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MICHAEL RAPAPORT Shocks Fans: Admits Trump Was Right on Israel and Economy

MICHAEL RAPAPORT Shocks Fans: Admits Trump Was Right on Israel and Economy

Actor Michael Rapaport, known for his harsh criticism of Donald Trump, has recently changed his tune on two key issues. Speaking on Sage Steele’s podcast, Rapaport admitted he was wrong about Trump’s handling of the economy and Israel.

Rapaport had previously called Trump derogatory names and criticized him daily. However, he now acknowledges that Trump supported Israel effectively and weakened Iran’s terror financing capabilities.

“I was wrong,” Rapaport confessed, noting that while he still dislikes some of Trump’s behavior, he can’t deny the positive outcomes in these areas. This admission marks a significant shift in Rapaport’s stance on the former president.

Mayorkas PUSHES for High-Immigration, Low-Productivity Economy: Is the American Dream At RISK?

Mayorkas PUSHES for High-Immigration, Low-Productivity Economy: Is the American Dream At RISK?

In a recent discussion with the New York Times, Alejandro Mayorkas, leader of the Department of Homeland Security, argued for an economy that relies heavily on immigration but yields low productivity. He proposed lawful routes for migrants to meet labor demands. This approach, he believes, would eliminate smugglers and provide a structured method for individuals to arrive and work legally.

Yet Mayorkas overlooked one crucial aspect: our immigration system’s primary objective is to protect American families from being displaced by employers resorting to inexpensive foreign labor. Since 2021, his policies have permitted over 6.2 million migrants access into American homes, schools, hospitals and workplaces.

These policies have led to decreased wages for Americans and escalated rents and housing costs. They’ve also amplified societal rifts and forced many native-born Americans out of their professions.

Mayorkas has consistently advocated for a Canadian-style migration system in America that would cater to companies’ labor preferences. However, Canadians are gradually realizing that their migration approach has inflicted substantial harm on their citizens and economy.

Bipartisan Committee CALLS for END of China’s Trade Status: A Potential Jolt to US Economy

Bipartisan Committee CALLS for END of China’s Trade Status: A Potential Jolt to US Economy

A bipartisan committee, led by Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) and Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL), has been studying the economic effects of China on the US for a year. The investigation centered on job market changes, manufacturing shifts, and national security concerns since China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001.

The committee released a report this Tuesday recommending President Joe Biden’s administration and Congress to implement nearly 150 policies to counteract China’s economic influence. One significant suggestion is to cancel China’s permanent normal trade relations status (PNTR) with the U.S., a status endorsed by former President George W. Bush in 2001.

The report argues that granting PNTR to China did not bring anticipated benefits for the US or trigger expected reforms in China. It asserts that this has led to a loss of vital U.S. economic leverage and inflicted damage on U.S industry, workers, and manufacturers due to unfair trade practices.

The committee proposes shifting China into a new tariff category that reinstates U.S economic leverage while reducing dependence on Chinese

Jon Voight BLASTS Daughter Angelina Jolie Over ISRAEL Criticism: ‘Destroying God’s Land’

Jon Voight BLASTS Daughter Angelina Jolie Over ISRAEL Criticism: ‘Destroying God’s Land’

Hollywood stalwart Jon Voight has publicly voiced his dismay towards his daughter, renowned actress Angelina Jolie, for her recent denouncement of Israel. In a video shared this past weekend, Voight delivered his reproach against the backdrop of an American flag, criticizing Jolie for her lack of comprehension about the Holy Land.

Voight contended that the current turmoil is about “eradicating the history of God’s land,” alluding to Israel. He underscored that this is a conflict and it won’t be as civil as some might anticipate.

Voight censured those who fault Israel for the ongoing strife. He encouraged individuals to self-reflect and question whether they are discovering truths or falling prey to deception.

The actor’s remarks follow what has been characterized as the deadliest assault on Jewish people since Nazi Holocaust. Voight’s video has ignited extensive conversation online.

