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NYT SUBSCRIPTION Dropped: Keith Olbermann Slams Biden Coverage

NYT SUBSCRIPTION Dropped: Keith Olbermann Slams Biden Coverage

ā€” Keith Olbermann, once a prominent face on SportsCenter, has publicly ended his subscription to the New York Times. He pointed out what he sees as biased reporting on President Biden. Olbermann announced his decision to his nearly one million social media followers.

Olbermann directly accused A.G. Sulzberger, the publisher of the Times, of holding a personal grudge against President Biden. He believes this resentment influences the newspaperā€™s focus on Bidenā€™s age and results in unduly negative coverage.

The root of this issue appears in a Politico piece discussing tension between the White House and the New York Times. Olbermann suggests that Sulzbergerā€™s dissatisfaction with Bidenā€™s limited interactions with the press is prompting harsher scrutiny from reporters at the Times.

However, skepticism surrounds Olbermannā€™s assertion that he has been a subscriber since 1969 ā€” a claim that would mean he started his subscription at age ten ā€” raising questions about his accuracy and reliability in this controversy.

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