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TEXAS TRAGEDY: Woman Found Dead, Wrapped in Bedding Inside Closet

TEXAS TRAGEDY: Woman Found Dead, Wrapped in Bedding Inside Closet

ā€” Omar Lucio, 34, is facing murder charges after the body of 27-year-old Corinna Johnson was found concealed in his apartment. FOX 4 Dallas reported that Johnsonā€™s body was discovered wrapped in bedding and hidden away in a closet. The Garland Police Department received a distressing 911 call that led them to the scene.

Upon their arrival at Lucioā€™s home on W. Wheatland Road, he initially refused to exit his residence. After negotiating for about an hour, Lucio finally surrendered and was taken into custody by the responding officers.

Inside the residence, law enforcement followed a trail of blood leading from the front door to a bedroom closet where they uncovered Johnsonā€™s body among Lucioā€™s bedding. This grim find has resulted in severe charges being filed against him according to court documents.

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