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Anti-Racism Training

Whistleblower REVEALS Corrupt Anti-Racism Training at Bank of America

Bank of America anti-racism training

FACT-CHECK GUARANTEE (References): [Straight from the source: 2 sources]

22 August 2021 | By Richard Ahern – Leaked documents show an insane anti-racism training program for Bank of America employees that claims white toddlers develop racial biases by the age of three! 

In another story of corporate America going woke, a whistleblower has released documents of a 21-day “Racial Equity Challenge” training program by Bank of America (BOA). This race-training program is part of BOA’s equality initiative based on the principles of critical race theory, systemic racism, and white privilege. 

From day 1 the program teaches employees that the United States is a racist country that uses “race to establish and justify systems of power, privilege, disenfranchisement, and oppression,”. They claim that this gives white people a significant advantage over people of color. 

This is shocking:

The program even mentions that white toddlers develop racial biases by ages three to five and that they “should be actively taught to recognize and reject the ‘smog’ of white privilege.”

The program claims that only white people can be racist because “racism is used to justify the position of the dominant group… and to uphold white supremacy and superiority.”

It gets worse…

Once employees have learned those important concepts, they are then taught how to confront their “white privilege” and “white fragility,” and they take tests to establish where they land on the “privilege spectrum”.

Throughout the middle of the course, employees are taught about a range of progressive concepts such as microaggressions, the abolishment of the police, and environmental justice. The course actively encourages the defunding and abolishment of the police because it was supposedly founded on slavery. 

As the course comes to an end, employees are told to be “woke at work” and that they must accept white supremacy is real and “cede power to people of color”.

Here’s the deal:

Just like the course tells white employees to “decolonize your mind”, perhaps instead, we should decolonize our money from Bank of America!?

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