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BIDEN DEMANDS Supreme Court Shake-UP: Sparks Intense Debate

BIDEN DEMANDS Supreme Court Shake-UP: Sparks Intense Debate

President Biden has called for major changes to the Supreme Court, sparking a heated debate. Co-host Jonathan Lemire discussed the topic with Senator Cory Booker, who downplayed the extent of the proposed reforms.

Booker argued that these changes are practical and have bipartisan support. He emphasized that the highest court should not have low ethics standards, pointing out that right-wing billionaires are giving lavish gifts to justices with cases before the court.

Booker also supported term limits for justices, similar to other major democracies. He stressed that courts should not be influenced by financial gifts from interested parties as this undermines democracy and delegitimizes institutions.

DEMOCRAT Calls for BIDEN to Resign Over Health Concerns

DEMOCRAT Calls for BIDEN to Resign Over Health Concerns

Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-WA) called for President Biden to step down and resign on Thursday. She cited concerns from her constituents about the President’s age and health. “I doubt the President’s judgement about his health, his fitness to do the job, and whether he is the one making important decisions,” she stated.

Perez emphasized that Americans deserve a president who is fit enough to lead. She urged Biden to put national interest first by resigning. “The crisis of confidence in the President’s leadership needs to come to an end,” she added.

Later in the day, Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) also called for Biden’s resignation after a NATO press conference. Despite praising Biden’s record and accomplishments, Himes joined Perez in suggesting it was time for him to step down.

BOP: About the Federal Bureau of Prisons

SENATE PASSES Bill To Reform Troubled Federal Prisons

The Senate passed the Federal Prison Oversight Act on Wednesday, aiming to bring transparency and accountability to the troubled Bureau of Prisons. The House approved the bill in May, and it now awaits President Biden’s signature. This legislation introduces an independent ombudsman to investigate complaints and mandates risk-based inspections by the Justice Department’s Inspector General.

Sen. Jon Ossoff, D-Ga., introduced the bill in 2022 during his investigation into the Bureau of Prisons as chair of a Senate subcommittee. He collaborated with Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind., forming a bipartisan group to address prison issues exposed by AP reporting. Reps. Kelly Armstrong, R-N.D., and Lucy McBath, D-Ga., supported the House version of this critical reform measure.

Ossoff called Wednesday’s passage “a major milestone,” emphasizing that his investigation highlighted an urgent need for better oversight in federal prisons.

Advocates for incarcerated individuals also praised this legislative achievement as a significant step forward in addressing systemic corruption and misconduct within the prison system.

BIDEN’S Naps Spark Fears About Fitness For Presidency

BIDEN’S Naps Spark Fears About Fitness For Presidency

In a recent interview, host Abby Phillip questioned President Biden’s fitness, citing reports of his need for naps during debate prep. Phillip asked if these accommodations should concern Americans about his ability to serve another term.

Senator Butler deflected the question, focusing on broader issues like democracy and economic growth. She argued that Biden’s need for schedule adjustments shouldn’t overshadow his accomplishments in office.

Phillip pressed further, emphasizing the 24/7 nature of the presidency and expressing alarm over Biden’s nap requirements. Butler responded by listing Biden’s legislative achievements, suggesting that his work speaks louder than his need for rest during debate preparation.

BIDEN’S Border Chaos: Record Crossings Spark Outrage

President Biden’s border policy is facing intense scrutiny as illegal crossings hit record highs. Critics argue that the administration’s approach has led to chaos and insecurity at the southern border. Republican lawmakers are calling for immediate action to restore order.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has deployed additional state resources to manage the surge. He stated, “The federal government’s failure leaves us no choice but to protect our own borders.” Local communities are feeling the strain, with many residents expressing concerns over safety and resources.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas defended the administration’s strategy, claiming it aims for a “humane” approach. However, many believe this leniency only encourages more illegal immigration.

With midterm elections approaching, border security remains a hot-button issue. Republicans see this as an opportunity to highlight what they view as Biden’s failed policies and push for stricter enforcement measures.


SUPREME COURT Shocker: Emergency Abortions Allowed in Idaho

The Supreme Court is set to permit emergency abortions in Idaho when a pregnant patient’s health is at serious risk. A draft opinion briefly posted on the court’s website indicates a 6-3 vote to reinstate a lower court order allowing such procedures. Conservative Justices Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch dissented.

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson noted that this decision does not resolve the core issues of Idaho’s strict abortion ban. She emphasized that today’s ruling is merely a delay, not a victory for pregnant patients in Idaho. The case will continue at the 9th U.S. Circuit Court and may return to the Supreme Court later.

