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DEFENSE BILL Slashed: Allies Fear for US Reliability

DEFENSE BILL Slashed: Allies Fear for US Reliability

ā€” The House gave the green light to a $1.2 trillion defense bill on Friday, which includes crucial aid for Ukraine. However, the significantly trimmed budget and prolonged delays have left allies like Lithuania doubting the U.S.'s reliability.

The conflict in Ukraine, instigated by Russia, has been ongoing for over two years. While American backing for Kyiv has slightly lessened, European allies stand firm. Gabrielius Landsbergis, Lithuanian Foreign Minister, voiced concerns over Ukraineā€™s capacity to hold its front line based on the quantity of ammunition and equipment received.

Landsbergis also expressed apprehension about Russiaā€™s potential future actions if Putin continues without restraint. He portrayed Russia as a ā€œmassive, aggressive empire with a bloodthirsty natureā€ that inspires other dictators globally.

This is an incredibly unsettling time," concluded Landsbergis underlining the worldwide repercussions of Russiaā€™s unchecked aggression.

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