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Prince Harryā€™s SECURITY BATTLE: UK Judge Rejects His Appeal for Protection

Prince Harry, duke of Sussex Biography, Facts, Children ...

ā€” Prince Harryā€™s effort to secure police protection while in the UK has hit a new snag. A judge recently ruled against his appeal, limiting his access to government-funded security. This setback is part of the fallout from his decision to step back from royal duties.

The dispute has been ongoing for four years, rooted in Harryā€™s concerns over media intrusion and threats from online sources. However, High Court Judge Peter Lane upheld the governmentā€™s tailored security measures as lawful and appropriate in February.

Facing this latest defeat, Prince Harryā€™s path forward is now more complicated. To continue his fight, he must directly request permission from the Court of Appeal, as the High Court has denied him an automatic right to appeal.

This legal tussle highlights the unique challenges faced by members of the royal family who seek a different path away from their traditional roles and responsibilities.

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