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McCANN SUSPECT Faces Trial: Unrelated SEXUAL Offenses Take Center Stage

McCANN SUSPECT Faces Trial: Unrelated SEXUAL Offenses Take Center Stage

ā€” Christian Bruckner, implicated in the Madeleine McCann case, began his trial on Friday. The charges? Unrelated sexual offenses purportedly carried out in Portugal between 2000 and 2017.

The trial came to an abrupt halt until next week due to a challenge lodged by defense attorney Friedrich FĆ¼lscher against a lay judge. This particular judge was previously accused of inciting violence against former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro via social media.

Bruckner is currently serving time in a German prison for a rape conviction dating back to 2005 in Portugal. Despite being under scrutiny for McCannā€™s disappearance, he has not been formally charged and vehemently denies any connection.

His ongoing seven-year sentence and the recent trial have drawn renewed attention to Brucknerā€™s criminal history, casting further doubts on his claims of innocence regarding the McCann case.

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