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VESUVIUS SECRET Unearthed: AI Reveals Ancient Texts Hidden for Millennia

VESUVIUS SECRET Unearthed: AI Reveals Ancient Texts Hidden for Millennia

A group of scientists has managed to decode ancient texts, hidden and scorched by the notorious Mount Vesuvius eruption in 79 A.D., with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). These texts, nearly two millennia old, were unearthed from a villa in Herculaneum, a Roman town close to Pompeii. The villa is thought to have been owned by Julius Caesar’s father-in-law.

For hundreds of years, these texts remained undecipherable due to the damage inflicted by volcanic debris. They were accidentally discovered by an Italian farmer in the mid-18th century. However, due to their fragile state and previous failed attempts at unrolling them, only about 5% of the scrolls could initially be decoded.

The scrolls are filled with philosophical musings written in Greek. A significant breakthrough happened last year when Dr. Brent Seales and his team from the University of Kentucky used high-resolution CT scans to digitally unroll these ancient writings. Despite this progress, distinguishing black carbon ink on burnt papyrus remained a hurdle until AI came into play.

Even today hundreds of these priceless scrolls remain untouched and indecipherable. With AI paving the way for new discoveries, we may soon unlock more secrets hidden within this ancient Roman treasure chest.

FREEBIES and SECRET Meetings: Biden’s Business Associate Spills The Beans

FREEBIES and SECRET Meetings: Biden’s Business Associate Spills The Beans

Eric Schwerin, a former business associate of the Biden family, made some startling admissions during a House impeachment inquiry deposition on Tuesday. He confessed to offering Joe Biden free professional services and having multiple meetings with him.

In addition to these revelations, Schwerin disclosed his appointment to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage board during Obama-Biden’s tenure. Coincidentally, Elizabeth Naftali, a Democrat donor who also purchased Hunter Biden’s art, was appointed to this same board after her acquisition.

Despite these disclosures, Schwerin maintains he had no insight into key foreign payments made to the Bidens. As former president of Rosemont Seneca Partners — a fund established by Hunter Biden that brokered profitable business deals in Russia, Ukraine, China and Romania — this claim raises eyebrows.

House investigators are now digging deeper into Schwerin’s involvement in these overseas business transactions and any knowledge or participation by Joe Biden himself. Visitor logs reveal that Schwerin stepped foot in the White House no less than 27 times during Joe Biden’s vice presidency.

REVEALED: Hamas SHOCKING Deception — Secret Attack Plans on Israel While ‘Governing’ Gaza

REVEALED: Hamas SHOCKING Deception — Secret Attack Plans on Israel While ‘Governing’ Gaza

In a recent Russian TV interview, senior Hamas official, Ali Baraka, dropped a bombshell. He revealed that while the group projected an image of governance and concern for the welfare of 2.5 million Palestinians in Gaza, they were secretly planning attacks on Israel for years.

Baraka confirmed their deceptive tactics. While appearing to be engrossed in governance, they were covertly preparing for a large-scale assault. He boasted that their rockets could target all parts of Palestine and even bragged about bombing Tel Aviv on the first day of their attack.

This startling admission has put Israeli intelligence under intense scrutiny for failing to foresee this surprise attack. Baraka’s statements have exposed Hamas’ duplicitous strategies and underscored their readiness to sacrifice themselves in what they believe is a defense of their land.

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