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ISRAEL Stands Firm: CEASE-Fire Talks with Hamas HIT a Wall

Jerusalem History, Map, Religion, & Facts Britannica

ā€” The latest cease-fire talks in Cairo between Israel and Hamas have ended without any agreement. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is standing firm against global pressure to stop military actions, calling Hamasā€™s demands ā€œextreme.ā€ Defense Minister Yoav Gallant accused Hamas of not being serious about peace and hinted that Israel might step up its military actions in Gaza soon.

During the discussions, Hamas emphasized that stopping Israeli aggression is their top priority. Despite some initial signs of progress, the situation remains tense with ongoing threats to peace efforts. Notably, Israel did not send a delegation to the recent negotiations, while Hamas consulted with intermediaries in Qatar before returning to Cairo for more talks.

In another development, Israel has shut down Al Jazeeraā€™s local offices, accusing the network of anti-Israel incitement. This action has drawn attention from Netanyahuā€™s government but does not affect Al Jazeeraā€™s operations in Gaza or the West Bank. Meanwhile, CIA chief William Burns plans to meet with regional leaders to try and mediate the conflict.

The closure of Al Jazeeraā€™s offices and upcoming meetings by CIA chief William Burns highlight the complex dynamics at play as international actors seek ways to stabilize the region amidst ongoing tensions between Israel and Hamas.

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