUTRALITY Revival Pushed by Biden’s New FCC Pick: The Real Impact on Telecom Companies

Following the unsuccessful Senate endorsement of Gigi Sohn, President Biden has now confirmed Anna Gomez as the new commissioner for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). This appointment breaks a 2-2 deadlock at the Commission. In response, Democrats and progressive nonprofits have begun to advocate for the return of Title II regulations on telecom companies.

On Monday, a group of 27 Senate Democrats, which included Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Ron Wyden (D-OR), and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), called on FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel to reestablish Title II regulations on internet service providers. These were regulations that had been withdrawn during Trump’s tenure.

Last week, progressive nonprofit Free Press also stepped up its efforts by starting a petition urging the FCC to bring back net neutrality rules. These rules were first introduced during Obama’s presidency before social media censorship became widespread. Net neutrality was initially touted as a means to safeguard an open internet by classifying telecom companies as common carriers.

Free Press emphasized that net neutrality is essential for preserving an internet that is “free, open and accessible to all.” However, critics contend that such regulation could potentially stifle innovation and competition within the sector.

ASIAN MARKETS in Chaos: Evergrande Crisis and Wall Street Woes Trigger Shockwaves

ASIAN MARKETS in Chaos: Evergrande Crisis and Wall Street Woes Trigger Shockwaves

Asian stock markets experienced a significant downturn on Monday, with Tokyo standing as the sole major regional market to register gains. This follows on the heels of Wall Street’s most dismal week in half a year, which subsequently boosted U.S. futures and oil prices.

Investor confidence was shaken due to multiple factors including worries over China’s real estate sector, a potential shutdown of the U.S. government, and an ongoing strike by American auto industry workers. European markets weren’t spared either with Germany’s DAX, Paris’ CAC 40, and Britain’s FTSE 100 all experiencing a 0.6% drop.

China Evergrande Group saw its shares plummet nearly 22% after it disclosed its inability to secure additional debt due to an ongoing investigation into one of its subsidiaries. This revelation threatens the restructuring of its staggering debt that exceeds $300 billion. In response, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng dropped 1.8%, Shanghai Composite index fell by 0.5%, while Japan’s Nikkei 225 managed to climb by 0.9%.

Elsewhere in Asia, Seoul’s Kospi dipped by 0.5%. On a brighter note though, Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 managed to claw back some ground ending with a modest

Chris PACKHAM’S RADICAL Call to Break the Law: Is It Justified or a Threat to Democracy?

Chris PACKHAM’S RADICAL Call to Break the Law: Is It Justified or a Threat to Democracy?

In his most recent show, “Is It Time To Break The Law?”, seasoned BBC presenter Chris Packham hinted that legal protests might not be enough for environmental causes. On Channel 4, Packham suggested that law-breaking could potentially be a necessary step to save our planet.

Known for his wildlife programs and involvement in left-wing climate marches like Extinction Rebellion (XR), Packham is currently rallying support for a “Restore Nature Now” demonstration. This protest is scheduled later this month outside the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) headquarters in London.

The provocative comments made by the Springwatch host on public broadcaster Channel 4 have ignited considerable controversy. Critics contend that endorsing illegal activities erodes democratic procedures and establishes a perilous precedent.

BORDER CHAOS Escalates: Migrants from Around the Globe Swarm Southern Border, Agents Struggle to Cope

BORDER CHAOS Escalates: Migrants from Around the Globe Swarm Southern Border, Agents Struggle to Cope

In a remote corner of Southern California, a diverse group of migrants hailing from countries such as China, Ecuador, Brazil, and Colombia have surrendered to Border Patrol agents. Their makeshift desert campsite is a stark symbol of the recent surge in asylum-seekers that has put immense pressure on various parts of the U.S.-Mexico border. This influx has led to shutdowns at border crossings in Eagle Pass (Texas), San Diego and El Paso.

The Biden administration finds itself scrambling for solutions following a brief dip in illegal crossings due to new asylum restrictions introduced in May. With Democrats pushing for more resources to accommodate asylum-seekers and Republicans using this issue as ammunition for the upcoming 2024 elections, Temporary Protected Status has been granted to an estimated 472,000 Venezuelans already residing in the U.S., adding to the 242,700 who had previously qualified.

