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BIDEN’S Naps Spark Fears About Fitness For Presidency

BIDEN’S Naps Spark Fears About Fitness For Presidency

In a recent interview, host Abby Phillip questioned President Biden’s fitness, citing reports of his need for naps during debate prep. Phillip asked if these accommodations should concern Americans about his ability to serve another term.

Senator Butler deflected the question, focusing on broader issues like democracy and economic growth. She argued that Biden’s need for schedule adjustments shouldn’t overshadow his accomplishments in office.

Phillip pressed further, emphasizing the 24/7 nature of the presidency and expressing alarm over Biden’s nap requirements. Butler responded by listing Biden’s legislative achievements, suggesting that his work speaks louder than his need for rest during debate preparation.

TEXAS STRIKES Back: Governor Abbott Signs Tough Laws to Tackle Illegal Immigration

TEXAS STRIKES Back: Governor Abbott Signs Tough Laws to Tackle Illegal Immigration

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has enacted three stringent laws aimed at halting illegal immigration. These laws, passed in two special sessions this fall, are part of a broader strategy to stem the tide of migrants from Mexico. The governor announced on Twitter that unlawful entry into Texas is now a crime with potential penalties including deportation or imprisonment.

The bill signing event in Brownsville saw the attendance of Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick and National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd among other border officials. However, House Speaker Dade Phelan was conspicuously absent. Senate Bill 4 from the fourth special session criminalizes unauthorized entry into Texas from foreign countries.

This state legislation mirrors federal statute Title 8 of the United States Code 1325 but takes it a step further by allowing for sentences up to two decades for violators. It also includes mechanisms for deporting offenders back to their home countries and offers legal protection to local and state officials enforcing these rules. Critics claim that current federal immigration laws are not being sufficiently enforced under the present administration.

With these new measures — including funding for wall construction and harsher penalties for human smuggling — Texas is

ALARMING DHS Revelation: 670,000 Border 'Gotaways’ in FY2023 — The Shocking Truth Behind the Numbers

ALARMING DHS Revelation: 670,000 Border 'Gotaways’ in FY2023 — The Shocking Truth Behind the Numbers

Fox News recently uncovered a startling revelation from officials at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). They disclosed to Arizona’s congressional delegation and House and Senate Judiciary and Homeland Security committees that an astounding 670,000 known “gotaways” slipped through the border in FY2023.

In addition to this alarming figure, lawmakers were made aware of a daily influx of approximately 5,000 illegal immigrants into the U.S. These individuals are handed off to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that aid them in reaching their final destinations. This rate could equate to nearly 1.8 million illegal migrants entering the country each year.

The DHS report also shed light on a record-breaking number of daily encounters by Border Patrol with migrants — over 12,000 in one day alone. This follows a record-setting year with more than 2.4 million encounters in FY23 and an unprecedented monthly high exceeding 260,000 last September.

When questioned about collaboration efforts with Mexico to control migrant flow at the southern border, DHS officials expressed concern for the “safety and security of noncitizens”. They highlighted risks these individuals often face due to dangerous travel methods like illicit train rides.

ANTI-ISRAEL Protests: The Truth About Jewish Sentiment in America

ANTI-ISRAEL Protests: The Truth About Jewish Sentiment in America

Recently, anti-Israel groups staged an unauthorized protest in Hollywood, causing traffic disruption and demanding a Gaza ceasefire. This demand is not backed by any mainstream Jewish group. Organizations like “Jewish Voice for Peace” and “IfNotNow” have demonstrated their contentious views through actions such as honoring convicted Palestinian terrorists and failing to condemn Hamas terror.

On the other hand, last October saw thousands of Jews from various political backgrounds participate in a lawful, peaceful demonstration in Los Angeles. They marched and rallied to support Israel against terror. In a similar vein, nearly 300,000 Jews attended the largest pro-Israel rally ever held this week in Washington DC.

American sentiment mirrors these pro-Israel rallies. A recent poll revealed two-thirds agree with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stance against a ceasefire until Hamas is completely defeated. This follows Hamas’s violation of the existing ceasefire agreement on October 7th that resulted in over 1200 Israeli civilian deaths.

In Israel itself, opposition to the war is minimal and primarily advocates for freeing hostages taken by Hamas rather than simply calling for a ceasefire. These demands hold Hamas accountable — something conspicuously absent from the LA protest.

Rishi Sunak - Wikipedia

Rishi Sunak’s TURBULENT First Year: Is History About to REPEAT Itself for the Conservatives?

Rishi Sunak, UK Prime Minister, has marked his first year in office amidst a storm of international conflicts and domestic challenges. His Conservative Party is haunted by the ghost of 1996, when they were dethroned by the Labour Party after ruling for more than a decade.

Recent opinion polls reveal that the Conservatives are lagging 15 to 20 points behind Labour. This gap has remained steady throughout Sunak’s term. An Ipsos poll showed that a whopping 65% of respondents felt the Conservatives did not deserve another term, while merely 19% believed they did.

The ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict and Russia’s war in Ukraine have added layers of complexity to Sunak’s situation. Despite acknowledging his challenging year and vowing to continue serving hardworking families nationwide, there are widespread fears these hurdles may trigger another Conservative downfall.

Ex-Finland PM Marin’s SHOCKING Hollywood Move: Signs with Celebrity Management Company

Ex-Finland PM Marin’s SHOCKING Hollywood Move: Signs with Celebrity Management Company

Sanna Marin, Finland’s youngest ever Prime Minister, has taken an unexpected turn in her career. She recently signed a contract with Range Media Partners, a top-tier management company. This surprising move has ignited speculation that the former Prime Minister might be transitioning into show business.

Range Media Partners is renowned for managing A-list celebrities such as Bradley Cooper and Tom Hardy. The firm will reportedly guide Marin in exploring diverse media opportunities. These include potential roles in television shows and films, as well as brand partnerships.

Marin came under fire last year when videos of her partying went viral. Critics argued that such behavior was inappropriate for a prime minister. However, Marin defended herself by asserting that such activities are commonplace for individuals in their 30s.

Range Media Partners prides itself on providing first-rate management and representation services to an array of clients within the entertainment industry. Their clientele includes performing artists, directors, writers and professional athletes among others.

Judge orders Hunter Biden to appear in person at arraignment on ...

