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10 ideas for fixing Los Angeles - Los Angeles Times

USC CHAOS: Students’ Milestones Disrupted Amid Protests

Grant Oh faced a maze of police blockades at the University of Southern California as officers detained protesters of the Israel-Hamas conflict. This turmoil is just one of many disruptions during his college years, which began amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Oh has already missed crucial events like his high school prom and graduation due to global upheavals.

The university recently canceled its main commencement ceremony, which was expected to host 65,000 attendees, adding another missed milestone to Oh’s college experience. His academic journey has been marked by continuous global crises, from pandemics to international conflicts. “It feels definitely surreal,” Oh commented on his disrupted educational path.

College campuses have long been hubs for activism, but today’s students are encountering unprecedented challenges. These include increased social media influence and isolation caused by pandemic restrictions. Psychologist Jean Twenge notes that these factors significantly contribute to elevated anxiety and depression rates among Generation Z compared to earlier generations.

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