In response to this crisis, an additional 800 active-duty military personnel have been deployed at the border joining an existing force of 2,500 National Guard members. Furthermore, holding facilities are being expanded by an additional capacity of 3,250 spaces. The administration

RUSSELL BRAND’s Career Hangs in the Balance: Sexual Assault Allegations Emerge

British comedian Russell Brand is facing serious allegations of sexual assault from multiple women. This has resulted in the postponement of his live performances and a severed relationship with his talent agency and publisher. The U.K. entertainment industry is now wrestling with whether Brand’s celebrity status protected him from accountability.

Brand, now 48, denies the accusations made by four women through a Channel 4 documentary and articles published in The Times and Sunday Times newspapers. Among these accusers is one woman who alleges she was sexually assaulted by Brand at age 16, while another claims he raped her in Los Angeles back in 2012.

The Metropolitan Police force has been notified of an alleged sexual assault that occurred in Soho, central London, back in 2003 — earlier than any assaults reported by media outlets so far. Although they did not directly name Brand as the suspect, police acknowledged the TV and newspaper allegations during their announcement.

In response to these serious allegations, Brand insists all his past relationships were consensual. As more women step forward with accusations against him, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s spokesman Max Blain labeled these claims as “very serious and concerning.” Conservative legislator Caroline Nokes has called on British and U.S. law enforcement to investigate these alarming allegations.

DAVIS CUP Showdown: Canada Triumphs, US and Britain Clinch Wins Amidst Surprises

Canada has launched its Davis Cup title defense with a commanding 3-0 victory over Italy in the group stage finals. Alexis Galarneau and Gabriel Diallo each clinched straight-set victories. Additionally, Galarneau joined forces with Vasek Pospisil to secure the doubles match.

In contrast, Australia, the finalist from last year’s tournament, faced a disappointing 2-1 defeat to Britain in Manchester. The Australians were defeated in both singles matches but managed to salvage some pride with a consolation win in the doubles match.

The United States started their campaign against Croatia on uneven ground. Mackenzie McDonald clinched an early victory for the team but Frances Tiafoe was unexpectedly defeated by Borna Gojo. Nevertheless, Austin Krajicek and Rajeev Ram pulled through to secure a 2-1 win for the U.S. in the crucial doubles match.

In other news from around the tournament, Czech Republic outclassed Spain with an impressive 3-0 victory. Notably absent from Spain’s lineup was Wimbledon champion Carlos Alcaraz.

US, UK UNVEIL ‘20 Days in Mariupol’ to the WORLD: A Shocking Expose of Russia’s Invasion

The United States and Britain are shining a spotlight on the atrocities of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. They’ve organized a U.N. screening of the acclaimed documentary “20 Days in Mariupol”. This film documents the experiences of three Associated Press journalists during Russia’s brutal siege on the Ukrainian port city. UK Ambassador Barbara Woodward stressed that this screening is vital, as it exposes how Russia’s actions challenge the very principles that U.N. upholds — respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Produced by AP and PBS series “Frontline”, “20 Days in Mariupol” presents 30 hours worth footage recorded in Mariupol after Russia launched its invasion on February 24, 2022. The film captures street battles, extreme pressure on residents, and deadly attacks that took innocent lives including pregnant women and children. The siege concluded on May 20, 2022 leaving thousands dead and Mariupol devastated.

U.S ambassador to U.N., Linda Thomas-Greenfield referred to “20 Days in Mariupol” as a vivid record of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war aggression. She called upon everyone to witness these horrors and recommit themselves towards justice and peace in Ukraine.

The AP’s coverage from Mariupol has drawn ire from Kremlin with its U.N ambassador

Morocco’s DEADLIEST Earthquake in a Century: OVER 2,000 Lives Lost and Rising

Morocco has been hit by its most powerful earthquake in 120 years. The devastating 6.8 magnitude quake has resulted in over 2,000 fatalities and severe structural damage. With rescue efforts ongoing, the death toll is feared to increase as remote areas remain inaccessible.

The quake’s destructive force was felt nationwide, causing extensive damage to ancient cities and isolated villages alike. Remote communities such as those in the Ouargane Valley have been cut off from the rest of the world due to power outages and disrupted cell service. Residents are left grieving for their lost neighbors while assessing their own losses.