ETHICS In QUESTION: Biden Under Scrutiny as Hunter’s Investigations Intensify

The ongoing investigations into Hunter Biden have begun to cast a significant shadow over President Joe Biden. The Justice Department, along with Republican members of Congress, are closely examining the president’s son for his alleged involvement in a criminal scheme with then-Vice President Biden. This comes alongside separate gun charges following the collapse of a plea deal on tax charges.

A recent poll indicates that 35% of U.S. adults believe the president has acted illegally, while 33% suspect unethical conduct. The investigation is spearheaded by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH). Their goal is to establish a connection between Hunter’s business dealings with a Ukrainian oil and gas firm and his father during his vice presidency.

Hunter Biden has been indicted by special counsel David Weiss in relation to a gun purchase in October 2018. He stands accused of violating orders prohibiting drug users from owning guns and has pleaded not guilty to all three counts against him. There are clear differences in perception across party lines: only 8% of Democrats believe the president is guilty of crimes related to his son’s activities, compared with 65% of Republicans.

As these investigations and indictments continue, they fuel growing controversy around the Bidens. This raises serious concerns about ethics at the

ALARMING Surge in ANTISEMITIC Crimes: London Deploys Over 1,000 Officers Ahead of Rally

ALARMING Surge in ANTISEMITIC Crimes: London Deploys Over 1,000 Officers Ahead of Rally

In response to a disturbing increase in antisemitic hate crimes, Scotland Yard has deployed over a thousand officers. This action precedes a pro-Palestinian rally planned for tomorrow. The extent of HAMAS support among London’s Muslim and secular radical populations is yet to be determined.

London’s Muslim community, which makes up about one-sixth of the city’s population, has grown to 1.3 million due to diversity and mass immigration policies by the two main political parties. In contrast, census data shows that the Jewish population has decreased to an estimated 265,000.

Following the deadly HAMAS attack on October 7 that took over 1,000 Jewish lives, numerous protests have erupted. As antisemitic incidents in Britain have escalated since the conflict began, two Jewish schools in London have decided to close until Monday.

Senior Officer Laurence Taylor noted a significant rise in antisemitic crimes compared with last year’s figures during the same period (30 September — 13 October). He mentioned that while Islamophobic incidents have also slightly increased, they are nowhere near as prevalent as the surge in antisemitism.

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TEXAS Teen BANISHED to Alternative School Over Dreadlocks: Is This a Crown Act Injustice?

Darryl George, an 18-year-old junior at Barbers Hill High School in Texas, was reassigned to an alternative education program following a month-long in-school suspension. The cause? His dreadlocks. George has been serving his suspension since August 31 and is scheduled to attend the EPIC program from October 12 through November 29. The school’s principal attributed his removal to George’s “non-compliance” with various campus and classroom rules.

The school district enforces a dress code that restricts male students from having hair longer than their eyebrows, ear lobes or the top of their T-shirt collar. It also mandates that all students maintain clean, well-groomed hair of natural color and shape. Despite this code, George’s family contends that his hairstyle does not infringe upon these rules.

In retaliation against the disciplinary action imposed on George, his family lodged a formal complaint with the Texas Education Agency last month and initiated a federal civil rights lawsuit against the state governor and attorney general. They argue that these measures breach Texas’ CROWN Act — legislation designed to outlaw race-based hair discrimination — which came into force on September 1st.

U.S. Expands Temporary Legal Status To Almost 500,000 Venezuelan ...

BIDEN Administration’s SHOCKING U-Turn: Venezuelan Deportations to Resume Amid Rising Migrant Numbers

The Biden administration has recently declared its intention to recommence the deportation of Venezuelan migrants. These individuals represent the largest single group encountered at the U.S.-Mexico border last month. The decision comes as their numbers continue to swell.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has referred to this new measure as one of the “strict consequences” being enforced in conjunction with expanding legal avenues for asylum seekers.

Speaking in Mexico City, Mayorkas mentioned that both nations are grappling with an unparalleled level of migration throughout their hemisphere. Two U.S. officials, who wished to remain anonymous, have confirmed that repatriation flights are slated to commence soon.

This action follows a recent surge in protected status for thousands of Venezuelans who arrived in the U.S before July 31 this year. However, addressing this discrepancy between expanding protections and resuming deportations, Mayorkas clarified that it is considered safe to return Venezuelan nationals who arrived after July 31 and lack a legal basis for staying here.

Biden’s APPROVAL RATINGS Dive: Is Inflation to Blame?

President Biden’s popularity is taking a serious hit, largely due to the ongoing inflation crisis. Recent polls indicate a steep drop in public support, with many pointing fingers at his economic strategies as the root cause of the current predicament.

The escalating cost of living and soaring gas prices are fueling widespread dissatisfaction. Detractors argue that Biden’s economic management style has directly contributed to these problems.

Moreover, there is mounting unease about how the administration is dealing with foreign policy issues, especially concerning China and Russia. These concerns have further dented the president’s approval ratings.

As we inch closer to mid-term elections, these statistics could spell potential disaster for Democrats. The party will need to pull out all stops to rebuild public trust and restore faith in their leadership abilities.

SHOCKING Upset: House Republicans DITCH McCarthy in Nail-Biting Vote

SHOCKING Upset: House Republicans DITCH McCarthy in Nail-Biting Vote

In an unexpected twist, the House has voted to strip McCarthy of his leadership role. The motion barely passed with a slim margin of 216-210. Among those who cast their vote for the removal were notable figures such as Reps. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Ken Buck (R-CO), Tim Burchett (R-TN), Eli Crane (R-AZ), Bob Good (R-VA), Nancy Mace (R-SC), Matt Rosendale (R-MT), and Matt Gaetz.

The push to dethrone McCarthy was sparked by Rep. Tom Cole’s motion, which fell flat in the House despite backing from ten Republican members. Gaetz, outspoken about his choice, lambasted those who “cower and bow down to lobbyists and special interests.” He blamed them for draining Washington’s vitality and piling debt on future generations.

However, not all Republicans were on board with this decision. Cole cautioned that ousting McCarthy would “send us spiraling into chaos.” On the other hand, Rep. Jim Jordan lauded McCarthy’s stewardship as “unshakeable” and asserted he had fulfilled his commitments.

Marcos Jr STANDS UP to China: The Bold Challenge Over South China Sea Barrier

Marcos Jr STANDS UP to China: The Bold Challenge Over South China Sea Barrier

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has taken a firm stance against China’s installation of a 300-meter barrier at the entrance to Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea. This marks his first public opposition to this move, following his directive to dismantle the barrier. Marcos asserted, "We’re not seeking conflict, but we won’t back down from defending our maritime territory and our fishermen’s rights.”

