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MASKED PROTESTERS Beware: UKā€™S New Law Could Land You in Jail and Drain Your Wallet

MASKED PROTESTERS Beware: UKā€™S New Law Could Land You in Jail and Drain Your Wallet

ā€” Home Secretary James Cleverly has unveiled fresh legislation that could result in jail time and hefty fines for protesters hiding behind masks. This new addition to the Criminal Justice Bill, currently under parliamentary review, follows a series of intensifying Palestine protests.

Although police already possess the authority to demand mask removal during protests under the 1994 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act, this proposed law would give them additional power. Specifically, they could arrest those who refuse to comply.

This proposal is a response to recent incidents involving masked protesters who made illegal antisemitic remarks but remained untraceable due to police hesitance in making immediate arrests. Under the new law, those apprehended could face up to a month behind bars and a fine of Ā£1,000.

Cleverly also intends to outlaw climbing on war memorials and carrying flares or pyrotechnics at protests. He emphasized that while protesting is a fundamental right, it should not interfere with the daily lives of hard-working citizens. This development comes shortly after mask mandates were lifted, indicating a notable policy shift.


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