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TRUMP And HARRIS Neck-And-Neck: What’s Behind the Poll Shocker?

TRUMP And HARRIS Neck-And-Neck: What’s Behind the Poll Shocker?

Recent polls show a tight race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, with both candidates nearly tied. Just last month, Harris was ahead in election and favorability ratings. Now, her lead is gone, sparking questions about why voters are changing their minds.

NBC’s Savannah Guthrie talked with analyst Steve Kornacki about this shift. He explained how Harris’s favorability ratings have reversed. Last month, she had a 48% positive rating compared to Trump’s steady numbers. Now her positive rating has fallen to 43%, while her negative rating jumped to 49%.

Kornacki noted that this change brings Harris’s ratings closer to Trump’s figures. He also mentioned an interesting twist about public views on Trump’s presidency. Recent polling shows that 44% of voters think Trump’s policies helped their families more than during his time in office.

UK BRACES for MORE Violence Amid Anti-Immigrant Unrest

UK BRACES for MORE Violence Amid Anti-Immigrant Unrest

British authorities are preparing for more unrest despite efforts to stop far-right demonstrations. Prime Minister Keir Starmer emphasized the need for continued vigilance after a week of anti-immigrant violence across the country.

Starmer spoke to reporters at a mosque in Solihull, highlighting ongoing emergency meetings with law enforcement. “It’s important that we don’t let up here,” he stated, stressing the importance of planning for the coming days.

Police had anticipated widespread disorder after far-right activists listed over 100 sites to target, including immigration lawyers’ offices. However, these protests did not materialize as police and counter-protesters took to the streets in large numbers.

Carrying signs like “Refugees Welcome” and chanting “Whose streets? Our streets,” counter-protesters protected asylum service centers and immigration attorneys’ offices from potential attacks. The situation remains tense as authorities stay on high alert for future disturbances.

Biden’s BORDER Crisis: SHOCKING Numbers Reveal the Truth

The border crisis under President Biden is getting worse. New data shows a record number of illegal crossings. Many Americans are worried about the impact on our country’s safety and economy.

In August alone, over 200,000 illegal immigrants were caught crossing the southern border. This is a huge increase from previous months. Border Patrol agents are overwhelmed and struggling to keep up with the surge.

Critics say Biden’s policies are to blame for this crisis. They argue that his administration has been too lenient on immigration laws. This has encouraged more people to try and enter the U.S. illegally, putting strain on resources and communities near the border.

Supporters of stricter immigration laws believe that tougher measures are needed now more than ever. They call for stronger enforcement at the border and policies that discourage illegal crossings altogether. The situation remains tense as America watches how this issue will unfold in the coming months under Biden’s leadership.

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SUNAK SHOCKS Nation: Calls Surprise Election for July 4

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has shocked many by calling a general election for July 4. Known for being thorough and evidence-led, this move contrasts sharply with his usual cautious approach.

Opinion polls suggest that Sunak’s Conservative Party is trailing behind the opposition Labour Party, which could spell trouble for his leadership. Sunak took office in October 2022, replacing Liz Truss after her economic policies caused market turmoil.

Sunak had warned against Truss’s unfunded tax cuts, predicting economic havoc that indeed followed. His rise to power was rapid, becoming Britain’s first leader of color and youngest prime minister in over two centuries at age 42.

Sunak previously served as Treasury chief during the coronavirus pandemic, where he introduced an unprecedented economic support package. Now at age 44, he faces a critical test with this upcoming election amid challenging political landscapes.

SOUTH KOREAN Election Shocker: Voters Lean Left in Historic Turn

SOUTH KOREAN Election Shocker: Voters Lean Left in Historic Turn

South Korean voters, upset by the economic slump, are showing their disapproval towards President Yoon Suk-yeol and his ruling People Power Party (PPP). Early exit polls indicate a dramatic tilt in the National Assembly, with the opposition DP/DUP coalition on track to win between 168 and 193 of the 300 seats. This would leave Yoon’s PPP and its partners trailing with just 87-111 seats.

A record-breaking turnout of 67 percent — the highest for a midterm election since 1992 — reflects widespread voter engagement. South Korea’s unique proportional representation system aims to give smaller parties a chance but has resulted in a crowded field that confuses many voters.