This recent face-off between China and the Philippines follows Marcos’ decision earlier this year to increase U.S. military presence under a defense pact from 2014. This move has raised concerns in Beijing, as it could lead to an increased American military presence near Taiwan and southern China.

After the Philippine coast guard removed the Chinese barrier at Scarborough Shoal, Filipino fishing boats managed to catch around 164 tons of fish in just one day. “This is what our fishermen miss out on... it’s evident that this area belongs to the Philippines,” stated Marcos.

Despite these efforts, two Chinese coast guard vessels were seen patrolling the shoal’s entrance by a Philippine surveillance aircraft on Thursday. According to Commodore Jay Tar

Biden’s Approval Rating PLUNGES to Record Low: Is INFLATION to Blame?

A recent Gallup poll reveals a new low for President Joe Biden’s approval rating. Amid escalating inflation and economic unease, the President’s popularity is dwindling.

The survey shows a mere 40% of Americans giving the nod to Biden’s job performance — the lowest since he assumed office in January 2021.

The soaring cost of goods and services is hitting American households hard, leading to financial stress and discontent with the current administration.

This steep decline in approval could spell trouble for Democrats in the forthcoming midterm elections. If this trend persists, Republicans may seize control of Congress come November.


STOLTENBERG’S Pledge: NATO Commits a Whopping $25 Billion in Ammunition to UKraine Amid Russian Tensions

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy convened on Thursday, amid rising tensions with Russia. Their meeting came on the heels of Russia’s allegations that Ukraine’s Western allies aided in a recent missile strike on the Black Sea Fleet’s base in Crimea.

Zelenskyy shared that Stoltenberg has committed to helping Ukraine secure more air defense systems. These are vital for safeguarding the nation’s power plants and energy infrastructure, which took a heavy hit during Russia’s aggressive attacks last winter.

Stoltenberg unveiled NATO contracts totaling 2.4 billion euros ($2.5 billion) for ammunition supplies destined for Ukraine, including Howitzer shells and anti-tank guided missiles. He stressed, “The stronger Ukraine becomes, the closer we get to halting Russia’s aggression.”

On Wednesday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova alleged that resources from the U.S., U.K., and NATO facilitated the attack on their Black Sea Fleet headquarters. Yet these claims remain unbacked by concrete evidence.

UK’S BIG Green Light to NORTH SEA OIL Drilling: A Jobs Boost or an Environmental Nightmare?

UK’S BIG Green Light to NORTH SEA OIL Drilling: A Jobs Boost or an Environmental Nightmare?

The UK’s North Sea Transition Authority recently approved new oil and gas drilling in the North Sea. This move has triggered a wave of criticism from environmentalists, who argue it contradicts the country’s climate objectives.

The Conservative government stands by its decision, stating that drilling in the Rosebank field will not only create jobs but also bolster energy security. Rosebank is one of the largest untapped reserves in UK waters and is believed to contain around 350 million barrels of oil.

Equinor, a Norwegian company, and Ithaca Energy based in the UK oversee operations at this field. They have plans to inject $3.8 billion into the project’s initial phase, with production anticipated to kick off between 2026 and 2027.

Caroline Lucas, a Green Party lawmaker, harshly criticised this decision as “morally obscene.” In response, the government maintains that projects like Rosebank will produce significantly less emissions compared to past developments.

ASIAN MARKETS in Chaos: Evergrande Crisis and Wall Street Woes Trigger Shockwaves

ASIAN MARKETS in Chaos: Evergrande Crisis and Wall Street Woes Trigger Shockwaves

Asian stock markets experienced a significant downturn on Monday, with Tokyo standing as the sole major regional market to register gains. This follows on the heels of Wall Street’s most dismal week in half a year, which subsequently boosted U.S. futures and oil prices.

Investor confidence was shaken due to multiple factors including worries over China’s real estate sector, a potential shutdown of the U.S. government, and an ongoing strike by American auto industry workers. European markets weren’t spared either with Germany’s DAX, Paris’ CAC 40, and Britain’s FTSE 100 all experiencing a 0.6% drop.

China Evergrande Group saw its shares plummet nearly 22% after it disclosed its inability to secure additional debt due to an ongoing investigation into one of its subsidiaries. This revelation threatens the restructuring of its staggering debt that exceeds $300 billion. In response, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng dropped 1.8%, Shanghai Composite index fell by 0.5%, while Japan’s Nikkei 225 managed to climb by 0.9%.

Elsewhere in Asia, Seoul’s Kospi dipped by 0.5%. On a brighter note though, Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 managed to claw back some ground ending with a modest

Chris PACKHAM’S RADICAL Call to Break the Law: Is It Justified or a Threat to Democracy?

Chris PACKHAM’S RADICAL Call to Break the Law: Is It Justified or a Threat to Democracy?

In his most recent show, “Is It Time To Break The Law?”, seasoned BBC presenter Chris Packham hinted that legal protests might not be enough for environmental causes. On Channel 4, Packham suggested that law-breaking could potentially be a necessary step to save our planet.

Known for his wildlife programs and involvement in left-wing climate marches like Extinction Rebellion (XR), Packham is currently rallying support for a “Restore Nature Now” demonstration. This protest is scheduled later this month outside the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) headquarters in London.

The provocative comments made by the Springwatch host on public broadcaster Channel 4 have ignited considerable controversy. Critics contend that endorsing illegal activities erodes democratic procedures and establishes a perilous precedent.

ZELENSKY’S US Visit Ends in Disappointment: Biden Withholds Atacms Commitment

ZELENSKY’S US Visit Ends in Disappointment: Biden Withholds ATACMS Commitment

During his recent visit to the United States, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky didn’t receive the public commitment he was hoping for. Despite meeting with key figures from Congress, the military, and the White House, Zelensky left without a promise of Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS) from President Joe Biden.

Ukraine has been in pursuit of these long-range missiles since last year as a deterrent against Russian aggression. The acquisition of such weapons would empower Ukraine to target command centers and ammunition depots deep within Russian-occupied Ukrainian territory.

Although the Biden administration announced new military aid worth $325 million during Zelensky’s visit, it did not include ATACMS. National security adviser Jake Sullivan mentioned that Biden hasn’t completely dismissed providing ATACMS in the future but made no formal announcements about this during Zelensky’s visit.

