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2024 Presidential Election: LATEST News, Polls, and Timeline

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Donald Trump shifts his attention to Vice President Kamala Harris at his latest rally following Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 race, launching a series of aggressive criticisms against her.

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump possess extensive foreign policy experience and have articulated firm stances on global hot spots, a departure from the norm in presidential elections.

President Joe Biden staunchly resists mounting pressure from within his party to step down, shifting focus to caution against a potential second term for Donald Trump and asserting his determination by stating, "I am not finished yet.

Former President Donald Trump denies any knowledge of a proposed extensive restructuring of the federal government put forth by his former administration officials.

President Joe Biden issues a warning about a Supreme Court ruling that could grant presidents extensive immunity from prosecution. Biden suggests that such a ruling could empower Republican Donald Trump if he were to return to the White House, allowing him free rein to act as he pleases.

Former President Donald Trump criticizes President Joe Biden’s performance in the first debate before the November election, suggesting Biden fell short of expectations.

Trump, who previously criticized Biden’s competence, shifts his approach ahead of the debate. Despite months of portraying President Joe Biden as mentally unfit, Trump now adjusts his rhetoric.

President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign launches a $50 million advertising campaign in battleground states to emphasize the differences between Biden and former President Donald Trump after Trump’s felony conviction in New York.

Global poll results show higher trust in President Joe Biden to make the right decisions compared to former President Donald Trump, his opponent in the recent U.S. elections.

President Joe Biden will conclude his trip to France with a visit to an American military cemetery, a stark contrast to former President Trump’s decision to skip this solemn tradition during his time in office.

President Joe Biden unveils long-anticipated asylum restrictions aimed at regaining control of the U.S.-Mexico border. The American Civil Liberties Union threatens legal action against Biden’s plan to swiftly impose strict limits on asylum seekers at the border.

President Joe Biden dismisses Donald Trump’s allegations regarding a hush money conviction as “reckless” amidst his campaign’s efforts to address the verdict. Biden emphasizes that Trump was unanimously found guilty by a jury and criticizes any insinuation of rigging as irresponsible and dangerous.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump are nearing the conclusion of the presidential primaries, with both candidates securing significant victories.

Republicans in Congress increasingly question the legitimacy of President Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory as Donald Trump seeks to reclaim power.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump’s sudden agreement to participate in two presidential debates has disrupted the traditional debate format that has been in place for almost forty years.

President Biden imposes a 102% tariff on Chinese electric vehicles, alleging that China’s unfair government subsidies put American companies at a disadvantage in global trade. Biden argues that these tariffs are necessary to level the playing field and protect American businesses.

President Joe Biden criticizes the new Microsoft center, built on the site of Trump’s unsuccessful Foxconn project in southeastern Wisconsin, which promised but failed to deliver thousands of jobs.

Trump accuses Biden of running a “Gestapo” administration, likening it to tactics used in Nazi Germany. Speaking to Republican donors at his Florida resort, Trump criticizes President Biden’s approach as reminiscent of oppressive regimes.

President Joe Biden attempts to secure votes by mocking Donald Trump, aiming to provoke a reaction and highlight Trump’s past mistakes. Biden’s strategy involves using humor as a tool to undermine his predecessor and sway public opinion in his favor.

President Joe Biden plans to deliver an election-year roast at the annual correspondents’ dinner amidst looming protests over the Gaza war. The event is expected to draw a large crowd of journalists, celebrities, and politicians.

President Joe Biden points fingers at Donald Trump for the abortion ban in Florida and other nationwide restrictions impacting pregnant women’s access to care.

President Joe Biden begins a three-day campaign in Pennsylvania with a visit to his childhood home in Scranton. He advocates for higher taxes on the wealthy and labels Donald Trump as disconnected from ordinary Americans. Biden’s rhetoric aims to contrast his roots with Trump’s affluent background.

