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CYBERATTACKS Unleash CHAOS on UK Parliament: Lawmakersā€™ Privacy Invaded

British lawmaker killed

ā€” Conservative MP Luke Evans was hit by a cyberattack, receiving unwanted explicit messages. He described the attack as ā€œcyber flashing and malicious communications.ā€ Another member of Parliament, William Wragg, was tricked into giving out colleaguesā€™ contact details after being approached on a dating app.

This is part of a wider phishing scam targeting politicians, their teams, and journalists. The attackers send flirty messages to get personal details. This method is called ā€œspear phishing,ā€ because it aims at specific people or groups.

The news outlet Politico revealed that several MPs and political figures got messages from someone pretending to be someone else. The scammers used fake profiles with names like ā€œCharlieā€ or ā€œAbiā€ to trick their victims.

These incidents show big security weaknesses in how British lawmakers communicate. There are growing worries about how well their sensitive information is protected against these threats.

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