Contrary to this statement, unnamed officials later suggested that the U.S. would supply ATACMS to Ukraine. Yet no official confirmation came from the National Security Council. Simultaneously, defense representatives from nearly 50 countries gathered at Germany’s Ramstein Air Base for talks on Ukraine’s most pressing needs.

BORDER CHAOS Escalates: Migrants from Around the Globe Swarm Southern Border, Agents Struggle to Cope

BORDER CHAOS Escalates: Migrants from Around the Globe Swarm Southern Border, Agents Struggle to Cope

In a remote corner of Southern California, a diverse group of migrants hailing from countries such as China, Ecuador, Brazil, and Colombia have surrendered to Border Patrol agents. Their makeshift desert campsite is a stark symbol of the recent surge in asylum-seekers that has put immense pressure on various parts of the U.S.-Mexico border. This influx has led to shutdowns at border crossings in Eagle Pass (Texas), San Diego and El Paso.

The Biden administration finds itself scrambling for solutions following a brief dip in illegal crossings due to new asylum restrictions introduced in May. With Democrats pushing for more resources to accommodate asylum-seekers and Republicans using this issue as ammunition for the upcoming 2024 elections, Temporary Protected Status has been granted to an estimated 472,000 Venezuelans already residing in the U.S., adding to the 242,700 who had previously qualified.

In response to this crisis, an additional 800 active-duty military personnel have been deployed at the border joining an existing force of 2,500 National Guard members. Furthermore, holding facilities are being expanded by an additional capacity of 3,250 spaces. The administration

UK’S SILENT Treatment Over Jailed Hong Kong Activist Jimmy Lai: A Shameful Betrayal?

Sebastien Lai, son of the imprisoned Hong Kong media tycoon and pro-democracy advocate, Jimmy Lai, has publicly expressed disappointment at the UK government for its apparent indifference. His father, a British citizen and founder of the now-closed pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily, has been held captive since 2020 under Beijing’s national security law. If convicted, senior Lai could face life in prison. He has already been handed a separate sentence of five years and nine months.

Originally set to begin last December, the trial has experienced multiple delays by court officials. It is now slated to kick off on Dec. 18th. Sebastien Lai and his legal representatives have labeled this case as a “show trial.” They suggest that Hong Kong authorities might prolong the trial due to their weak case against Lai and their desire to prevent him from expressing his views during an expected public hearing that could last two or three months.

Sebastien also criticized Britain’s government for its mild language in condemning his father’s extended detention period. He described the UK’s stance towards China as inconsistent — with some officials decrying Beijing’s human rights record while others prioritize preserving China as a trade partner over human rights issues.

MYSTERY Surrounds PATRIOTS Fan’s Death: Autopsy Points to Medical Issue, Not Fight Trauma

The sudden death of Dale Mooney, a 53-year-old ardent fan of the New England Patriots, has sparked curiosity. The initial autopsy did not indicate any traumatic injury from a fight but revealed an undisclosed medical condition.

Mooney encountered a physical dispute during the Patriots’ clash against the Miami Dolphins at Gillette Stadium in Massachusetts. Witness Joseph Kilmartin narrated how Mooney interacted with another spectator before suddenly collapsing.

The exact cause and circumstances surrounding Mooney’s death are still under investigation and will require further tests. His grieving wife, Lisa Mooney, is eager to unravel what led to this unforeseen event. Authorities are currently appealing for witnesses or fans who may have captured video footage of the incident to step forward.

The case is now in the hands of Norfolk District Attorney’s Office who can be contacted at 781-830-4990 by anyone possessing information pertaining to this puzzling incident.

US AID To UKRAINE: Biden’s Pledge Faces Surge of Resistance — How Americans Really Feel

US AID To UKRAINE: Biden’s Pledge Faces Surge of Resistance — How Americans Really Feel

President Biden’s call for sustained aid to Ukraine, announced at the United Nations General Assembly, is meeting escalating resistance within the US. The administration is pushing for an extra $24 billion in aid for Ukraine by the end of this year. This would escalate total assistance to a whopping $135 billion since the conflict ignited in February 2022.

Yet, a CNN poll from August uncovers that most Americans oppose further aid to Ukraine. The topic has grown increasingly divisive over time. Moreover, despite Western backing and training, Ukraine’s much-hyped counter-offensive has not yielded significant wins.

A Wall Street Journal survey earlier this month revealed that more than half of American voters — 52% — disapprove of Biden’s handling of the Ukrainian situation — a rise from 46% on March 22. Among those surveyed, over one-third believe too much effort is being put into helping Ukraine while only about one-fifth think not enough is being done.

America’s BORDER CRISIS: A Deep Dive into Biden’s Disastrous Immigration Policies

The ongoing border crisis in America is a direct result of President Biden’s disastrous immigration policies. His decisions have led to an unprecedented influx of illegal immigrants, putting immense strain on border patrol agents and local communities.

President Biden reversed many of Trump’s strict immigration policies upon taking office. This has resulted in a surge of migrants attempting to cross the border illegally, with numbers reaching their highest levels in over two decades.

Local communities near the border are feeling the impact. Schools are overwhelmed, crime rates are rising, and public resources are stretched thin. Yet, the administration seems indifferent to their plight.

Biden’s approach to immigration is not just flawed; it’s catastrophic. It undermines national security and disregards the rule of law. It’s time for America to wake up and hold him accountable for this crisis.

RUSSELL BRAND’s Career Hangs in the Balance: Sexual Assault Allegations Emerge

British comedian Russell Brand is facing serious allegations of sexual assault from multiple women. This has resulted in the postponement of his live performances and a severed relationship with his talent agency and publisher. The U.K. entertainment industry is now wrestling with whether Brand’s celebrity status protected him from accountability.

Brand, now 48, denies the accusations made by four women through a Channel 4 documentary and articles published in The Times and Sunday Times newspapers. Among these accusers is one woman who alleges she was sexually assaulted by Brand at age 16, while another claims he raped her in Los Angeles back in 2012.

The Metropolitan Police force has been notified of an alleged sexual assault that occurred in Soho, central London, back in 2003 — earlier than any assaults reported by media outlets so far. Although they did not directly name Brand as the suspect, police acknowledged the TV and newspaper allegations during their announcement.

