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THREAD: bullish or bearish chinas market revival

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UK’S BIG Green Light to NORTH SEA OIL Drilling: A Jobs Boost or an Environmental Nightmare?

UK’S BIG Green Light to NORTH SEA OIL Drilling: A Jobs Boost or an Environmental Nightmare?

The UK’s North Sea Transition Authority recently approved new oil and gas drilling in the North Sea. This move has triggered a wave of criticism from environmentalists, who argue it contradicts the country’s climate objectives.

The Conservative government stands by its decision, stating that drilling in the Rosebank field will not only create jobs but also bolster energy security. Rosebank is one of the largest untapped reserves in UK waters and is believed to contain around 350 million barrels of oil.

Equinor, a Norwegian company, and Ithaca Energy based in the UK oversee operations at this field. They have plans to inject $3.8 billion into the project’s initial phase, with production anticipated to kick off between 2026 and 2027.

Caroline Lucas, a Green Party lawmaker, harshly criticised this decision as “morally obscene.” In response, the government maintains that projects like Rosebank will produce significantly less emissions compared to past developments.

NET NEUTRALITY Revival Pushed by Biden’s New FCC Pick: The Real Impact on Telecom Companies

NET NEUTRALITY Revival Pushed by Biden’s New FCC Pick: The Real Impact on Telecom Companies

Following the unsuccessful Senate endorsement of Gigi Sohn, President Biden has now confirmed Anna Gomez as the new commissioner for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). This appointment breaks a 2-2 deadlock at the Commission. In response, Democrats and progressive nonprofits have begun to advocate for the return of Title II regulations on telecom companies.

On Monday, a group of 27 Senate Democrats, which included Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Ron Wyden (D-OR), and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), called on FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel to reestablish Title II regulations on internet service providers. These were regulations that had been withdrawn during Trump’s tenure.

Last week, progressive nonprofit Free Press also stepped up its efforts by starting a petition urging the FCC to bring back net neutrality rules. These rules were first introduced during Obama’s presidency before social media censorship became widespread. Net neutrality was initially touted as a means to safeguard an open internet by classifying telecom companies as common carriers.

Free Press emphasized that net neutrality is essential for preserving an internet that is “free, open and accessible to all.” However, critics contend that such regulation could potentially stifle innovation and competition within the sector.

Chris PACKHAM’S RADICAL Call to Break the Law: Is It Justified or a Threat to Democracy?

Chris PACKHAM’S RADICAL Call to Break the Law: Is It Justified or a Threat to Democracy?

In his most recent show, “Is It Time To Break The Law?”, seasoned BBC presenter Chris Packham hinted that legal protests might not be enough for environmental causes. On Channel 4, Packham suggested that law-breaking could potentially be a necessary step to save our planet.

Known for his wildlife programs and involvement in left-wing climate marches like Extinction Rebellion (XR), Packham is currently rallying support for a “Restore Nature Now” demonstration. This protest is scheduled later this month outside the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) headquarters in London.

The provocative comments made by the Springwatch host on public broadcaster Channel 4 have ignited considerable controversy. Critics contend that endorsing illegal activities erodes democratic procedures and establishes a perilous precedent.

CHINA’s MILITARY Might on Display: Taiwan Braces for Intensifying Threats

China is consistently fortifying its military stations along the coast facing Taiwan, says a report from Taiwan’s Defense Ministry. This development coincides with Beijing escalating its military activities around the territory it claims. In response, Taiwan pledges to strengthen its defenses and keep a close eye on Chinese operations.

In just one day, 22 Chinese aircraft and 20 warships were detected near the island by Taiwan’s Defense Ministry. This is perceived as part of Beijing’s ongoing intimidation campaign against the self-governed island. China has not dismissed using force to integrate Taiwan with mainland China.

Maj. Gen. Huang Wen-Chi from Taiwan’s Defense Ministry emphasized that China is aggressively augmenting its weapons and constantly modernizing crucial coastal military bases. Three airfields in China’s Fujian province — Longtian, Huian, and Zhangzhou — have recently been enlarged.

The surge in Chinese military activity comes after recent challenges to Beijing’s territorial claims by US and Canadian warships navigating through the Taiwan Strait. On Monday, a naval formation led by China’s aircraft carrier Shandong sailed about 70 miles southeast of Taiwan for drills simulating various attacks.

McConnell’s Health SCARE: Capitol Physician CONFIRMS No Stroke or Seizure

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell’s recent health concerns are not related to a stroke or seizure. This assurance comes from a letter penned by Capitol physician Brian P. Monahan, shared by McConnell’s office as the Senate reconvenes post-summer break.

