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UK APPROVES LAB-Grown Meat For Dogs: A Revolutionary Step

UK APPROVES LAB-Grown Meat For Dogs: A Revolutionary Step

British regulators have approved Meatly, a UK-based firm, to sell lab-grown meat as dog food. This decision allows taste-test trials with dogs for pet food made from cultivated chicken cells.

Meatly’s co-founder and CEO, Owen Ensor, sees Brexit as an opportunity for the UK to lead in innovative solutions. He believes the current government is enthusiastic about such advancements.

The company plans to license its technology to other firms in Britain, potentially paving the way for lab-grown meat for human consumption. The production process would be similar for both pet and human food.

Ensor highlighted that 20% of global meat consumption is by pets. Meatly aims to address ethical and sustainability challenges by providing an alternative that doesn’t involve killing animals to feed pets.

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