PPP leader Han Dong-hoon has publicly recognized the disappointing exit poll figures. He pledged to honor the electorate’s decision and wait for the final tally. The election results could mark a pivotal change in South Korea’s political landscape, hinting at broader shifts ahead.

This electoral outcome underscores growing public discontent with current economic policies and signals a desire for change among South Korean voters, potentially reshaping the nation’s policy direction in years to come.

TRUMP SURGES Ahead in Michigan: Biden’s Struggle to Secure Base Exposed

TRUMP SURGES Ahead in Michigan: Biden’s Struggle to Secure Base Exposed

A recent trial ballot in Michigan has revealed a surprising lead for Trump over Biden, with 47 percent favoring the former president compared to 44 percent for the incumbent. This result falls within the survey’s ±3 percent margin of error, leaving nine percent of voters still undecided.

In a more complex five-way trial ballot test, Trump maintains his lead at 44 percent against Biden’s 42 percent. The remaining votes are split among independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein, and independent Cornel West.

Steve Mitchell, president of Mitchell Research, attributes Trump’s lead to Biden’s lackluster support from African Americans and younger voters. He forecasts a nail-biting contest ahead as the victory will likely hinge on which candidate can rally their base more effectively.

In a head-to-head choice between Trump and Biden, an overwhelming 90 percent of Republican Michiganders back Trump while only 84 percent of Democrats support Biden. This poll report underscores an uncomfortable situation for Biden as he loses a significant 12 percent chunk of his vote to former President Trump.

ANC on SHAKY Ground: South Africa’s Opposition Parties Gaining Momentum

ANC on SHAKY Ground: South Africa’s Opposition Parties Gaining Momentum

Recent polling data indicates a potential shift in South Africa’s political scene, the likes of which haven’t been seen since 1994. The ruling party, the African National Congress (ANC), has experienced a decline in support from 44% to 39% since November 2022.

On the other hand, the opposition Democratic Alliance (DA) has seen its share rise from 23% to a notable 27%. A newcomer on the scene, the MK Party, has made an impressive debut with a surprising 13%, while support for the radical Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party has dwindled to just 10%.

This changing landscape could potentially pave the way for DA to form a majority coalition with other parties excluding ANC and EFF. This tactic proved successful in Cape Town’s municipal elections back in 2006. Despite ANC’s historical appeal due to its instrumental role in ending apartheid, ongoing issues such as electricity and water shortages, high crime rates, and rampant corruption have strained voters’ loyalty.

The shifting political climate suggests that voters are seeking change and are willing to look beyond traditional party lines. This could lead to significant changes in South Africa’s political landscape moving forward.

WHO Chief SOUNDS Alarm on ‘Disease X’: The Inevitable Threat We’re Not Ready For

WHO Chief SOUNDS Alarm on ‘Disease X’: The Inevitable Threat We’re Not Ready For

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General, Tedros Ghebreyesus, has issued a stark warning about the looming threat of “Disease X”. Speaking at the World Government Summit in Dubai, he stressed that another pandemic is not just likely — it’s inevitable.

Tedros, who accurately predicted a similar outbreak in 2018 before COVID-19 hit, criticized the world’s lack of readiness. He dismissed any doubts that his call for a global treaty by May was simply an effort to expand WHO’s influence.

Tedros labels the proposed treaty as “mission critical for humanity”. Despite some advancements in disease surveillance and vaccine production capabilities, he maintains that we are still ill-prepared for another pandemic.

Reflecting on COVID-19’s severe impact, Tedros underscored the urgency of addressing this issue. The world is still wrestling with social, economic and political aftershocks from the ongoing pandemic.

TIME to STOP Iran’s Terror Funding: The Unholy Alliance Exposed

TIME to STOP Iran’s Terror Funding: The Unholy Alliance Exposed

The current geopolitical landscape has raised serious concerns, according to a recent statement by Lawler. He drew attention to an emerging alliance between China, Russia, and Iran that is becoming increasingly visible. Notably, he identified China as the largest consumer of Iranian petroleum. These sales are providing financial support for dangerous terrorist groups.

Lawler stressed the need for immediate action against Iran in response to over 150 attacks on U.S. military bases and personnel since October 7. Tragically, these assaults have resulted in three servicemembers losing their lives. He called on the administration for a decisive response against Iran.

