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JAPAN Strengthens WESTERN Ties: Set to Boost Aukus Alliance

JAPAN Strengthens WESTERN Ties: Set to Boost Aukus Alliance

ā€” During a notable visit to Washington, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio hinted at Japanā€™s upcoming role in the AUKUS alliance. Reports suggest Japan is ā€œcleared to join,ā€ marking a significant step in defense collaborations between Japan and Western powers.

The AUKUS alliance aims to enhance Australiaā€™s submarine capabilities and is now eyeing Japan for its advanced technology program. This includes electronic warfare and AI development, with UK Defense Secretary Grant Shapps hinting at high-tech cooperation with Japan.

Japanā€™s entry into the alliance is poised to advance military technologies like hypersonic missiles and cyber defense systems. Prime Minister Kishida emphasized the importance of U.S.-Japan collaboration on emerging technologies during his Congress address, highlighting its role in global security dynamics.

This expansion signifies a major leap in uniting Western defense efforts against global threats, promoting peace and stability through technological advancement and strategic cooperation among these nations.

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