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Depp v Heard verdict

Depp v Heard VERDICT

Depp-Heard “JUROR” Speaks Out, BUT is he LEGIT?

Depp v Heard jury

FACT-CHECK GUARANTEE (References): [Straight from the source: 2 sources] 


04 June 2022 | By Richard AhernA day after the Depp v Heard verdict, an alleged juror took to TikTok to share his thoughts on the trial. He has now deleted his account, but not before we got a good look!

The male “juror,” who hasn’t shown his face and wishes to stay anonymous, posted a video shortly after leaving court with the caption: “My thoughts on the trial.” Filmed inside a vehicle with the camera pointing upwards, we hear him tell us he was one of the seven jurors who decided Depp vs Heard.

He did not mince words…

In the minute-long video posted to TikTok, he spoke about Amber Heard, commenting that “everything she was saying came off like b***s**t.” He said his verdict was in favor of Depp because “that was my gut feeling.”

“Amber Heard, what a crazy woman,” he concluded.

The juror, who goes by the username “seekinginfinite,” told TikTok users to leave comments if they had any questions.

A tidal wave of questions followed…

When asked if the jury thought “Johnny physically abused her at all,” the supposed juror gave an inconsistent reply, saying, “Yes we did, but didn’t believe he was the instigator, and not to the extent she abused him.”

When questioned if there were moments in the trial when he saw who the “actual victim” was, the self-professed juror said Amber Heard “reminded me of my ex how she used to gaslight. I trusted my gut.”

One user asked why Amber was awarded one of her claims despite losing all three of Depp’s claims. The juror responded, “It was a compromise. The jury has to be unanimous. I was all in favor of Depp 100%.”

When quizzed about the amount the jury awarded Depp, he simply said, “Jury could not agree on the amount.” He elaborated further on another comment, saying they found $50 million an “unrealistic amount,” so they “found a happy medium” with $15 million against Ms. Heard.

“Did everyone on the jury hate Amber?” one TikTok user asked.

“Not hate, but most didn’t empathize,” he replied.

When asked about Amber’s intense eye contact during testimony, the purported juror admitted it was so uncomfortable that he “couldn’t even look at her anymore.” This is consistent with reporting from a lawyer in the gallery, who said there was a male juror who was particularly averse to eye contact with Heard.

So, was he really a juror?

Whether he was, in fact, on the jury can’t be confirmed due to his anonymous postings. However, in response to skepticism, he did post a video of his “juror badge” and summons.

But that raised more suspicion:

One diligent user wasn’t convinced and believed the badge was from a California court, but this trial was in Virginia. Accordingly, when comparing the video he posted with an example of a California summons, they do look suspiciously identical.

Here’s the kicker:

Buried in the pile of questions, he replied to one user saying he’d done jury duty before when he lived in California. Interesting!

This presumed juror clearly knows a fair bit about the trial, but it was televised worldwide and an internet sensation, thus proving nothing. Unfortunately, it appears he hasn’t offered any unique information that only a juror would know.

To say nothing of the inconsistency in some of his answers, such as saying “yes we did” when asked if the jury ever thought Depp physically abused Heard. In the same way, when asked why they gave Amber “that one win,” the self-proclaimed juror responded, “Not all the jurors agreed, it was a compromise.” Not sure it’s meant to work like that when applying the law to a separate claim!

Interestingly, on his last video, he says he may reveal his identity in a month to prove he was on the jury. He also described himself as an Asian man, and we know reporters in the gallery have confirmed the jury consisted of several Asian males. Even so, anyone who has done some internet research on the trial would know that.

Here’s the bottom line:

There are red flags, but we can’t prove or disprove this TikTok user was a jury member, so the jury is still out on that one!

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Johnny Depp WINS Defamation Trial Against Amber Heard

Depp v Heard verdict

FACT-CHECK GUARANTEE (References): [Straight from the source: 3 sources]


01 June 2022 | By Richard AhernAfter three days of deliberation, the jury returned a verdict in favor of Johnny Depp, awarding him $15 million in damages.

The jury said Depp had met his burden of proof on all accounts and that Heard’s 2018 op-ed had defamed him. In a nutshell, the jury found that Amber Heard’s allegations were not believable.

Depp was awarded $10 million in compensatory damages and $5 million in punitive (intended as punishment) damages against Heard. However, the punitive damages will be capped by law to $350,000.

But wait, there’s more…

The jury found that one of the Depp-Waldman statements was defamatory — this was the statement about Heard’s friends conspiring with her to frame Depp. As a result, they awarded Heard $2 million in compensatory damages but no punitive damages.

Amber Heard was in the courtroom while the verdict was read and showed little reaction other than looking increasingly downcast as time went on. Mr. Depp was not present for the verdict due to headlining a music event with Jeff Beck in the UK.

Both parties released statements shortly after…

Johnny Depp released a statement thanking everyone for the support, saying, “six years later, the jury gave me my life back.” In sharp contrast, Amber Heard said that the verdict “is a setback” for all women. “I’m sad I lost this case,” she concluded.

Here’s the bottom line:

Despite Heard’s small $2 million win, this is a clear victory for Johnny Depp. Ultimately, the jury decided that Heard’s story was not true and punished her with punitive damages.

Learn more about the Depp vs Heard trial...

Link to Johnny Depp v Amber Heard

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