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ISRAELā€™S Military Strikes in Gaza Spark US Alarm: Humanitarian Crisis Looms

ISRAELā€™S Military Strikes in Gaza Spark US Alarm: Humanitarian Crisis Looms

ā€” The U.S. has voiced serious concerns over Israelā€™s military operations in Gaza, particularly in the city of Rafah. This area is crucial as it serves as a center for humanitarian aid and provides shelter to over a million displaced individuals. The U.S. is worried that increasing military activities could cut off vital aid and deepen the humanitarian crisis.

Public and private communications have been made by the U.S. with Israel, focusing on the protection of civilians and the facilitation of humanitarian assistance. Sullivan, actively engaged in these discussions, has emphasized the need for effective plans to ensure civilian safety and access to essential resources such as food, housing, and medical care.

Sullivan stressed that American decisions will be guided by national interests and values amid this conflict. He confirmed that these principles would consistently influence U.S actions, demonstrating a commitment to both American standards and international humanitarian norms during ongoing tensions in Gaza.

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