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MIT ISSUES Ultimatum: Pro-Palestinian Students Face Suspension

MIT ISSUES Ultimatum: Pro-Palestinian Students Face Suspension

ā€” MIT Chancellor Melissa Nobles has declared the pro-Palestinian encampment at MIT a policy violation. Students have been ordered to vacate by 2:30 p.m. or face immediate academic suspension. This move is part of a broader trend of universities taking action against such encampments nationwide.

Chancellor Nobles stressed MITā€™s commitment to free expression but stated the necessity to end the encampment for community safety. Despite multiple discussions with encampment leaders, no resolution has been reached, leading to this decisive action from the administration.

Students who comply with the evacuation order by the deadline will avoid sanctions from MITā€™s Committee on Discipline, provided they are not under current investigation or have held leadership roles in the encampment. This serves as a final warning to those involved in violating campus policies.

The situation underscores ongoing tensions on college campuses regarding Middle East politics and raises questions about finding a balance between free speech and institutional rules.


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