In Marrakech, residents are fearful of returning indoors due to potential building instability. Notable landmarks like the Koutoubia Mosque have sustained damage; however, the full extent is yet to be determined. Videos on social media show significant damage to parts of Marrakech’s iconic red walls that encircle the old city.

The Interior Ministry reports a death toll of at least 2,012 people mainly from Marrakech and nearby provinces close to the epicenter. Additionally, over 2,059 individuals were injured with more than half listed in critical condition.

NEW COVID-19 Variant BA286 Strikes England: Moderna and Pfizer Boast Robust Defenses

NEW COVID-19 Variant BA286 Strikes England: Moderna and Pfizer Boast Robust Defenses

England is grappling with 34 cases of a new highly mutated COVID-19 variant, BA.2.86, according to the UK Health Security Agency (UKSHA). This fresh offshoot of Omicron bears over 35 key mutations, mirroring the original Omicron variant that sparked record infections.

As of September 4th, five people have been hospitalized due to this emerging variant. No deaths have been reported yet. A single outbreak in a Norfolk care home is responsible for 28 out of these confirmed cases.

In light of this situation, Moderna and Pfizer made an announcement on Wednesday. Their updated COVID-19 vaccines have demonstrated strong defenses against the BA.2.86 subvariant in trials.

CONVICTED KILLER on the Loose: Danelo Cavalcante’s Daring Escape from Pennsylvania Prison

CONVICTED KILLER on the Loose: Danelo Cavalcante’s Daring Escape from Pennsylvania Prison

Convicted murderer, Danelo Cavalcante, is now a fugitive. After a daring escape from Chester County Prison in Pennsylvania, he has successfully evaded capture. The U.S Marshals Service has confirmed that Cavalcante, sentenced to life for the 2021 murder of his ex-girlfriend, is also implicated in a homicide case in Brazil.

Acting Warden Howard Holland unveiled surveillance footage of Cavalcante’s escape during a press briefing. The video captures the moment when Cavalcante scales a wall and braves through razor wire to make his audacious exit.

Cavalcante’s breakout commenced at 8:33 a.m., as he mingled with other inmates in the exercise yard. By 9:45 a.m., prison officers reported him missing—an unsettling indication of severe lapses in prison security measures.

CANADA’S FREEDOM Convoy Trial Begins: Unmasking the Controversial Protest Tactics

CANADA’S FREEDOM Convoy Trial Begins: Unmasking the Controversial Protest Tactics

The trial of Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, organizers of Canada’s Freedom Convoy, commenced on Tuesday. Prosecutors are focusing not on political ideologies but on the protest methods used.

Lich and Barber were arrested in February 2022 following nearly a month of protests in Ottawa. The demonstrators demanded the termination of federal mask and vaccine mandates amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Critics suggest that their actions extended beyond health measures to challenge the broader Liberal Canadian government.

Throughout their protest, truckers remained stationed outside Canada’s Parliament building, a move city officials labeled as an “occupation”. Over a 13-day trial (with an additional six days in October), The Crown Prosecution will argue that these gridlock tactics constituted dangerous action.

Alongside other organizers, Lich and Barber face charges including mischief, counseling others to commit mischief, intimidation and obstructing police. This case represents a pivotal point in evaluating how society perceives and conducts protests.

UNCOVERED: The SHOCKING Truth Behind Scott Johnson’s Mysterious Death in Australia

Scott Johnson, a bright and openly gay American mathematician, met an untimely death under a cliff in Sydney, Australia over three decades ago. Investigators initially deemed his death a suicide. However, Steve Johnson, Scott’s brother, doubted this conclusion and embarked on a long journey to seek justice for his brother.

A new four-part documentary series titled “Never Let Him Go” delves into the life and death of Scott. Produced by ABC News Studios in collaboration with Show of Force and Blackfella Films for Hulu, it also sheds light on Steve’s tireless quest to uncover the truth about his brother’s demise amidst Sydney’s notorious era of anti-gay violence.

Upon hearing about Scott’s passing in December 1988, Steve left the U.S. for Canberra, Australia where Scott resided with his partner. He then undertook a three-hour drive to Manly near Sydney where Scott died and met Troy Hardie — the officer who investigated the case.