UK inflation dips slightly to 10.1% | Business News | Sky News

UK Inflation DEFIES Predictions, STAYS at 67%: What’s Next for the Economy?

The UK’s inflation rate held steady at 6.7% in September, flying in the face of economists’ predictions for a slight decrease. The Office for National Statistics highlighted that while food and drink prices dipped, they were counterbalanced by an uptick in fuel costs.

This persistent inflation rate is more than triple the Bank of England’s target of 2%. Despite this, it is not expected that the bank will hike interest rates during its November policy meeting. Instead, it seems set to keep its main borrowing rate at a peak not seen in 15 years — a hefty 5.25%.

James Smith from the Resolution Foundation think tank offered his perspective on this economic puzzle: “For now, progress on reducing inflation has hit a roadblock.” He anticipates a significant drop to below 5% next month as energy prices are projected to fall for most consumers.

In response to price surges triggered by pandemic-induced supply chain disruptions and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine — both factors contributing heavily to increased food and energy costs — the Bank of England has been steadily cranking up interest rates from near zero levels.

Emergency Alerts |

EMERGENCY Alert Test: The NATIONWIDE Drill You Can’t Ignore

The federal government is set to conduct a nationwide test of the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System on Wednesday. This system, designed to deliver a presidential message to Americans within 10 minutes during a national crisis, uses the Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alerts.

Wireless phone users in the U.S. will receive an alert at 2:20 p.m. Eastern time that reads: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.” Along with this message, phones will emit sound and vibration signals. If any phones are switched off at this time, they will display the alert once powered back on within a half-hour window.

For those tuning into broadcast or cable television or radio during this period, they’ll encounter a one-minute message stating: “This is a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System by Federal Emergency Management Agency covering United States from 14:20 to 14:50 hours ET. This is only a test. No action required by public.”

Marcos Jr STANDS UP to China: The Bold Challenge Over South China Sea Barrier

Marcos Jr STANDS UP to China: The Bold Challenge Over South China Sea Barrier

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has taken a firm stance against China’s installation of a 300-meter barrier at the entrance to Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea. This marks his first public opposition to this move, following his directive to dismantle the barrier. Marcos asserted, "We’re not seeking conflict, but we won’t back down from defending our maritime territory and our fishermen’s rights.”

This recent face-off between China and the Philippines follows Marcos’ decision earlier this year to increase U.S. military presence under a defense pact from 2014. This move has raised concerns in Beijing, as it could lead to an increased American military presence near Taiwan and southern China.

After the Philippine coast guard removed the Chinese barrier at Scarborough Shoal, Filipino fishing boats managed to catch around 164 tons of fish in just one day. “This is what our fishermen miss out on... it’s evident that this area belongs to the Philippines,” stated Marcos.

Despite these efforts, two Chinese coast guard vessels were seen patrolling the shoal’s entrance by a Philippine surveillance aircraft on Thursday. According to Commodore Jay Tar

NET NEUTRALITY Revival Pushed by Biden’s New FCC Pick: The Real Impact on Telecom Companies

NET NEUTRALITY Revival Pushed by Biden’s New FCC Pick: The Real Impact on Telecom Companies

Following the unsuccessful Senate endorsement of Gigi Sohn, President Biden has now confirmed Anna Gomez as the new commissioner for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). This appointment breaks a 2-2 deadlock at the Commission. In response, Democrats and progressive nonprofits have begun to advocate for the return of Title II regulations on telecom companies.

On Monday, a group of 27 Senate Democrats, which included Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Ron Wyden (D-OR), and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), called on FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel to reestablish Title II regulations on internet service providers. These were regulations that had been withdrawn during Trump’s tenure.

Last week, progressive nonprofit Free Press also stepped up its efforts by starting a petition urging the FCC to bring back net neutrality rules. These rules were first introduced during Obama’s presidency before social media censorship became widespread. Net neutrality was initially touted as a means to safeguard an open internet by classifying telecom companies as common carriers.