In response to these serious allegations, Brand insists all his past relationships were consensual. As more women step forward with accusations against him, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s spokesman Max Blain labeled these claims as “very serious and concerning.” Conservative legislator Caroline Nokes has called on British and U.S. law enforcement to investigate these alarming allegations.

SHIFTING ALLIANCES: Slovakia’s Pro-Russian Frontrunner Pledges to Reverse Support for Ukraine

Robert Fico, a former prime minister of Slovakia, is currently leading the race for the upcoming Sept. 30 election. Known for his pro-Russian and anti-American views, Fico has pledged to withdraw Slovakia’s support for Ukraine if he regains power. His party, Smer, is anticipated to triumph in the early parliamentary election. This could pose a challenge to both the European Union and NATO.

Fico’s potential comeback reflects a broader trend in Europe where populist parties skeptical of intervention in Ukraine are gaining momentum. Countries such as Germany, France, Spain and Hungary have witnessed significant backing for these parties which could sway public sentiment away from Kyiv and towards Moscow.

Fico disputes EU sanctions on Russia and doubts Ukraine’s military strength against Russian forces. He intends to leverage Slovakia’s NATO membership as a barrier against Ukraine joining the alliance. This shift could steer Slovakia off its democratic path following Hungary under Prime Minister Viktor Orban or Poland under the Law and Justice party.

Public faith in liberal democracy has seen more decline in Slovakia compared to other regions that broke free from Soviet control years ago. A recent survey disclosed that over half of Slovak respondents blame either the West or Ukraine for the war while an equal percentage perceive America as a security threat.

SHOCKING: Buckingham Palace INTRUDER Apprehended in Daring Early Morning Arrest

A 25-year-old man was apprehended by London police on Saturday morning. The suspect is accused of trespassing the royal stables at Buckingham Palace, allegedly gaining entry by scaling a wall.

The Metropolitan Police Service arrested the intruder at precisely 1:25 a.m for violating the sanctity of a protected site. Post-arrest, he was escorted to a nearby police station where he remained until later in the morning.

Following an exhaustive search of the area, authorities located the man outside the royal stables. Police reports confirm that at no point did he infiltrate either the palace or its gardens.

At this incident’s occurrence, King Charles III was away in Scotland and does not currently reside in Buckingham Palace due to ongoing renovations.

HEROIC Lyft Driver PREVENTS Horrifying Child Sacrifice in Chicago

HEROIC Lyft Driver PREVENTS Horrifying Child Sacrifice in Chicago

A child’s life in Chicago may have been spared due to the quick thinking of a Lyft driver. Jeremiah Campbell, aged 29, is now under arrest facing charges of attempted murder and child endangerment. This follows after the driver contacted police about Campbell’s disturbing comments regarding his intentions to sacrifice his own son.

The Lyft driver, who wishes to remain anonymous, immediately dialed 911 upon hearing Campbell discussing conspiracies and plans to offer his two-year-old son as a sacrifice to Jehovah. This alarming conversation took place during their journey towards Campbell’s home on South Shore Drive, located south of downtown Chicago.

Coinciding with the Lyft driver’s emergency call, an unidentified caller reported that a two-year-old boy had tragically drowned in a bathtub. Investigators believe these incidents are linked and are currently conducting further inquiries.

UK Immigration Policy DISCONTENT Soars to RECORD High: Britons Demand Change

UK Immigration Policy DISCONTENT Soars to RECORD High: Britons Demand Change

A recent study conducted by Ipsos and British Future has unveiled a significant rise in public dissatisfaction with the UK government’s immigration policy. The survey reveals that a staggering 66% of Britons are dissatisfied with the current policy, marking the highest level of discontent since 2015. Conversely, a mere 12% expressed satisfaction with how things stand.

The discontent is widespread, cutting through party lines but for varying reasons. Among Conservative voters, only 22% were satisfied with their party’s performance on immigration issues. A majority of 56% expressed dissatisfaction, while an additional 26% were “extremely unhappy”. In contrast, about three-quarters (73%) of Labour supporters disapproved of the government’s handling of immigration.

Labour supporters primarily voiced concerns about creating a “negative or fearful environment for migrants” (46%) and “poor treatment towards asylum-seekers” (45%). On the other hand, an overwhelming majority (82%) of Conservatives criticized the government for its inability to curb illegal Channel crossings. Both parties identified this failure as a top reason for their dissatisfaction.

Despite assurances from Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s administration that their policies have made an impact, migrant crossings have seen only slight reduction from last year’s record-setting pace. Over one weekend alone witnessed more than 800 individuals making this dangerous journey

US, UK UNVEIL ‘20 Days in Mariupol’ to the WORLD: A Shocking Expose of Russia’s Invasion

The United States and Britain are shining a spotlight on the atrocities of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. They’ve organized a U.N. screening of the acclaimed documentary “20 Days in Mariupol”. This film documents the experiences of three Associated Press journalists during Russia’s brutal siege on the Ukrainian port city. UK Ambassador Barbara Woodward stressed that this screening is vital, as it exposes how Russia’s actions challenge the very principles that U.N. upholds — respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Produced by AP and PBS series “Frontline”, “20 Days in Mariupol” presents 30 hours worth footage recorded in Mariupol after Russia launched its invasion on February 24, 2022. The film captures street battles, extreme pressure on residents, and deadly attacks that took innocent lives including pregnant women and children. The siege concluded on May 20, 2022 leaving thousands dead and Mariupol devastated.

U.S ambassador to U.N., Linda Thomas-Greenfield referred to “20 Days in Mariupol” as a vivid record of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war aggression. She called upon everyone to witness these horrors and recommit themselves towards justice and peace in Ukraine.

The AP’s coverage from Mariupol has drawn ire from Kremlin with its U.N ambassador

Morocco’s DEADLIEST Earthquake in a Century: OVER 2,000 Lives Lost and Rising

Morocco has been hit by its most powerful earthquake in 120 years. The devastating 6.8 magnitude quake has resulted in over 2,000 fatalities and severe structural damage. With rescue efforts ongoing, the death toll is feared to increase as remote areas remain inaccessible.

The quake’s destructive force was felt nationwide, causing extensive damage to ancient cities and isolated villages alike. Remote communities such as those in the Ouargane Valley have been cut off from the rest of the world due to power outages and disrupted cell service. Residents are left grieving for their lost neighbors while assessing their own losses.

