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Mayorkas PUSHES for High-Immigration, Low-Productivity Economy: Is the American Dream At RISK?

Mayorkas PUSHES for High-Immigration, Low-Productivity Economy: Is the American Dream At RISK?

ā€” In a recent discussion with the New York Times, Alejandro Mayorkas, leader of the Department of Homeland Security, argued for an economy that relies heavily on immigration but yields low productivity. He proposed lawful routes for migrants to meet labor demands. This approach, he believes, would eliminate smugglers and provide a structured method for individuals to arrive and work legally.

Yet Mayorkas overlooked one crucial aspect: our immigration systemā€™s primary objective is to protect American families from being displaced by employers resorting to inexpensive foreign labor. Since 2021, his policies have permitted over 6.2 million migrants access into American homes, schools, hospitals and workplaces.

These policies have led to decreased wages for Americans and escalated rents and housing costs. Theyā€™ve also amplified societal rifts and forced many native-born Americans out of their professions.

Mayorkas has consistently advocated for a Canadian-style migration system in America that would cater to companiesā€™ labor preferences. However, Canadians are gradually realizing that their migration approach has inflicted substantial harm on their citizens and economy.


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