Free Press emphasized that net neutrality is essential for preserving an internet that is “free, open and accessible to all.” However, critics contend that such regulation could potentially stifle innovation and competition within the sector.

Chris PACKHAM’S RADICAL Call to Break the Law: Is It Justified or a Threat to Democracy?

Chris PACKHAM’S RADICAL Call to Break the Law: Is It Justified or a Threat to Democracy?

In his most recent show, “Is It Time To Break The Law?”, seasoned BBC presenter Chris Packham hinted that legal protests might not be enough for environmental causes. On Channel 4, Packham suggested that law-breaking could potentially be a necessary step to save our planet.

Known for his wildlife programs and involvement in left-wing climate marches like Extinction Rebellion (XR), Packham is currently rallying support for a “Restore Nature Now” demonstration. This protest is scheduled later this month outside the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) headquarters in London.

The provocative comments made by the Springwatch host on public broadcaster Channel 4 have ignited considerable controversy. Critics contend that endorsing illegal activities erodes democratic procedures and establishes a perilous precedent.

BORDER CHAOS Escalates: Migrants from Around the Globe Swarm Southern Border, Agents Struggle to Cope

BORDER CHAOS Escalates: Migrants from Around the Globe Swarm Southern Border, Agents Struggle to Cope

In a remote corner of Southern California, a diverse group of migrants hailing from countries such as China, Ecuador, Brazil, and Colombia have surrendered to Border Patrol agents. Their makeshift desert campsite is a stark symbol of the recent surge in asylum-seekers that has put immense pressure on various parts of the U.S.-Mexico border. This influx has led to shutdowns at border crossings in Eagle Pass (Texas), San Diego and El Paso.

The Biden administration finds itself scrambling for solutions following a brief dip in illegal crossings due to new asylum restrictions introduced in May. With Democrats pushing for more resources to accommodate asylum-seekers and Republicans using this issue as ammunition for the upcoming 2024 elections, Temporary Protected Status has been granted to an estimated 472,000 Venezuelans already residing in the U.S., adding to the 242,700 who had previously qualified.

In response to this crisis, an additional 800 active-duty military personnel have been deployed at the border joining an existing force of 2,500 National Guard members. Furthermore, holding facilities are being expanded by an additional capacity of 3,250 spaces. The administration

RUSSELL BRAND’s Career Hangs in the Balance: Sexual Assault Allegations Emerge

British comedian Russell Brand is facing serious allegations of sexual assault from multiple women. This has resulted in the postponement of his live performances and a severed relationship with his talent agency and publisher. The U.K. entertainment industry is now wrestling with whether Brand’s celebrity status protected him from accountability.

Brand, now 48, denies the accusations made by four women through a Channel 4 documentary and articles published in The Times and Sunday Times newspapers. Among these accusers is one woman who alleges she was sexually assaulted by Brand at age 16, while another claims he raped her in Los Angeles back in 2012.

The Metropolitan Police force has been notified of an alleged sexual assault that occurred in Soho, central London, back in 2003 — earlier than any assaults reported by media outlets so far. Although they did not directly name Brand as the suspect, police acknowledged the TV and newspaper allegations during their announcement.

In response to these serious allegations, Brand insists all his past relationships were consensual. As more women step forward with accusations against him, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s spokesman Max Blain labeled these claims as “very serious and concerning.” Conservative legislator Caroline Nokes has called on British and U.S. law enforcement to investigate these alarming allegations.

US, UK UNVEIL ‘20 Days in Mariupol’ to the WORLD: A Shocking Expose of Russia’s Invasion

The United States and Britain are shining a spotlight on the atrocities of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. They’ve organized a U.N. screening of the acclaimed documentary “20 Days in Mariupol”. This film documents the experiences of three Associated Press journalists during Russia’s brutal siege on the Ukrainian port city. UK Ambassador Barbara Woodward stressed that this screening is vital, as it exposes how Russia’s actions challenge the very principles that U.N. upholds — respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Produced by AP and PBS series “Frontline”, “20 Days in Mariupol” presents 30 hours worth footage recorded in Mariupol after Russia launched its invasion on February 24, 2022. The film captures street battles, extreme pressure on residents, and deadly attacks that took innocent lives including pregnant women and children. The siege concluded on May 20, 2022 leaving thousands dead and Mariupol devastated.