The Supreme Court acknowledged an inadvertent posting of the document and stated that an official opinion would be issued “in due course.” This development leaves many key questions unanswered, prolonging uncertainty around Idaho’s abortion laws.

BIDEN’S SACRILEGIOUS Act at Florida Rally Sparks Outrage

BIDEN’S SACRILEGIOUS Act at Florida Rally Sparks Outrage

Bishop Thomas Paprocki criticized President Joe Biden for making the sign of the cross at a Florida abortion rally, calling it “sacrilegious” and a mockery of Catholic faith. This incident occurred as Biden stood beside Nikki Fried, who was criticizing Florida’s six-week abortion limit.

The sign of the cross is deeply revered in Catholicism as it symbolizes respect for Christ’s death and belief in the Holy Trinity. Bishop Paprocki argued that by using this gesture during an abortion rights speech, Biden blatantly contradicted these sacred beliefs.

On a diocesan podcast, Bishop Paprocki further highlighted that Biden’s public support for abortion directly opposes the Fifth Commandment, which forbids murder. His remarks have ignited widespread debate and backlash across various online platforms.

The bishop’s condemnation points to a broader conflict between political actions and religious convictions, stirring intense discussion among both supporters and critics of President Biden’s stance on abortion rights.

BIDEN HALTS Leahy LAW: A Risky Move for US-Israel Ties?

BIDEN HALTS Leahy LAW: A Risky Move for US-Israel Ties?

The Biden administration recently paused its plan to apply the Leahy Law to Israel, sidestepping a potential complication for the White House. This decision has sparked intense discussions regarding the future of U.S.-Israel relations. Nick Stewart from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies has voiced strong criticism, labeling it as a politicization of security aid that could set a troubling precedent.

Stewart charged that the administration is overlooking crucial facts and fostering a damaging narrative against Israel. He argued that this stance could empower terrorist organizations by distorting Israeli actions. The public exposure of these issues, along with leaks from the State Department, points to political motives rather than genuine concerns, Stewart suggested.

The Leahy Law bars U.S. funding to foreign military units accused of human rights violations. Stewart called on Congress to scrutinize whether this law is being politically weaponized against allies like Israel during an election season. He stressed that any real concerns should be addressed directly and respectfully with Israeli officials, preserving the alliance’s integrity

By halting application of the Leahy Law specifically towards Israel, questions arise about consistency and fairness in U.S. foreign policy practices, potentially impacting diplomatic trust between these longstanding allies.

BIDEN’S Press Shunning: Is Transparency at Risk?

BIDEN’S Press Shunning: Is Transparency at Risk?

The New York Times has voiced concerns about President Biden’s minimal interaction with major news outlets, labeling it a “troubling” evasion of accountability. The publication argues that dodging press questions could set a damaging precedent for future leaders, eroding established norms of presidential openness.

Despite assertions from POLITICO, New York Times journalists have refuted claims that their publisher questioned President Biden’s capability based on his scarce media appearances. Chief White House correspondent Peter Baker stated on X (formerly Twitter) that their objective is to provide thorough and unbiased coverage of all presidents, regardless of direct access.

President Biden’s frequent avoidance of the White House press corps has been highlighted by various media sources, including the Washington Post. His regular dependence on Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to manage interactions with the media underscores a growing concern about accessibility and transparency within his administration.

This pattern raises questions about the effectiveness of communication strategies in the White House and whether this approach might hinder public understanding and trust in the presidency.

LGBTQ students would get new protections under Biden plan

TITLE IX Overhaul Sparks Outrage: Accused Students Lose Crucial Protections

The Biden administration has introduced new Title IX regulations, bolstering protections for LGBTQ+ students and victims of sexual assault on campus. This change, fulfilling a promise by President Joe Biden, reverses the policies set by former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos which had granted additional rights to students accused of sexual misconduct.

The updated policy notably excludes provisions concerning transgender athletes, a contentious issue. Initially aimed at preventing outright bans on transgender athletes, this aspect was postponed. Critics suggest the delay is a tactical move during an election year as Republican resistance to transgender athletes competing in girls’ sports grows stronger.

Victims’ advocates have praised the policy for creating safer and more inclusive educational environments. However, it has drawn sharp criticism from Republicans who contend it strips away fundamental rights of accused students. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona stressed that education must be free from discrimination, ensuring no student faces bullying or discrimination based on their identity or orientation.

Overall, while the intention behind these revisions is to foster inclusivity and safety in educational settings, they have ignited significant controversy over fairness and due process for all students involved in disciplinary actions related to sexual misconduct allegations.

Biden Impeachment Inquiry Authorized by US House Republicans ...

