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Rishi Sunakā€™s TURBULENT First Year: Is History About to REPEAT Itself for the Conservatives?

Rishi Sunak - Wikipedia

ā€” Rishi Sunak, UK Prime Minister, has marked his first year in office amidst a storm of international conflicts and domestic challenges. His Conservative Party is haunted by the ghost of 1996, when they were dethroned by the Labour Party after ruling for more than a decade.

Recent opinion polls reveal that the Conservatives are lagging 15 to 20 points behind Labour. This gap has remained steady throughout Sunakā€™s term. An Ipsos poll showed that a whopping 65% of respondents felt the Conservatives did not deserve another term, while merely 19% believed they did.

The ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict and Russiaā€™s war in Ukraine have added layers of complexity to Sunakā€™s situation. Despite acknowledging his challenging year and vowing to continue serving hardworking families nationwide, there are widespread fears these hurdles may trigger another Conservative downfall.

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