U.S ambassador to U.N., Linda Thomas-Greenfield referred to “20 Days in Mariupol” as a vivid record of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war aggression. She called upon everyone to witness these horrors and recommit themselves towards justice and peace in Ukraine.

The AP’s coverage from Mariupol has drawn ire from Kremlin with its U.N ambassador

CONVICTED KILLER on the Loose: Danelo Cavalcante’s Daring Escape from Pennsylvania Prison

CONVICTED KILLER on the Loose: Danelo Cavalcante’s Daring Escape from Pennsylvania Prison

Convicted murderer, Danelo Cavalcante, is now a fugitive. After a daring escape from Chester County Prison in Pennsylvania, he has successfully evaded capture. The U.S Marshals Service has confirmed that Cavalcante, sentenced to life for the 2021 murder of his ex-girlfriend, is also implicated in a homicide case in Brazil.

Acting Warden Howard Holland unveiled surveillance footage of Cavalcante’s escape during a press briefing. The video captures the moment when Cavalcante scales a wall and braves through razor wire to make his audacious exit.

Cavalcante’s breakout commenced at 8:33 a.m., as he mingled with other inmates in the exercise yard. By 9:45 a.m., prison officers reported him missing—an unsettling indication of severe lapses in prison security measures.

CANADA’S FREEDOM Convoy Trial Begins: Unmasking the Controversial Protest Tactics

CANADA’S FREEDOM Convoy Trial Begins: Unmasking the Controversial Protest Tactics

The trial of Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, organizers of Canada’s Freedom Convoy, commenced on Tuesday. Prosecutors are focusing not on political ideologies but on the protest methods used.

Lich and Barber were arrested in February 2022 following nearly a month of protests in Ottawa. The demonstrators demanded the termination of federal mask and vaccine mandates amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Critics suggest that their actions extended beyond health measures to challenge the broader Liberal Canadian government.

Throughout their protest, truckers remained stationed outside Canada’s Parliament building, a move city officials labeled as an “occupation”. Over a 13-day trial (with an additional six days in October), The Crown Prosecution will argue that these gridlock tactics constituted dangerous action.

Alongside other organizers, Lich and Barber face charges including mischief, counseling others to commit mischief, intimidation and obstructing police. This case represents a pivotal point in evaluating how society perceives and conducts protests.

UNCOVERED: The SHOCKING Truth Behind Scott Johnson’s Mysterious Death in Australia

Scott Johnson, a bright and openly gay American mathematician, met an untimely death under a cliff in Sydney, Australia over three decades ago. Investigators initially deemed his death a suicide. However, Steve Johnson, Scott’s brother, doubted this conclusion and embarked on a long journey to seek justice for his brother.

A new four-part documentary series titled “Never Let Him Go” delves into the life and death of Scott. Produced by ABC News Studios in collaboration with Show of Force and Blackfella Films for Hulu, it also sheds light on Steve’s tireless quest to uncover the truth about his brother’s demise amidst Sydney’s notorious era of anti-gay violence.

Upon hearing about Scott’s passing in December 1988, Steve left the U.S. for Canberra, Australia where Scott resided with his partner. He then undertook a three-hour drive to Manly near Sydney where Scott died and met Troy Hardie — the officer who investigated the case.

Hardie insisted that he based his initial suicide verdict on evidence or lack thereof at the scene. He pointed out that authorities found Scott naked at the cliff base with neatly folded clothes and clear identification atop it. Additionally, Hardie mentioned speaking to Scott’s partner who disclosed that Scott had previously considered suicide.

