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MEDIA BIAS Outrage: Olbermann Cancels NYT Subscription Over Biden Coverage

MEDIA BIAS Outrage: Olbermann Cancels NYT Subscription Over Biden Coverage

ā€” Keith Olbermann, a well-known media personality, has publicly ended his subscription to The New York Times. He claims the newspaperā€™s publisher, A.G. Sulzberger, shows a bias against President Joe Biden. Olbermann announced his decision on social media, reaching nearly a million followers.

Olbermann argues that Sulzbergerā€™s personal dislike for Biden is harming democracy. He believes this bias is why the Times has been particularly critical of Bidenā€™s age and his administrationā€™s actions, especially noting the presidentā€™s limited interviews with the paper.

Furthermore, Olbermann challenges the accuracy of reports from Politico regarding tension between the White House and The New York Times. His bold move to cancel his subscription and voice criticism underscores significant concerns about fairness in political journalism today.

This incident sparks broader discussions on media integrity and bias in political reporting among conservatives who value journalistic accountability and transparency in news coverage.

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