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NYC Police UNLEASHED: Crackdown on Migrant Robbery Ring Reveals Shocking Details

NYC Police UNLEASHED: Crackdown on Migrant Robbery Ring Reveals Shocking Details

ā€” New York City police have launched an aggressive campaign against property crime. This follows a successful raid on a migrant robbery ring with connections to Venezuela. The group had been using powered scooters as part of their criminal operations.

During a news briefing, NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban clarified that the recent surge in migrant crime does not reflect the majority of individuals migrating to New York for improved living conditions. He characterized the gang members as 'ghostsā€™ ā€” undocumented immigrants with no traceable digital footprints or sometimes even known identities.

In connection with this robbery ring, the NYPD has named eight suspects at a news briefing: Victor Parra, alleged mastermind, and Cleyber Andrada, Juan Uzcatgui, Yan Jimenez, Anthony Ramos, Richard Saledo, Beike Jimenez and Maria Manaura. As per police reports, Parra would issue requests for specific phone models he desired and orchestrate robbers across New York who may not have known each other for burglary missions.

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