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TERRORIST ATTACK Foiled: Southern Israel on High Alert

TERRORIST ATTACK Foiled: Southern Israel on High Alert

Security has been tightened in southern Israel since Hamas-led terrorists killed around 20 people on Oct. 7, sparking the Gaza war. On Monday, a suspect arrived at the entrance of Netiv HaAsara and threatened members of the community’s rapid response team with a knife. The team opened fire, stopping the attack.

Israeli Police are investigating the attempted terror attack near the Gaza border. The Israeli military confirmed one person was killed after trying to stab security forces. Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics reported that no one was physically injured, though a 61-year-old woman suffered from shock.

The terrorist was identified as a Canadian citizen who accused the IDF of killing civilians in Gaza. The IDF confirmed that he came from within Israel rather than crossing from Gaza. This incident highlights ongoing tensions and security challenges in the region.

Jerusalem History, Map, Religion, & Facts Britannica

ISRAEL Stands Firm: CEASE-Fire Talks with Hamas HIT a Wall

The latest cease-fire talks in Cairo between Israel and Hamas have ended without any agreement. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is standing firm against global pressure to stop military actions, calling Hamas’s demands “extreme.” Defense Minister Yoav Gallant accused Hamas of not being serious about peace and hinted that Israel might step up its military actions in Gaza soon.

During the discussions, Hamas emphasized that stopping Israeli aggression is their top priority. Despite some initial signs of progress, the situation remains tense with ongoing threats to peace efforts. Notably, Israel did not send a delegation to the recent negotiations, while Hamas consulted with intermediaries in Qatar before returning to Cairo for more talks.

In another development, Israel has shut down Al Jazeera’s local offices, accusing the network of anti-Israel incitement. This action has drawn attention from Netanyahu’s government but does not affect Al Jazeera’s operations in Gaza or the West Bank. Meanwhile, CIA chief William Burns plans to meet with regional leaders to try and mediate the conflict.

The closure of Al Jazeera’s offices and upcoming meetings by CIA chief William Burns highlight the complex dynamics at play as international actors seek ways to stabilize the region amidst ongoing tensions between Israel and Hamas.

SHOCKING Truth Revealed: MAJORITY of Americans Support Border Wall, New Poll Discloses

SHOCKING Truth Revealed: MAJORITY of Americans Support Border Wall, New Poll Discloses

A recent poll surveying 40,513 U.S. adults has revealed a surprising fact: half of the respondents are in favor of building a border wall. This majority includes not only typical conservative demographics but also groups such as black and Hispanic Americans, women, and independents.

The data shows that 45% of black Americans polled support the idea of a wall, compared to just 30% who oppose it. Hispanic support for the wall is at 42%, marginally outnumbering those against it at 40%. These figures could potentially cause concern for Democrats who have traditionally relied on these demographics for support.

The poll also reveals significant backing from women and independents. Among female respondents, supporters outnumber opponents by nine points (45-36). Independents show an even stronger pro-wall sentiment with an eleven-point lead (44-33). Support appears to be widespread across all regional demographics — even in the traditionally Democrat-leaning Northeast where backing stands at a surprising 49%.

Leading this wave of support is the South with over half (51%) favoring border wall construction. These findings could be game-changers in political strategies as they indicate broad-based endorsement for what has been primarily seen as a MAGA Republican priority.

Emergency Alerts |

EMERGENCY Alert Test: The NATIONWIDE Drill You Can’t Ignore

The federal government is set to conduct a nationwide test of the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System on Wednesday. This system, designed to deliver a presidential message to Americans within 10 minutes during a national crisis, uses the Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alerts.

Wireless phone users in the U.S. will receive an alert at 2:20 p.m. Eastern time that reads: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.” Along with this message, phones will emit sound and vibration signals. If any phones are switched off at this time, they will display the alert once powered back on within a half-hour window.

For those tuning into broadcast or cable television or radio during this period, they’ll encounter a one-minute message stating: “This is a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System by Federal Emergency Management Agency covering United States from 14:20 to 14:50 hours ET. This is only a test. No action required by public.”

ASIAN MARKETS in Chaos: Evergrande Crisis and Wall Street Woes Trigger Shockwaves

ASIAN MARKETS in Chaos: Evergrande Crisis and Wall Street Woes Trigger Shockwaves

Asian stock markets experienced a significant downturn on Monday, with Tokyo standing as the sole major regional market to register gains. This follows on the heels of Wall Street’s most dismal week in half a year, which subsequently boosted U.S. futures and oil prices.

Investor confidence was shaken due to multiple factors including worries over China’s real estate sector, a potential shutdown of the U.S. government, and an ongoing strike by American auto industry workers. European markets weren’t spared either with Germany’s DAX, Paris’ CAC 40, and Britain’s FTSE 100 all experiencing a 0.6% drop.

China Evergrande Group saw its shares plummet nearly 22% after it disclosed its inability to secure additional debt due to an ongoing investigation into one of its subsidiaries. This revelation threatens the restructuring of its staggering debt that exceeds $300 billion. In response, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng dropped 1.8%, Shanghai Composite index fell by 0.5%, while Japan’s Nikkei 225 managed to climb by 0.9%.

Elsewhere in Asia, Seoul’s Kospi dipped by 0.5%. On a brighter note though, Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 managed to claw back some ground ending with a modest

UK emergency alert test

Time SET for EMERGENCY Alert Test Across the UK

The UK government has announced that a new emergency alert system will be tested on Sunday, 23 April at 15:00 BST. UK smartphones will receive a 10-second siren and vibration alert that will be used in the future to warn citizens about emergencies, including extreme weather events, terror attacks, and defense emergencies.

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DEMOCRATS’ GUN Control Bills Stall: Why GOP Resists the Push

The House Judiciary committee, led by Democrats, has recently moved forward with four gun control bills. The proposed legislations aim to ban accelerated trigger activators and bring 3D-printed firearms under regular firearm regulations.

Despite these efforts from the Democrats, the bills are unlikely to pass in Pennsylvania’s Senate, which is currently under Republican control. The House remains in a stalemate at 101-101 until a special election takes place in February.

As reported by NRA-ILA, these partisan bills have failed to spark interest in the Senate. In fact, not one Republican sponsor can be found for any of these proposed legislations.

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