In Marrakech, residents are fearful of returning indoors due to potential building instability. Notable landmarks like the Koutoubia Mosque have sustained damage; however, the full extent is yet to be determined. Videos on social media show significant damage to parts of Marrakech’s iconic red walls that encircle the old city.

The Interior Ministry reports a death toll of at least 2,012 people mainly from Marrakech and nearby provinces close to the epicenter. Additionally, over 2,059 individuals were injured with more than half listed in critical condition.

INDIA’S G-20 Summit: A Golden Opportunity for US to Reclaim Global Supremacy

INDIA’S G-20 Summit: A Golden Opportunity for US to Reclaim Global Supremacy

India is preparing to host its inaugural G-20 summit in New Delhi on September 9. This important event gathers leaders from the world’s most powerful economies. These nations represent a staggering 85% of the world’s GDP, 75% of all international trade, and two-thirds of the global population.

Elaine Dezenski, a representative from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, views this as a golden chance for America to reclaim its position as a global leader. She stressed the importance of fostering transparency, development and open trade rooted in democratic rules and principles.

Yet, Russia’s aggressive actions in Ukraine pose a significant challenge likely to cause division among attendees. Western nations supporting Ukraine may find themselves at odds with countries like India that maintain a more neutral stance. Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor, underscored that Russia’s war has inflicted severe social and economic damage on less affluent countries.

Despite unanimous condemnation at last year’s Bali summit declaration over Ukraine’s situation, disagreements persist within the G-20 group.

AMERICAN CAVER Trapped: Unfolding Drama in Turkish Cave as Rescue Operation Faces Challenges

Mark Dickey, a seasoned American caver and researcher, is trapped deep within Turkey’s Morca cave. Located in the formidable Taurus Mountains, the cave has become Dickey’s unexpected prison nearly 1,000 meters below its entrance. During an expedition with fellow Americans, Dickey fell ill with severe stomach bleeding.

Despite receiving on-site medical attention from rescuers including a Hungarian doctor, his extraction from the constricted cave could take weeks. The complexity of the situation is due to both his condition and the challenging environment of the cold cave.

In a video message shared by Turkey’s communications directorate, Dickey expressed heartfelt gratitude towards both the caving community and Turkish government for their rapid response. He believes their efforts have been life-saving. While he appears alert in the video footage, he stressed that his internal recovery is still ongoing.

According to his affiliated New Jersey-based rescue group, Dickey has stopped vomiting and has been able to eat for the first time in days. However, what caused this sudden illness remains a mystery. The rescue operation continues under demanding conditions requiring multiple teams and constant medical care.

UNCOVERED: The SHOCKING Truth Behind Scott Johnson’s Mysterious Death in Australia

Scott Johnson, a bright and openly gay American mathematician, met an untimely death under a cliff in Sydney, Australia over three decades ago. Investigators initially deemed his death a suicide. However, Steve Johnson, Scott’s brother, doubted this conclusion and embarked on a long journey to seek justice for his brother.

A new four-part documentary series titled “Never Let Him Go” delves into the life and death of Scott. Produced by ABC News Studios in collaboration with Show of Force and Blackfella Films for Hulu, it also sheds light on Steve’s tireless quest to uncover the truth about his brother’s demise amidst Sydney’s notorious era of anti-gay violence.

Upon hearing about Scott’s passing in December 1988, Steve left the U.S. for Canberra, Australia where Scott resided with his partner. He then undertook a three-hour drive to Manly near Sydney where Scott died and met Troy Hardie — the officer who investigated the case.

Hardie insisted that he based his initial suicide verdict on evidence or lack thereof at the scene. He pointed out that authorities found Scott naked at the cliff base with neatly folded clothes and clear identification atop it. Additionally, Hardie mentioned speaking to Scott’s partner who disclosed that Scott had previously considered suicide.

FLORIDA TEACHER’S Heartbreaking Death in Murder-Suicide Shocks Community

FLORIDA TEACHER’S Heartbreaking Death in Murder-Suicide Shocks Community

Maria Cruz de la Cruz, a beloved 51-year-old elementary school teacher, was tragically killed in a murder-suicide incident that unfolded in the quiet neighborhood of Palmetto Estates, Miami. The dreadful event occurred on Friday afternoon and left another victim injured. Detective Angel Rodriguez from the Miami-Dade Police Department has confirmed these chilling details.

For nearly a decade, Cruz had been an inspiring figure at Doral Academy K-8 Charter School where she passionately taught math. In her memory and to provide support for her bereaved family during this tragic period, a GoFundMe account has been established.

The male suspect involved in the incident remains unidentified. Before turning the gun on himself, he shot another man present at the house. Both victims were immediately transported to Jackson South Medical Center where Cruz succumbed to her fatal injuries while the condition of the second victim is yet to be disclosed by authorities.

Detective Rodriguez classified this horrifying event as a murder-suicide case and stated that “the investigation is ongoing”. Authorities are currently piecing together what led up to this heartbreaking occurrence that has left an indelible mark on their community.

ROYAL FANS and Adorable Corgis Pay Heartfelt Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II in Unique Parade

ROYAL FANS and Adorable Corgis Pay Heartfelt Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II in Unique Parade

In a touching tribute to the late Queen Elizabeth II, a small group of dedicated royal fans and their corgis gathered on Sunday. The event marked the one-year anniversary of the beloved monarch’s passing. The parade took place outside Buckingham Palace, reflecting Queen Elizabeth’s well-documented affection for this particular breed of dogs.

The unique procession included approximately 20 staunch monarchists and their festively attired corgis. Photos captured from the event portray these short-legged canines sporting various accessories such as crowns and tiaras. All dogs were leashed together near the palace gates, creating a picture-perfect homage to their royal fan.

Agatha Crerer-Gilbert, who orchestrated this unique tribute, expressed her aspiration for it to become an annual tradition. Speaking to Associated Press she said: “I can’t envision a more fitting way to honor her memory than through her beloved corgis...the breed that she cherished throughout her life.”

UK Government LIFTS Wind Farm Restrictions: A Step Towards GREEN Future or Just Empty Promises?

The UK’s Conservative government has relaxed planning rules, effectively lifting the ban on new onshore wind farms in England. These regulations, implemented by former Prime Minister David Cameron in 2015, permitted a single objection to halt wind turbine applications. This resulted in a notable decrease in new turbines getting planning approval.