Colleagues DEFEND Convicted Baby KILLER Nurse Lucy Letby

Lucy Letby, 33, was sentenced to life imprisonment earlier this week after a jury found her guilty of murdering seven babies and attempting to murder six others at the Countess of Chester hospital. Despite ten months of evidence that connected Letby to these horrific acts, including youngsters being poisoned and overfed, many of her nursing colleagues still believe in her innocence, according to media reports.

Lucy Letby guilty

UK’s Most Notorious Child KILLER: Nurse CONVICTED in Shocking Hospital Baby Murders

British nurse Lucy Letby has been convicted of murdering seven infants and attempting to kill six others between June 2015 and June 2016 at the Countess of Chester Hospital.

Now recognized as the UK’s most infamous child killer in recent history, Letby faced multiple verdicts delivered over several days. The judge imposed reporting restrictions until the trial’s conclusion.

Among the convictions, Letby was found guilty of seven counts of attempted murder, two involving the same baby.

Wages SURGE at Historic Rate With Prospect of Further Interest Rate Hikes

From April to June, wages soared by a record 7.8%, marking the highest annual growth since 2001. This unexpected spike has many predicting the Bank of England will hike interest rates to counter rising inflation, which currently sits at 7.9%.

Lucy Letby jury deliberates

Jury in Lucy Letby Baby MURDER Trial Deliberates for 12th Day

The jury in the trial of nurse Lucy Letby, accused of murdering seven babies and attempting to murder ten more at the Countess of Chester Hospital, has concluded its 12th day of deliberations.

The 22 charges, including seven of murder and 15 of attempted murder, allegedly occurred at the neonatal unit between June 2015 and June 2016. The jurors retired to consider the verdicts on Monday, 10 July.

No deliberations occurred in the week of July 17-21, and a juror absence halted discussions on Monday, 31 July. So far, the jury has deliberated for over 60 hours.

Trial judge Mr. Justice James Goss has reminded the jurors not to discuss the case with anyone until they resume on Thursday. Letby, 33, firmly denies all charges.

US Could Enter RECESSION Next Year With Rising Inflation Rate

Financial forecasters predict that the US could enter a recession in time for the 2024 election. With the inflation rate expected to increase next year, the state of the economy could cost Joe Biden votes.

Lucy Letby trial

Nurse Lucy Letby DENIES Murdering SEVEN Babies and Attempting to Kill TEN More

Lucy Letby, a 33-year-old UK nurse, stands accused of murdering seven babies and attempting to murder another ten in a neonatal unit between June 2015 and June 2016. During her trial at Manchester Crown Court, Letby denied these allegations, asserting that “killing babies” was not on her mind.

Following unusually high infant mortality rates at the Countess of Chester Hospital’s neonatal unit from 2015 to 2016, Hereford-born nurse, Lucy Letby, was arrested but released on bail in 2018. After two more arrests and subsequent releases, Letby was ultimately charged with eight counts of murder and ten counts of attempted murder.

The highly anticipated trial began in October last year and is scheduled to conclude in May.

US Debt DEFAULT Would be ‘Absolutely DEVASTATING’ to Global Economy Says UK Finance Minister

British finance minister Jeremy Hunt warned that a potential US debt default would be “absolutely devastating” and presents a “very serious threat to the global economy.”

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US DEATH TOLL Mounts: The Heart-Wrenching Reality of Israel-Hamas Conflict

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is set to hold the daily press briefing today. This comes amid the intensifying conflict between Israel and Hamas, which has tragically claimed at least 25 American lives.

The grim figure was confirmed by Secretary of State Antony Blinken during a joint news conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv on Thursday morning. The conflict, sparked by a widespread attack from Hamas militants last weekend, has seen the overall death toll skyrocket to approximately 2,500.

The press briefing is expected to start at 1:00 p.m. Eastern time today. Keep an eye on this space for more updates as this critical situation continues to unfold.

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