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Biden WARNED: Israeli Defense Leaders URGE Against Recognizing Palestinian State

Biden WARNED: Israeli Defense Leaders URGE Against Recognizing Palestinian State

ā€” A group of Israeli defense and security leaders have issued a stern warning to President Biden. Their message is clear ā€” do not recognize a Palestinian state. They believe this move could endanger Israelā€™s existence and indirectly support regimes known for sponsoring terrorism, such as Iran and Russia.

The Israel Defense and Security Forum (IDSF) sent this urgent letter on February 19th. They caution that recognizing Palestine would be interpreted as rewarding violent actions by Hamas, global terrorist organizations, Iran, and other rogue states.

Brigadier General Amir Avivi, founder of the IDSF, spoke to Fox News Digital about the situation. He stressed that itā€™s crucial for the U.S., at this juncture, to stand by its key ally in the Middle East and uphold American interests in the region.

In a rare display of consensus on Wednesday, Israelā€™s Knesset (parliament) unanimously dismissed foreign pressures to single-handedly recognize a Palestinian state.

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