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TEXAS UNIVERSITY Police Crackdown Sparks Outrage

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ā€” Police detained over a dozen individuals, including a local news photographer, during a pro-Palestinian protest at the University of Texas at Austin. The operation involved officers on horseback who moved decisively to remove protesters from the campus grounds. This event is part of a larger pattern of protests at various U.S. universities.

The situation intensified rapidly as police wielded batons and applied physical force to break up the assembly. A Fox 7 Austin photographer was forcibly pulled to the ground and detained while documenting the incident. Additionally, an experienced Texas journalist sustained injuries amid the chaos.

The Texas Department of Public Safety confirmed that these detentions were carried out following requests from university leaders and Governor Greg Abbott. One student criticized the police action as excessive, warning it could provoke further protests against this aggressive approach.

Governor Abbott has not yet commented on the incident or the use of force by police during this event.

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