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OKLAHOMA Court BLOCKS First Religious Charter School

Oklahoma City - Wikipedia

The Oklahoma Supreme Court halted the establishment of the first publicly funded religious charter school in the U.S. The court ruled that the Statewide Virtual Charter School Board’s approval of St. Isidore of Seville Virtual Charter School violated both state and federal constitutions. This decision is a setback for conservatives and Governor Kevin Stitt, who have supported religious involvement in public education.

Justice James Winchester stated that under Oklahoma law, charter schools must be nonsectarian, making it unconstitutional for St. Isidore to operate as a Catholic school with public funding. The ruling emphasized that public schools cannot evangelize or promote religious curricula while receiving state sponsorship.

Supporters of the school had hoped recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions would allow more flexibility for public funds to go to religious entities. Conservative states like Louisiana have already pushed for more religious content in public schools, such as posting the Ten Commandments in classrooms and teaching the Bible.

In response to the ruling, the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City and Diocese of Tulsa announced they will “consider all legal options.” This case will likely continue to be a focal point in debates over religion’s role in publicly funded education systems across America.

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