Hardie insisted that he based his initial suicide verdict on evidence or lack thereof at the scene. He pointed out that authorities found Scott naked at the cliff base with neatly folded clothes and clear identification atop it. Additionally, Hardie mentioned speaking to Scott’s partner who disclosed that Scott had previously considered suicide.

ROYAL FANS and Adorable Corgis Pay Heartfelt Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II in Unique Parade

ROYAL FANS and Adorable Corgis Pay Heartfelt Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II in Unique Parade

In a touching tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth II, a small group of dedicated royal fans and their corgis gathered on Sunday. The event marked the one-year anniversary of the beloved monarch’s passing. The parade took place outside Buckingham Palace, reflecting Queen Elizabeth’s well-documented affection for this particular breed of dogs.

The unique procession included approximately 20 staunch monarchists and their festively attired corgis. Photos captured from the event portray these short-legged canines sporting various accessories such as crowns and tiaras. All dogs were leashed together near the palace gates, creating a picture-perfect homage to their royal fan.

Agatha Crerer-Gilbert, who orchestrated this unique tribute, expressed her aspiration for it to become an annual tradition. Speaking to Associated Press she said: “I can’t envision a more fitting way to honor her memory than through her beloved corgis...the breed that she cherished throughout her life.”

UK Schools SHUT DOWN: Government’s Late Warning Sparks Panic Among Parents and Officials

As the new academic year is about to commence, over 100 schools across the United Kingdom have been ordered to keep their doors shut. The sudden directive from the British government is a response to safety concerns related to deteriorating concrete in school buildings. This unexpected announcement has left school administrators in a flurry, with some contemplating a shift back to virtual learning.

The eleventh-hour decision has ignited a wave of questions from parents and school officials alike, questioning why preemptive measures weren’t taken earlier. Schools Minister Nick Gibb attributed an urgent reassessment of buildings made with reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) to an incident involving beam collapse over summer.

On Monday, the Department for Education issued orders for 104 schools to either partially or fully close their doors. RAAC, known for being lighter and cheaper than standard reinforced concrete, was widely used in public building construction from the 1950s through mid-1990s. However, its estimated lifespan is roughly 30 years and many of these structures are now due for replacement.

Despite being aware of issues concerning RAAC’s durability since 1994, the UK government only started monitoring conditions of public buildings in 2018. A survey conducted last year identified schools constructed with this material; more than 50 school buildings had already been closed due to similar concerns.

FTSE 100 Hits RECORD High of Over 8,000 Points

The UK’s blue chip stock index surpassed 8,000 points for the first time in history as the pound plummets in value.

Bitcoin market erupts in January

BULLISH on Bitcoin: Crypto Market ERUPTS in January as FEAR Turns to GREED

Bitcoin (BTC) is on track to have the best January in the last decade as investors turn bullish on crypto after a disastrous 2022. Bitcoin leads the way as it approaches $24,000, up a massive 44% from the beginning of the month, where it hovered around $16,500 a coin.

The broader cryptocurrency market has also turned bullish, with other top coins such as Ethereum (ETH) and Binance Coin (BNB) seeing substantial monthly returns of 37% and 30%, respectively.

The upturn comes after last year saw the crypto market plunge, fueled by fears of regulation and the FTX scandal. The year shredded $600 billion (-66%) from Bitcoin’s market cap, ending the year worth only a third of its 2022 peak value.

Despite the ongoing concerns of regulation, the fear in the market looks to be shifting to greed as investors take advantage of bargain prices. The rise may continue, but savvy investors will be wary of another bear market rally where a sharp sell-off will send prices back to Earth.

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ISRAEL DEFENDS Against Genocide Accusations: The Real Story Behind the ICJ Ruling

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has made a preliminary ruling on South Africa’s charge against Israel. This charge accuses Israel of alleged genocide in Gaza. While the ICJ did not order Israel to stop its military operations, it stressed the importance of protecting civilians and adhering to the Genocide Convention.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted to this decision, stating that Israel’s commitment to international law is firm and unwavering. He emphasized that like any other nation, Israel has an inherent right to defend itself. He marked attempts to deny this right as discrimination against the Jewish state.

The court also directed Hamas to immediately release all remaining hostages. It asked Israel for a plan within a month on how they intend to prevent deaths in Gaza. The response from Hamas remains uncertain at this time.

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