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TRUMPā€™S Troubled Past: Bidenā€™s Team Shifts Focus Ahead of 2024 Showdown

America's New Leaders - CNN.com

ā€” President Joe Bidenā€™s team is adjusting their strategy for the 2024 campaign. Instead of solely spotlighting the incumbent Democrat, theyā€™re turning attention to former President Donald Trumpā€™s contentious record. This move follows recent polls showing Trump leading Biden in seven swing states and gaining traction among younger voters.

Trump, despite grappling with multiple criminal and civil charges, continues to be a GOP favorite. The aim of Bidenā€™s aides is to use his disputed record and legal allegations as a lens through which voters can view the potential consequences of another four-year term under Trump.

Currently, Trump faces four criminal indictments and is embroiled in a civil fraud lawsuit in New York. Regardless of these trialsā€™ outcomes, he could still make a run for office even if convicted ā€” unless legal contests or state ballot requirements prevent him from doing so. However, rather than dwelling on the outcome of Trumpā€™s cases, Bidenā€™s team plans to underscore what another term would mean for American citizens.

A senior campaign aide noted that while Trump may succeed in mobilizing his base with extreme rhetoric, their strategy will highlight how such extremism could negatively affect Americans. The focus will be on the potential adverse impact of another term under Trump rather than his personal legal battles.

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