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GOPā€™S SELF-Destruction: Gowdy Slams Republican Candidate Choices and Election Failures

GOPā€™S SELF-Destruction: Gowdy Slams Republican Candidate Choices and Election Failures

ā€” In a thought-provoking exchange, host Rich Edson engaged in a debate with guest Trey Gowdy about the looming Senate budget. Edson raised doubts about whether Republicans had managed to negotiate an advantageous deal, despite not holding sway over the Senate or White House. In response, Gowdy didnā€™t hold back from critiquing his own party. He highlighted that the GOPā€™s subpar candidate selection and lackluster election performance were at the root of their current predicament. As evidence, he referenced recent electoral disappointments. These included last Novemberā€™s midterms where House Republicans fell short of expectations, and the 2021 Georgia elections which saw two Republican Senators unseated. Looking ahead, Gowdy sounded an alarm about potential repercussions if Democrats seize control of all three branches ā€” House, Senate, and White House. He warned that a detrimental budget bill would be unavoidable in such circumstances. The responsibility for this possible outcome? According to Gowdy, it rests squarely on GOP shoulders due to their poor candidate choices and failure to secure winnable elections.

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