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HOUTHI MISSILE Strike on US and Israeli Vessels Heightens Maritime Tensions

HOUTHI MISSILE Strike on US and Israeli Vessels Heightens Maritime Tensions

ā€” The Houthis have targeted three ships, including a U.S. destroyer and an Israeli container ship, heightening tensions in crucial maritime routes. Houthi spokesman Yahya Sarea announced plans to disrupt shipping to Israeli ports across multiple seas. CENTCOM confirmed the attack involved an anti-ship missile aimed at the MV Yorktown but reported no casualties or damage.

In response, U.S. forces intercepted four drones over Yemen, identified as threats to regional maritime safety. This action highlights ongoing efforts to protect international shipping lanes from Houthi hostilities. The situation remains tense with continued military engagements in this key area.

An explosion near Aden has underscored the unstable security conditions impacting maritime operations in the region. British security firm Ambrey and UKMTO have observed these developments, which align with increased Houthi hostility towards international shipping following the onset of the Gaza conflict

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