Twelve news outlets jointly demand Joe Biden and Donald Trump commit to debates in the upcoming presidential race. They argue that voters deserve to hear directly from the candidates. This move underscores the importance of transparency and accountability in the election process.

A recent AP-NORC poll reveals over half of U.S. adults believe President Joe Biden’s policies have negatively impacted the nation’s cost of living and immigration issues.

Donald Trump criticizes President Joe Biden’s management of the U.S., using terms that Democrats have previously condemned. Trump continues to voice his disapproval of Biden’s leadership.

President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign is amassing significant funds. The strategy for the election year appears to be a rapid and increased spending approach.

Donald Trump’s political machine is garnering widespread acclaim for its efficiency and success during the Republican nomination contest.

The prospect of a 2020 presidential election rematch in November seems to be met with lukewarm response from many Americans. However, it appears that the potential GOP nominee Donald Trump incites more fear and anger among Democrats than President Joe Biden does among his Republican counterparts.

A critical hearing is set for this week in New York regarding the hush money case involving former President Donald Trump. The judge will decide on the trial date for the former president.

Stalled cease-fire negotiations between Israel and Hamas are set to restart in Qatar this Sunday, as reported by Egyptian officials.

Former President Donald Trump, campaigning for Ohio Senate candidate Bernie Moreno, asserts that he is the true defender of Social Security. He also warns of dire consequences if he loses in the upcoming November elections.

The stage is set for a political rematch as President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump secure their party nominations. This marks a rare occurrence in modern politics, with both leaders preparing for another face-off in the upcoming November election.

President Joe Biden draws ire from his allies for labeling the Georgia nursing student’s killer as an “illegal” in his State of the Union address. This unexpected choice of words has left some supporters feeling let down and frustrated.

The recent ruling quashes efforts in multiple states to terminate Trump’s candidacy via the 14th Amendment. However, this could potentially lead to more electoral ambiguity.

In a controversial move, an Illinois judge orders the State Board of Elections to remove former President Donald Trump’s name from the upcoming March 19 primary ballot.

Donald Trump decisively defeated Nikki Haley in the South Carolina primary. This victory underscores his broad support among Republican voters, as he outperformed his last significant opponent in her own state.

Eric Hovde, a Republican, is challenging Democrat Baldwin for a Wisconsin US Senate seat. Meanwhile, the Alabama Supreme Court has declared that frozen embryos from fertility treatments are to be recognized as children under state law.

Michigan activists’ lawyers are pushing for a state Supreme Court hearing. They’re appealing a lower court’s decision that could put former President Donald Trump’s name back on the state’s presidential primary ballot.

A New York judge rules that the jury will remain anonymous in a defamation lawsuit against former President Donald Trump. The decision is based on Trump’s “frequent public remarks.” The lawsuit was filed by a writer alleging sexual misconduct by Trump in the 90s.

DeSantis sinks in GOP polls, barely holding second place as Trump remains far ahead at almost 60%.

Nikki Haley surges ahead to 3rd in the GOP polls, overtaking Ramaswamy and trailing DeSantis by just 7%.

Donald Trump leads Joe Biden by 10 points in a new Washington Post and ABC News poll.

Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/09/24/biden-trump-poll-2024-election/

Trump is polling the highest ever with black and Hispanic voters. According to an analysis by the Washington Post, the former president is gaining significant support with non-white voters who historically have voted Democrat.

Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/09/19/trump-poll-support-black-hispanic/

After a consistent uptrend, Vivek Ramaswamy’s poll numbers begin to lose steam and decline to just 7% as Trump’s popularity climbs to over 55%.

Biden’s poll numbers continue to sink as a CNN poll shows the President trailing most Republican challengers, including Trump, Pence, Ramaswamy, Christie, Scott, and Haley.

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/07/politics/cnn-poll-joe-biden-headwinds/index.html

According to a CNN poll, over 67% of Democrat voters don’t want Joe Biden as the 2024 nominee. A majority listed their primary concern as Biden’s age and mental competence.

