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DOCTOR Under FIRE: The Dangerous Backlash After Exposing Transgender Treatment Risks

DOCTOR Under FIRE: The Dangerous Backlash After Exposing Transgender Treatment Risks

ā€” Dr. Hillary Cass, former head of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, faces threats following her critical review on transgender medicine for children. She now avoids public transport based on security advice. This intense backlash arose after her findings questioned the safety of gender identity interventions.

Dr. Cass has publicly criticized the spread of ā€œmisinformationā€ regarding her report, particularly pointing out Labour MP Dawn Butlerā€™s inaccurate statements in Parliament. Butler wrongly claimed that over 100 studies were left out of the review, a statement Dr. Cass dismissed as completely unrelated to her research or any associated papers.

The physician condemned attempts to discredit her work as ā€œunforgivable,ā€ accusing detractors of jeopardizing childrenā€™s health by ignoring scientific concerns about transgender treatments for minors. Her report has ignited a heated debate amidst ongoing discussions concerning healthcare practices in this field.

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