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PASSING of Joe Lieberman: The LAST Moderate Voice in Senate, Dead at 82

PASSING of Joe Lieberman: The LAST Moderate Voice in Senate, Dead at 82

ā€” Joe Lieberman, the former Senator from Stamford, Conn., has tragically passed away at the age of 82. His death resulted from complications following a fall.

The news was confirmed by his family. He leaves behind an enduring legacy as a dedicated public servant and an unwavering advocate for both Jewish people and the Jewish state.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu paid tribute to him as an ā€œexemplary public servantā€ and a "peerless champion of Jewish causes.

Conservative radio host Mark Levin mourned Liebermanā€™s passing, referring to him as ā€œthe last of the moderates.ā€ This sentiment underscores the profound impact he had on American politics.

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