A bipartisan bill designed to curb illegal funds supporting terrorism was approved in the House after October 7 but has hit a roadblock in the Senate. Lawler urged both Senate and administration officials to advance this bill as part of a comprehensive strategy against these threats.

Lawler believes that an effective response should not only be military or diplomatic but also economic: cutting off funding at its roots. This multi-pronged approach is essential for effectively fighting terrorism.

Britain's post-Brexit trade talks with Canada break down as they ...

UK-CANADA Trade Talks GRIND to a Halt: The Beef and Cheese Battle That’s Costing Billions

The UK government has unexpectedly put the brakes on post-Brexit trade talks with Canada. This sudden move follows a two-year stalemate over beef and cheese imports and exports, which began after Britain officially left the European Union.

Trade between these nations, valued at roughly 26 billion pounds ($33 billion) per year, has mostly persisted under the initial agreement made while Britain was still an EU member. However, Canadian negotiators are feeling the heat from their own beef industry and local cheesemakers. The former is pushing for access to the UK market for hormone-fed beef, while cheesemakers are raising alarms about tariff-free imports of British cheese.

The privilege of tariff-free British cheese exports came to a halt at the close of 2023 when a temporary agreement expired. This change led to a staggering 245% duty hike for British producers. Canada’s trade minister Mary Ng firmly stated that Canada “will never agree to a deal that isn’t beneficial for our workers, farmers and businesses.” Minette Batters, president of the National Farmers’ Union in England and Wales praised Britain’s resistance against hormone-fed beef imports.

Despite this hiccup in negotiations, the UK government remains open-minded about future discussions. However, any significant progress appears unlikely at present.

Japan reports on Nippon, U.S. Steel acquisition | Pittsburgh Post ...

US STEEL Takeover: BLOCKING Japanese Buyout Could Save American Jobs

Nippon Steel, Japan’s leading steel company, is facing a storm of criticism over its planned $14 billion acquisition of U.S. Steel Corporation. The deal, unveiled on Monday, values U.S. Steel at $55 per share and has sparked immediate opposition, especially in the Rust Belt where U.S. Steel has been a cornerstone since 1901.

Despite U.S. Steel’s assurances that the merger would unite “two storied companies with rich histories,” lawmakers are demanding action. Senators J.D. Vance (R-OH), Josh Hawley (R-MO), and Marco Rubio (R-FL) have written to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen urging the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) to halt the deal.

The senators contend that domestic steel production is vital for national security and needs careful scrutiny before permitting foreign investment. CFIUS, led by Yellen, holds the authority to stop such investments after a review process.

While experts predict CFIUS is more likely to block deals involving countries perceived as adversaries like Russia or China rather than allies like Japan, this situation highlights bipartisan worries about foreign control over crucial industries.

Bipartisan Committee CALLS for END of China’s Trade Status: A Potential Jolt to US Economy

Bipartisan Committee CALLS for END of China’s Trade Status: A Potential Jolt to US Economy

A bipartisan committee, led by Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) and Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL), has been studying the economic effects of China on the US for a year. The investigation centered on job market changes, manufacturing shifts, and national security concerns since China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001.

The committee released a report this Tuesday recommending President Joe Biden’s administration and Congress to implement nearly 150 policies to counteract China’s economic influence. One significant suggestion is to cancel China’s permanent normal trade relations status (PNTR) with the U.S., a status endorsed by former President George W. Bush in 2001.

The report argues that granting PNTR to China did not bring anticipated benefits for the US or trigger expected reforms in China. It asserts that this has led to a loss of vital U.S. economic leverage and inflicted damage on U.S industry, workers, and manufacturers due to unfair trade practices.

The committee proposes shifting China into a new tariff category that reinstates U.S economic leverage while reducing dependence on Chinese

Why Biden is keeping Trump's China tariffs in place | CNN Politics

US-CHINA Economic Reset PROPOSED: Will Higher Tariffs Be the New Norm?

A bipartisan committee in the House has put forth a proposal for a complete overhaul of US economic ties with China. This includes the suggestion of implementing higher tariffs. The pivotal recommendations were released in an extensive report by the House Select Committee on Strategic Competition Between the United States and Chinese Communist Party, chaired by Mike Gallagher (R-WI) and Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL).

