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POLICE CHIEFā€™S Apology Sparks Outrage: Meeting with Jewish Leaders Set After Controversial Remark

London police force says it will take years to remove officers ...

ā€” Londonā€™s Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Mark Rowley, is under fire after a contentious apology implied that being ā€œopenly Jewishā€ could provoke pro-Palestinian demonstrators. This statement has triggered widespread criticism and calls for Rowleyā€™s resignation. He is scheduled to meet with Jewish community leaders and city officials to address the issue.

The backlash comes at a time of increased tension in London due to the Israel-Hamas conflict. Pro-Palestinian marches have been common, featuring anti-Israel sentiments and support for Hamas, which is recognized as a terrorist organization by the UK government. The police are tasked with maintaining order during these events to ensure public safety.

In an attempt to repair ties, senior police officers have contacted the Jewish man referenced in their initial statement. They plan a personal meeting to apologize and discuss steps to improve security for Jewish residents in London. The police have reiterated their dedication to ensuring the safety of all Jewish Londoners amid ongoing concerns about their well-being in the city.

This meeting aims not only to address this particular incident but also serves as an opportunity for law enforcement leaders to reaffirm their commitment towards protecting diverse communities within London, emphasizing inclusivity and respect for all citizens regardless of background or belief system.

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