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UK IMMIGRATION SURGE Under ā€˜Conservativeā€™ Rule: Reality Unveiled

UK IMMIGRATION SURGE Under ā€˜Conservativeā€™ Rule: Reality Unveiled

ā€” Britain is facing an unprecedented surge in immigration, continuing for years under a government that labels itself conservative. The majority of these migrants are entering legally due to lenient policies established by the Conservative Party. Yet, there is also a significant number of illegal entrants, either seeking asylum or vanishing into the underground economy.

The Conservative government has initiated the Rwanda plan to curb illegal crossings through the English Channel. This strategy involves relocating some migrants to East Africa for processing and potential resettlement. Despite initial pushback, there are indications that this policy might be beginning to reduce illegal entries.

As the Conservative leadership nears its potential end after 14 years, polls suggest a likely shift in power to the Labour Party this winter. Labour intends to scrap the Rwanda deterrent and focus on clearing backlogs in asylum cases without sending migrants abroad. Critics believe Labourā€™s plan lacks robust measures to manage migrant entries effectively.

Miriam Cates has voiced strong criticism against Labourā€™s migration strategy, calling it ineffective and too lenient. She points out that previous strategies similar to what Labour proposes have not successfully managed immigration levels.

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