Source: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23940784-cnn-poll

A Wall Street Journal poll showed Trump widening his lead in the GOP primaries, with 59 percent of surveyed voters supporting the former president. The poll also indicated a tie between Trump and Biden if the election were held today.

Source: https://www.wsj.com/politics/elections/trump-is-top-choice-for-nearly-60-of-gop-voters-wsj-poll-shows-877252b6

Donald Trump pleads not guilty in the Georgia election fraud case and waives his right to appear at the arraignment next week.

For the first time since April, Donald Trump’s average polling percentage has dropped below 50% in the Republic primaries after his Georgia indictment and the first GOP debate.

At the first GOP debate, which Donald Trump did not attend, most candidates took aim at Vivek Ramaswamy, who largely dominated the entire event. After the debate, the 38-year-old former biotech CEO saw a sharp uptick in polls, surpassing 10% and now only 4% behind second-place Ron DeSantis.

Donald Trump has chosen to skip the upcoming Republican primary debate and instead attend an interview with ex-Fox News personality Tucker Carlson. Trump’s decision, influenced by his commanding lead in national GOP polls, aims to avoid unnecessary on-stage confrontations.

Former Roivant Sciences founder Vivek Ramaswamy continues to rise in the Republican primary polls. He currently positions at 7.5% between leading Republican candidate Donald Trump and Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis, who now polls at under 15%.

Trump fires back at prosecutors with a bold warning on Truth Social, saying, “If you go after me, I’m coming after you!”

Source: https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110833185720203438

Donald Trump has been charged with four new criminal counts, including conspiracy to defraud the US and obstruction of an official proceeding on 6 January 2021. Trump accused officials of “Corruption, Scandal, and Failure.”

Ex-vice president Mike Pence expressed doubt about the criminality of Donald Trump’s actions linked to the 6th January 2021 Capitol protest. Pence stated on CNN’s “State of the Union” that despite Trump’s reckless words, their legality remains uncertain.

Donald Trump’s classified document trial is set for May 20, 2024.

Donald Trump says he expects to be arrested in connection to the Department of Justice’s investigation into January 6. Through a statement on his Truth Social platform, he shared that special counsel Jack Smith had informed him via a letter on Sunday.

Donald Trump will headline the inaugural two-day Turning Point USA conference alongside Tucker Carlson and Matt Gaetz. This event coincides with his legal team’s efforts in Georgia to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis from an election interference investigation against him.

Trump almost doubled fundraising this quarter. Between March and June this year, his campaign collected over $35 million compared to the $18.8 million raised in the first quarter.

Source: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-doubles-fundraising-quarter-amid-mounting-legal-challenges/story?id=100770571

Trump speaks at Moms for Liberty event. The leading 2024 Republican presidential candidate addressed a crowd at a Moms for Liberty event in Philadelphia. The conservative parents’ rights group heard Trump discuss issues concerning transgender athletes in women’s sports and an idea for the public to elect school principals.

Financial forecasters predict that the US could enter a recession in time for the 2024 election. With the inflation rate expected to increase next year, the state of the economy could cost Joe Biden votes.

Trump surges ahead of DeSantis. Donald Trump is outpacing his closest Republican contender in the race for the party’s presidential nomination, despite facing legal challenges. A recent NBC News poll reveals that Trump is the first choice for 51% of those surveyed, extending his lead over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/first-read/trumps-gop-lead-grows-latest-indictment-poll-finds-rcna90420

Chris Christie faced a hostile reaction at the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference when he criticized Donald Trump. The former New Jersey Governor told the evangelical crowd that Trump’s refusal to take responsibility was a failure in leadership.

Ex-Vice President Mike Pence officially launches his presidential campaign, signaling a clash with former President Donald Trump. Pence started his campaign on Wednesday with a video and later a speech in Iowa where he criticized his former boss.

The Republican primary race heats up with three new entries: Chris Christie, former VP Mike Pence, and Gov. Doug Burgum.

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