In the past month, McConnell had two instances of freezing up during press conferences, sparking questions about his health. However, Monahan confirmed that there is no proof of McConnell suffering from a seizure disorder or experiencing a stroke or movement disorder like Parkinson’s disease.

The evaluations encompassed several medical assessments such as brain MRI imaging and consultations with neurologists for an extensive neurological assessment. These tests were conducted after McConnell fell and sustained a concussion earlier this year but has since been given the all-clear to proceed with his regular schedule.

Despite these episodes stirring unease among Republican senators and prompting speculation about McConnell’s capacity to stay on as leader, no alterations in treatment protocols are suggested. In other news, COVID-19 cases appear to be on the rise heading into fall with First Lady Jill Biden testing positive over the weekend.

UK Government LIFTS Wind Farm Restrictions: A Step Towards GREEN Future or Just Empty Promises?

The UK’s Conservative government has relaxed planning rules, effectively lifting the ban on new onshore wind farms in England. These regulations, implemented by former Prime Minister David Cameron in 2015, permitted a single objection to halt wind turbine applications. This resulted in a notable decrease in new turbines getting planning approval.

Under pressure from some Conservatives, the current government decided to revise these rules. Alok Sharma, lawmaker and president of the 2021 U.N. climate change conference, dubbed them as “outdated” and “not sensible.” With these eased restrictions, local authorities can now make final decisions based on community consensus rather than individual objections.

Communities that support wind turbines stand to gain from lower electricity costs. However, specifics about energy discounts will be discussed later. Although this decision took immediate effect, it faced backlash from environmental groups who argue that too many hurdles still remain for constructing wind farms.

Environmental organization Greenpeace dismissed the changes as “feeble tweaks” and “just more hot air.” Alethea Warrington from climate advocacy group Possible expressed concerns that it would still be challenging for communities wanting wind energy to obtain it. Experts caution that there needs to be a swift increase in onshore wind energy production for the U.K. to meet its climate change targets.

FTSE 100 Hits RECORD High of Over 8,000 Points

The UK’s blue chip stock index surpassed 8,000 points for the first time in history as the pound plummets in value.

Bitcoin market erupts in January

BULLISH on Bitcoin: Crypto Market ERUPTS in January as FEAR Turns to GREED

Bitcoin (BTC) is on track to have the best January in the last decade as investors turn bullish on crypto after a disastrous 2022. Bitcoin leads the way as it approaches $24,000, up a massive 44% from the beginning of the month, where it hovered around $16,500 a coin.

The broader cryptocurrency market has also turned bullish, with other top coins such as Ethereum (ETH) and Binance Coin (BNB) seeing substantial monthly returns of 37% and 30%, respectively.

The upturn comes after last year saw the crypto market plunge, fueled by fears of regulation and the FTX scandal. The year shredded $600 billion (-66%) from Bitcoin’s market cap, ending the year worth only a third of its 2022 peak value.

Despite the ongoing concerns of regulation, the fear in the market looks to be shifting to greed as investors take advantage of bargain prices. The rise may continue, but savvy investors will be wary of another bear market rally where a sharp sell-off will send prices back to Earth.

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TRUMP’S Bold Blueprint: A Revival of the Most Secure Border in History

Former President Trump has recently shared his strategy to reclaim control over the U.S. border. He criticized President Biden for dismantling what he referred to as “the most secure border in history.” Trump’s comments emphasized the effective policies of his term, including ending “catch and release”, constructing 571 miles of border wall, and the introduction of quick asylum adjudication.

Trump further condemned Biden’s decision to cancel removal policies such as “Remain in Mexico,” Asylum Cooperative Agreements (ACAs), and the Title 42 COVID-19 expulsion mechanism. He expressed disappointment that materials for an extra 200 miles of wall were sold at a fraction of their value.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott supported Trump’s views, applauding his state’s efforts to limit illegal immigration via Operation Lone Star. This operation has led to over 40,000 criminal arrests and seizure of more than 114 million lethal doses of Fentanyl. Abbott also announced plans for a military base near Eagle Pass designed to accommodate up to 1,800 soldiers with surge capacity for an additional 500.

After their speeches at a small border park — where migrant crossings have significantly decreased from over 71,000 in December to just above 13,000 this February — both leaders left. Their remarks highlighted their dedication towards re-establishing stringent border controls.

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