The report posits that since its induction into the World Trade Organization in 2001, Beijing has been engaged in an economic conflict against both the US and its allies. It outlines three key strategies: revamping America’s economic relationship with China, limiting U.S. capital and technological inflow into China, and strengthening U.S. economic resilience with allied support.

One notable recommendation is to shift China to a new tariff column to enforce more robust tariffs. The committee also suggests imposing tariffs on essential semiconductor chips used in everyday devices like phones and cars. This move aims to prevent Chinese domination in this sector from granting Beijing undue control over global economy.

OIL TYCOONS Rule COP28: A Shocking Paradox or a Bold Leap for Climate Goals?

OIL TYCOONS Rule COP28: A Shocking Paradox or a Bold Leap for Climate Goals?

The forthcoming COP28 climate summit, to be held in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is stirring up a storm of controversy. Critics are questioning the seemingly ironic choice of Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, CEO of UAE’s state oil company, as the event’s overseer.

UK Guardian columnist Marina Hyde has expressed concerns about this decision. She compares it to China’s temporary factory closures during the 2008 Olympics for cleaner air. She questions whether UAE will also pause its gas flaring operations during the conference.

Climate advocates fear that powerful politicians and industrialists could twist climate policies for personal gain. These fears are amplified by reports that Al Jaber and UAE may exploit COP28 to broker oil and gas deals with other nations.

Despite these apprehensions, some believe that involving major oil producers is key to meeting climate objectives. But with President Joe Biden absent and protests pushed to distant locations, doubts over COP28’s effectiveness continue to mount.

EXPOSED: BIDEN and Elites’ Unsettling Alliance with China

EXPOSED: BIDEN and Elites’ Unsettling Alliance with China

President Joe Biden’s recent actions have stirred up a storm of controversy. His apparent dismissal of the idea of “decoupling” from China is causing concern among conservatives. These revelations come from a new book, Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, Their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life.

The book suggests that global elites and politicians like Biden and California Governor Gavin Newsom are actively pushing for a closer resemblance between the U.S. and its Communist adversary. It alleges that these individuals view Beijing’s elites not as threats or rivals but as business partners.

Among those named in these claims are influential figures such as BlackRock’s Larry Fink, Apple’s Tim Cook, and Blackstone’s Stephen Schwarzman. These business leaders were reportedly present at a dinner honoring Chinese Communist Party Leader Xi Jinping where they stood in applause for Chairman Xi.

This revelation comes at a time when concerns over China’s influence on global politics are growing. It highlights the urgent need for transparency in dealings between American leaders and foreign powers.

STATE DEPARTMENT’S ‘Worldwide Caution’: The Shocking Implications for American Holiday Travelers

STATE DEPARTMENT’S ‘Worldwide Caution’: The Shocking Implications for American Holiday Travelers

As the holiday season draws near, the State Department’s recent “Worldwide Caution” travel advisory has sparked anxiety among many Americans. However, experts reassure that conditions in most popular tourist spots remain stable.

James Hess, a professor at the School of Security and Global Studies at American Public University System, encourages alertness during international travel. Despite a seemingly delicate global security scene due to the Israel-Hamas conflict, he believes that Americans are savvy travelers.

The advisory came in response to escalating conflict in Gaza and was reissued last week. It cautions about potential terrorist attacks or violent incidents targeting U.S. citizens and interests overseas.

Despite these warnings, Hess underscores that tourism is a vital economic lifeline for many nations who strive to make American tourists feel secure during their visits.

Industrial artificial intelligence for the Frontier Program - Partners

FRONTIER AI: A Ticking Time Bomb? World Leaders and Tech Titans Convene to Discuss Risks

The latest buzzword in the realm of artificial intelligence, Frontier AI, has been causing a stir due to its potential threats to human existence. Advanced chatbots like ChatGPT have dazzled with their capabilities, but fears about the risks associated with such technology are escalating. Top researchers, leading AI companies, and governments are advocating for protective measures against these looming dangers.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is orchestrating a two-day summit on frontier AI at Bletchley Park. The event is set to draw around 100 officials from 28 nations including U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. Executives from prominent U.S. artificial intelligence firms such as OpenAI, Google’s Deepmind and Anthropic will also be in attendance.

