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Bidenā€™s BOLD Defiance of Supreme Court: The TRUTH Behind Student Loan Forgiveness Numbers

Joe Biden: The President | The White House

ā€” President Joe Biden made a bold claim on Wednesday, boasting about his defiance of the Supreme Courtā€™s ruling on student loans. During a speech in Milwaukee, he asserted that he had wiped out the debt for 136 million people. This statement came despite the Supreme Court rejecting his $400 billion loan forgiveness plan back in June.

However, this claim not only challenges the separation of powers but also holds no water factually. As per data from early December, only $132 billion in student loan debt has been cleared for a mere 3.6 million borrowers. This implies that Biden exaggerated the number of beneficiaries by an astounding figure ā€“ approximately 133 million.

Bidenā€™s misrepresentation sparks concerns about his administrationā€™s transparency and its respect for judicial decisions. His remarks further fuel ongoing discussions around student loan forgiveness and its ripple effects on economic aspects like homeownership and entrepreneurship.

ā€œThis incident underscores the need for accurate information from our leaders and respectful adherence to judicial rulings. It also highlights how critical it is to have open dialogues about policy impacts, particularly when they affect millions of Americansā€™ financial futures.ā€

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