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TRUMP SURGES Ahead in Michigan: Bidenā€™s Struggle to Secure Base Exposed

TRUMP SURGES Ahead in Michigan: Bidenā€™s Struggle to Secure Base Exposed

ā€” A recent trial ballot in Michigan has revealed a surprising lead for Trump over Biden, with 47 percent favoring the former president compared to 44 percent for the incumbent. This result falls within the surveyā€™s Ā±3 percent margin of error, leaving nine percent of voters still undecided.

In a more complex five-way trial ballot test, Trump maintains his lead at 44 percent against Bidenā€™s 42 percent. The remaining votes are split among independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein, and independent Cornel West.

Steve Mitchell, president of Mitchell Research, attributes Trumpā€™s lead to Bidenā€™s lackluster support from African Americans and younger voters. He forecasts a nail-biting contest ahead as the victory will likely hinge on which candidate can rally their base more effectively.

In a head-to-head choice between Trump and Biden, an overwhelming 90 percent of Republican Michiganders back Trump while only 84 percent of Democrats support Biden. This poll report underscores an uncomfortable situation for Biden as he loses a significant 12 percent chunk of his vote to former President Trump.

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