Sunak asserts that only governments can shield people from the hazards posed by this technology. However, he stressed that the U.K.'s strategy is not to hastily impose regulation despite identifying potential threats like using AI for crafting chemical or biological weapons.

Jeff Clune, an associate computer science professor at the University of British Columbia who specializes in AI and machine learning was among those urging for more government intervention in mitigating risks from AI last week — echoing warnings issued by tech tycoons like Elon Musk and Open

Rishi Sunak - Wikipedia

Rishi Sunak’s TURBULENT First Year: Is History About to REPEAT Itself for the Conservatives?

Rishi Sunak, UK Prime Minister, has marked his first year in office amidst a storm of international conflicts and domestic challenges. His Conservative Party is haunted by the ghost of 1996, when they were dethroned by the Labour Party after ruling for more than a decade.

Recent opinion polls reveal that the Conservatives are lagging 15 to 20 points behind Labour. This gap has remained steady throughout Sunak’s term. An Ipsos poll showed that a whopping 65% of respondents felt the Conservatives did not deserve another term, while merely 19% believed they did.

The ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict and Russia’s war in Ukraine have added layers of complexity to Sunak’s situation. Despite acknowledging his challenging year and vowing to continue serving hardworking families nationwide, there are widespread fears these hurdles may trigger another Conservative downfall.

UK inflation dips slightly to 10.1% | Business News | Sky News

UK Inflation DEFIES Predictions, STAYS at 67%: What’s Next for the Economy?

The UK’s inflation rate held steady at 6.7% in September, flying in the face of economists’ predictions for a slight decrease. The Office for National Statistics highlighted that while food and drink prices dipped, they were counterbalanced by an uptick in fuel costs.

This persistent inflation rate is more than triple the Bank of England’s target of 2%. Despite this, it is not expected that the bank will hike interest rates during its November policy meeting. Instead, it seems set to keep its main borrowing rate at a peak not seen in 15 years — a hefty 5.25%.

James Smith from the Resolution Foundation think tank offered his perspective on this economic puzzle: “For now, progress on reducing inflation has hit a roadblock.” He anticipates a significant drop to below 5% next month as energy prices are projected to fall for most consumers.

In response to price surges triggered by pandemic-induced supply chain disruptions and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine — both factors contributing heavily to increased food and energy costs — the Bank of England has been steadily cranking up interest rates from near zero levels.

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ISRAEL-HAMAS Conflict Sparks Heated Debate at Harvard: Students Caught in the Crossfire

Harvard University, a renowned center for political and philosophical debate, finds itself in the throes of a heated discussion over the Israel-Hamas conflict. The recent outbreak of war has led to a polarized campus atmosphere filled with apprehension.

Pro-Palestine student organizations have released a statement attributing the escalating violence solely to Israel. This declaration ignited immediate backlash from Jewish student groups accusing them of endorsing Hamas attacks.

Pro-Palestinian students refute these accusations, stating their message has been misinterpreted. The discord on campus reflects the nationwide debate over this sensitive issue.

Students associated with these groups are experiencing intense criticism both within university grounds and on social media platforms. Amidst this fiery controversy, both pro-Palestinian and Jewish students report feelings of fear and alienation.

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HURRICANE MILTON’S Fury: Florida’s Resilience Shines Through

Hurricane Milton hit Florida as a Category 3 storm, unleashing winds up to 145 mph and causing widespread damage. Over 3 million residents lost power, and massive flooding followed. Governor Ron DeSantis noted the storm’s path spared Tampa from a direct hit, preventing a worst-case scenario.

The hurricane triggered 150 tornadoes that flattened homes and infrastructure, resulting in at least four deaths. Rescue operations are ongoing across 26 counties with over 125 missions active. Governor DeSantis confirmed more than 48 successful rescues despite hazardous conditions in several areas.

Flooding remains a major issue, especially in Sarasota County where storm surges reached up to 10 feet and rainfall hit 18 inches in some spots. A construction crane collapsed into an office building in Tampa due to the deluge, highlighting infrastructure weaknesses as water levels rise along rivers and waterways.

Florida’s resilience shines as communities unite for recovery efforts after Hurricane Milton. Charitable organizations provide essential supplies while the state focuses on restoring power and ensuring citizen safety. This experience emphasizes preparedness and community strength against natural disasters’ challenges.

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