Under pressure from some Conservatives, the current government decided to revise these rules. Alok Sharma, lawmaker and president of the 2021 U.N. climate change conference, dubbed them as “outdated” and “not sensible.” With these eased restrictions, local authorities can now make final decisions based on community consensus rather than individual objections.

Communities that support wind turbines stand to gain from lower electricity costs. However, specifics about energy discounts will be discussed later. Although this decision took immediate effect, it faced backlash from environmental groups who argue that too many hurdles still remain for constructing wind farms.

Environmental organization Greenpeace dismissed the changes as “feeble tweaks” and “just more hot air.” Alethea Warrington from climate advocacy group Possible expressed concerns that it would still be challenging for communities wanting wind energy to obtain it. Experts caution that there needs to be a swift increase in onshore wind energy production for the U.K. to meet its climate change targets.

OFF-GRID Tragedy: Colorado Family’s Dream Turns Deadly in Wilderness Survival Attempt

A heartbreaking tale has unfolded in Colorado as a family’s quest for off-grid living ended in disaster. Mother Christine Vance, her sister Rebecca Vance, and Rebecca’s teenage son were found lifeless at an isolated campsite. The women had sought solace from societal upheaval, but their wilderness survival skills proved fatally inadequate. Post-mortem examinations indicate that they fell victim to malnutrition and hypothermia.

Their remains were stumbled upon by a hiker in July amidst empty food containers and scattered survival guides. The trio had been subjected to harsh cold and heavy snowfall without sufficient supplies. Officials estimate that they had been dead for a considerable period when discovered.

Trevala Jara, the stepsister of the deceased women, was shattered by the news. She disclosed that the sisters started planning their off-grid adventure in fall 2021 due to dissatisfaction with pandemic politics and societal unrest. Although they weren’t conspiracy theorists, they felt driven to distance themselves from society.

Jara had bestowed her blessed rosary upon them before their ill-fated expedition — a rosary later found alongside the young boy’s lifeless body. Consumed by sorrow and remorse, Jara expressed regret over their decision to ignore her warnings against such dangerous isolation.

US Military Urges End To Syrian Civil War Amid Isis Resurgence Fears

US Military Urges End To Syrian Civil War Amid ISIS Resurgence Fears

US military officials have urged for a halt to the intensifying civil war in Syria. They fear the ongoing conflict could fuel a revival of ISIS. The officials also criticized regional leaders, including those in Iran, for allegedly exploiting ethnic tensions to fuel the war.

Operation Inherent Resolve is closely monitoring the situation in northeast Syria," stated the Combined Joint Task Force. They emphasized their commitment to working with the Syrian Defense Forces to ensure the lasting defeat of ISIS, supporting regional security and stability.

The violence in northeast Syria has led to calls for peace and stability in the region, free from the threat of ISIS. The fighting between rival groups in East Syria, which started on Monday, has already claimed at least 40 lives and left dozens injured.

In related news, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) dismissed and arrested Ahmad Khbeil, also known as Abu Khawla, on charges related to multiple crimes and violations, including drug trafficking.

UK Government Orders Over 100 Schools TO Remain CLOSED Due To Safety Concerns

UK Government Orders Over 100 Schools TO Remain CLOSED Due To Safety Concerns

Over 100 schools in the UK have been ordered to keep their buildings closed at the start of the new academic year. The government’s decision, announced late on Thursday, is due to safety concerns regarding crumbling concrete in school buildings. The sudden announcement has left school administrators scrambling to find alternative ways to accommodate pupils, with some considering a return to online instruction.

The timing of the decision, just days before classes resume, has sparked questions from parents and school officials about the government’s delay in action. According to Schools Minister Nick Gibb, a beam collapse over the summer prompted urgent reconsideration of the safety of buildings constructed with reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC). The Department for Education has ordered 104 schools to keep some or all of their buildings closed when the autumn term begins on Monday.

RAAC, a lighter and cheaper alternative to standard reinforced concrete, was widely used in public buildings from the 1950s to the mid-1990s. However, its weaker nature and a useful life of about 30 years means many such structures now need replacement. The UK government has been aware of this issue since 1994 and initiated monitoring of public buildings’ conditions in 2018.

“Despite the late notice, Schools Minister Gibb assures parents that the decision is a cautious approach for the safety of school children. He stated, “Parents can be confident that if they’ve not been contacted by their school, it is safe to send children back into school.”


Japan’s PM EATS FUKUSHIMA SEAFOOD to Dispel Safety Concerns

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and three cabinet ministers publicly consumed seafood sourced from Fukushima’s waters. This move aims to quell fears about the safety of food from the area, where treated radioactive wastewater was released.

The ministers, including Economy and Industry Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura, held a lunch featuring sashimi made with flounder, octopus, and sea bass. The rice used was also harvested from Fukushima. The public meal was part of an effort to broadcast the safety of Fukushima’s food both domestically and internationally.

Nishimura, who supervised the wastewater release plan, emphasized the lunch’s symbolic nature. It represents a “strong commitment to take the leadership in tackling reputational damage while standing by the feeling of the fisheries community in Fukushima.”

In the following week, officials are scheduled to visit regional markets to promote Fukushima’s fish safety and restore confidence. Kishida has already begun this campaign by publicly eating octopus caught by a Fukushima fishmonger in Tokyo.

Louisiana Woman STABS GRANDFATHER in Hygiene Dispute

In a shocking incident, 22-year-old Carrington Harris of Keithville, Louisiana, was arrested for allegedly stabbing her grandfather in the face. The dispute arose over Harris’s hygiene habits, according to the Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office.

The argument escalated when Harris was asked to shower, leading to property damage and a power outage. Harris then reportedly retrieved a knife from the kitchen and stabbed her grandfather, before fleeing to the nearby woods.

Harris was later found by authorities and charged with one count of domestic battery abuse and one count of domestic battery abuse with a dangerous weapon. The grandfather, injured in the altercation, was swiftly taken to Willis-Knighton South by Caddo Parish Fire District 6.

Harris is currently held at the Caddo Correctional Center, with no bond set as of Thursday. The circumstances leading to the argument and Harris’s potential prior history with the police remain unclear.

UK’s NHS to OFFER Revolutionary Cancer Treatment Injection, Cutting Treatment Times by 75%

UK’s NHS to OFFER Revolutionary Cancer Treatment Injection, Cutting Treatment Times by 75%

Britain’s NHS will be the first globally to provide a cancer-treating injection, potentially reducing treatment times by up to 75%. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) approved the use of the immunotherapy, atezolizumab, for hundreds of eligible patients in England.

