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UK Government STRIKES BACK Against Post Office Injustice: Here’s What You Need to Know

UK Government STRIKES BACK Against Post Office Injustice: Here’s What You Need to Know

The UK government has taken a significant stride towards rectifying one of the country’s most egregious miscarriages of justice. A new law introduced on Wednesday aims to overturn the wrongful convictions of hundreds of Post Office branch managers across England and Wales.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak emphasized that this legislation is vital for “finally clearing” the names of those unjustly convicted due to a flawed computer accounting system, known as Horizon. The victims, whose lives were drastically affected by this scandal, have experienced prolonged delays in receiving compensation.

Under the anticipated law, expected to be enacted by summer, convictions will be automatically overturned if they meet certain criteria. These include cases initiated by the state-owned Post Office or Crown Prosecution Service and offenses committed between 1996 and 2018 using the faulty Horizon software.

More than 700 subpostmasters were prosecuted and criminally convicted between 1999 and 2015 due to this software glitch. Those with overturned convictions will receive an interim payment with an option for a final offer of £600,000 ($760,000). Enhanced financial compensation will be provided to those who suffered financially but weren’t convicted.

Israel open to ’little pauses’ in Gaza fighting, Netanyahu says ...

ISRAEL and HAMAS on the Brink of a Landmark Hostage Deal: Here’s What You Need to Know

A potential breakthrough is in sight as Israel and Hamas edge closer to a deal. This agreement could liberate about 130 hostages currently held in Gaza, offering a brief respite from the ongoing conflict, says U.S. President Joe Biden.

The deal, which could be enacted as early as next week, would bring much-needed respite to both Gaza’s battle-weary residents and the families of Israeli hostages taken during a Hamas attack on October 7th.

Under this proposed agreement, there would be a six-week cease-fire. During this time, Hamas would release up to 40 hostages — mainly civilian women, children, and older or ill captives. In exchange for this act of goodwill, Israel would release at least 300 Palestinian prisoners from their jails and permit displaced Palestinians to return home to designated areas in northern Gaza.

Moreover, aid deliveries are expected to surge during the cease-fire period with an estimated daily influx of between 300-500 trucks into Gaza — a significant leap from current figures," shared an Egyptian official involved in brokering the deal alongside U.S. and Qatari representatives

UFO hearing

Landmark Panel on UFOs Targets Unsettling National Security THREATS

This Wednesday, the House of Representatives launched a historic panel on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), more widely known as UFOs. This initiative marks the government’s most serious acknowledgment of the need to scrutinize these enigmatic sightings at the uppermost levels of command.

Republican Tim Burchett, who started the meeting, clarified that it would focus solely on facts, devoid of alien folklore. For two hours, three witnesses recounted their interactions with seemingly physics-defying objects. They expressed concern over pilots’ fears of coming forward, strange biological material retrieved from unidentified crafts, and purported backlash against whistleblowers.

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