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CUBAN ACTIVIST Slammed With 15-Year Sentence for Exposing Police Brutality

CUBAN ACTIVIST Slammed With 15-Year Sentence for Exposing Police Brutality

ā€” In a severe crackdown, Cuban activist RodrĆ­guez Prado was sentenced to 15 years for recording and sharing footage of police brutality during the Nuevitas protests in August 2022. The protests erupted over continuous electrical blackouts and substandard living conditions under the Castro regime. Prado faced charges of ā€œcontinued enemy propagandaā€ and ā€œsedition.ā€

During the protest, Prado filmed police officers violently handling JosƩ Armando Torrente alongside three young girls, including her own daughter. This footage incited widespread anger as it highlighted the extreme measures police took to suppress demonstrators. Despite undeniable evidence, Cuban authorities refuted all allegations of misconduct by law enforcement in court.

While detained at Granja Cinco, a high-security female prison, Prado voiced out against her unfair trial and treatment. In a discussion with MartĆ­ Noticias, she exposed that prosecutors used fabricated evidence and disregarded video proof showing police mistreatment of minors. She confirmed that she had parental permission to film the children present during the incident.

Pradoā€™s bold move to document and expose these brutal acts has drawn international attention to human rights abuses in Cuba, challenging both local authority denials and global perceptions of governmental conduct within the island nation.

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