The injection, known as Tecentriq, will be administered under the skin, freeing up more time for cancer teams. “This approval will enable our teams to treat more patients throughout the day,” said Dr. Alexander Martin, a consultant oncologist at West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust.

Tecentriq, typically given intravenously, often takes around 30 minutes to an hour to administer. The new method takes approximately seven minutes, said Marius Scholtz, Medical Director at Roche Products Limited.

State Department URGES Americans to LEAVE Haiti Immediately

State Department URGES Americans to LEAVE Haiti Immediately

The U.S. State Department has issued an urgent warning to all U.S. citizens to leave Haiti as soon as possible. This comes amid worsening security conditions and infrastructure issues in the Caribbean nation. Commercial and private flights from Haiti’s international airports are available for departure.

Seats on these flights are filling up quickly and may only be available several days or weeks in advance. The alert provided a list of commercial airlines servicing Haiti, including American Airlines, JetBlue, Spirit, Air Caraibe, and Sunrise Airways. U.S. citizens were advised to monitor local news and only depart when considered safe.

The State Department stressed the need for extreme caution while traveling around the country. They advised avoiding demonstrations and large gatherings of people, and to turn around if encountering a roadblock. The guidance also warned of increased risks of kidnapping, hostage-taking, theft, and serious injury in high-risk areas.

U.S. citizens are encouraged to make and practice contingency plans for sheltering in place and accessing airports.

California AG Fights ‘Forced Outing Policy’ in School District

California’s Attorney General, Rob Bonta, has launched a lawsuit against a school district’s controversial “forced outing policy” for transgender students. The Chino Valley Unified School District Board of Education, serving around 26,000 students, recently implemented a policy mandating gender identity disclosure.

This policy obligates schools to inform parents if a student requests to use a different name or pronoun than their official records. It also requires parental notification if a student wishes to access facilities or programs that don’t align with their birth sex.

Bonta criticizes the policy, arguing it jeopardizes the well-being of non-conforming students. He emphasizes the importance of a school environment that promotes safety, privacy, and inclusivity for all students, regardless of their gender identity.

UNC Chapel Hill Murder: Chinese PhD Student Charged in Professor’s Death

UNC Campus Tragedy: Murder Suspect Tailei Qi Appears in Court

Tailei Qi, a Ph.D. student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, was arraigned on Tuesday. He is accused of fatally shooting associate professor Zijie Yan on Monday, which triggered a campus lockdown.

Qi, a 34-year-old Chinese national, is charged with first-degree murder and possession of a firearm on educational property. The court appearance saw him clad in an orange jumpsuit, with bond denied and a probable cause hearing set for September 18.

The devastating loss of faculty member Yan was lamented by UNC Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz. “This shooting damages the trust and safety that we so often take for granted in our campus community,” he said in a press conference.

Qi’s charges include first-degree murder and possession of a weapon on educational property, as announced by the UNC Police Department. The incident marks a grave start to the new academic year for the UNC community.

Do Kwon and Terraform charged with fraud

SEC Charges Crypto Boss Do Kwon With FRAUD for Terra CRASH

Regulators in the United States have charged Do Kwon and his company Terraform Labs with fraud that resulted in the billion-dollar crash of LUNA and Terra USD (UST) in May 2022. Terra USD, ironically labeled as an “algorithmic stablecoin” that was supposed to maintain a value of $1 per coin, reached a staggering $18 billion in total value before collapsing to almost nothing within two days.

Regulators took particular issue with how the Singapore-based crypto firm deceived investors by advertising UST as stable using an algorithm that pegged it to the dollar. However, the SEC claimed it was “controlled by the defendants, not any code.”

The SEC’s complaint alleged “Terraform and Do Kwon failed to provide the public with full, fair, and truthful disclosure as required for a host of crypto asset securities,” and stated the whole ecosystem “was simply a fraud.”

Crypto Community FUMING After Charlie Munger Says to Follow China’s Lead and BAN Crypto

Warren Buffett’s right-hand man Charlie Munger sent shockwaves throughout the crypto community after publishing an article in the Wall Street Journal titled “Why America Should Ban Crypto.” Munger’s premise was simple, “It isn’t currency. It’s a gambling contract.”

Bitcoin market erupts in January

BULLISH on Bitcoin: Crypto Market ERUPTS in January as FEAR Turns to GREED

Bitcoin (BTC) is on track to have the best January in the last decade as investors turn bullish on crypto after a disastrous 2022. Bitcoin leads the way as it approaches $24,000, up a massive 44% from the beginning of the month, where it hovered around $16,500 a coin.

The broader cryptocurrency market has also turned bullish, with other top coins such as Ethereum (ETH) and Binance Coin (BNB) seeing substantial monthly returns of 37% and 30%, respectively.

The upturn comes after last year saw the crypto market plunge, fueled by fears of regulation and the FTX scandal. The year shredded $600 billion (-66%) from Bitcoin’s market cap, ending the year worth only a third of its 2022 peak value.

Despite the ongoing concerns of regulation, the fear in the market looks to be shifting to greed as investors take advantage of bargain prices. The rise may continue, but savvy investors will be wary of another bear market rally where a sharp sell-off will send prices back to Earth.

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ISRAELI Military Orders MASS Evacuation in Gaza: A Terrifying Reality Unfolds

In an unexpected development, Israel’s military has instructed nearly a million Palestinians to leave northern Gaza. This comes after a sudden attack by the governing Hamas militant group, despite warnings from the U.N. that such an evacuation could spell disaster. As Israeli airstrikes continue, families are making their way south from Gaza City using any means possible.

Hamas’s media office claims over 70 people have lost their lives as warplanes targeted vehicles heading south. In the meantime, the Israeli military is conducting temporary incursions into Gaza to counteract militants and search for approximately 150 individuals kidnapped during Hamas’s assault on Israel on October 7th.

Despite the grave situation and suspicions of hidden intentions behind Israel’s evacuation directive, Hamas is encouraging residents to disregard it. With no secure refuge and resources depleting swiftly, Gazans are faced with a bleak decision between staying or abandoning their homes.

Nebal Farsakh, spokesperson for the Palestinian Red Crescent in Gaza City sums up this desperation: “Forget about food... The only worry now is whether you’ll survive.” The U.N., on its part, has urged Israel to retract its unprecedented order.

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