GAME-CHANGER or Political Suicide? House Republicans Ponder Biden Impeachment

Under the guidance of Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), House Republicans are contemplating the impeachment of President Joe Biden. This idea stems from numerous 2023 investigations into both Biden and his son, Hunter, who are accused of exploiting their family name for personal gain.

The decision to impeach could be a tricky one for Republicans. On one hand, it could resonate with their core supporters as payback against Democrats’ previous attempts to impeach ex-President Donald Trump. On the other hand, it might push away independent voters and undecided Democrats.

Calls for Biden’s impeachment aren’t recent developments. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has advocated for investigations into the president since he took office. With an ongoing inquiry and years worth of evidence gathered, Speaker Johnson might sanction an impeachment vote as soon as February 2024.

Nevertheless, this strategy carries significant risk. The evidence put forth by House Republicans against Biden seems vague at best, and initiating an inquiry doesn’t necessarily imply backing for impeachment itself — a point that 17 Republican House members from districts won by Biden in 2020 are eager to emphasize to their voters.

MAJOR SHIFT in POT Policy: President to Redefine Cannabis Classification

MAJOR SHIFT in POT Policy: President to Redefine Cannabis Classification

The President is reportedly planning a significant shift in cannabis policy, according to The Guardian. The move involves downgrading cannabis from the most restrictive Schedule I to the least stringent Schedule III under the Controlled Substance Act (CSA). This change could potentially ease tax burdens for legal cannabis businesses and modify law enforcement’s stance on marijuana laws.

David Culver, Senior VP of Public Affairs for the U.S. Cannabis Council, sees this as a potential turning point for the industry. However, some critics argue that it’s merely a symbolic move that won’t significantly alleviate challenges faced by private cannabis sellers and growers.

Despite approval for medical or commercial use in 38 states, federal restrictions on cannabis remain akin to those on heroin. Paul Armentano, Deputy Director of Norml, warns that reclassification won’t resolve existing inconsistencies between state and federal laws. Meanwhile, Kevin Sabet, president of Smart Approaches to Marijuana, fears this move might adversely affect public health.

Joe Biden: The President | The White House

Biden INKS $8863 Billion Defense Act, SLAMS Congressional Oversight

President Joe Biden has put his signature on the National Defense Authorization Act, green-lighting a hefty $886.3 billion in spending. This act aims to equip our military with the means to deter future conflicts and provide support for service members and their families.

Despite giving his approval, Biden raised eyebrows with concerns over certain provisions. He argues these clauses excessively limit executive power in national security matters by calling for more congressional oversight.

According to Biden, these provisions could force the disclosure of highly sensitive classified information to Congress. There’s a risk this could expose crucial intelligence sources or military operational plans.

The extensive bill, which covers over 3,000 pages, sets out a policy agenda for the Department of Defense and U.S military but doesn’t earmark funding for specific initiatives or operations. Additionally, Biden voiced his ongoing concern about clauses barring Guantanamo Bay detainees from setting foot on U.S soil.

Joe Biden: The President | The White House

Biden’s BOLD Defiance of Supreme Court: The TRUTH Behind Student Loan Forgiveness Numbers

President Joe Biden made a bold claim on Wednesday, boasting about his defiance of the Supreme Court’s ruling on student loans. During a speech in Milwaukee, he asserted that he had wiped out the debt for 136 million people. This statement came despite the Supreme Court rejecting his $400 billion loan forgiveness plan back in June.

However, this claim not only challenges the separation of powers but also holds no water factually. As per data from early December, only $132 billion in student loan debt has been cleared for a mere 3.6 million borrowers. This implies that Biden exaggerated the number of beneficiaries by an astounding figure – approximately 133 million.

Biden’s misrepresentation sparks concerns about his administration’s transparency and its respect for judicial decisions. His remarks further fuel ongoing discussions around student loan forgiveness and its ripple effects on economic aspects like homeownership and entrepreneurship.

“This incident underscores the need for accurate information from our leaders and respectful adherence to judicial rulings. It also highlights how critical it is to have open dialogues about policy impacts, particularly when they affect millions of Americans’ financial futures.”

Why Biden is keeping Trump's China tariffs in place | CNN Politics

US-CHINA Economic Reset PROPOSED: Will Higher Tariffs Be the New Norm?

A bipartisan committee in the House has put forth a proposal for a complete overhaul of US economic ties with China. This includes the suggestion of implementing higher tariffs. The pivotal recommendations were released in an extensive report by the House Select Committee on Strategic Competition Between the United States and Chinese Communist Party, chaired by Mike Gallagher (R-WI) and Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL).

The report posits that since its induction into the World Trade Organization in 2001, Beijing has been engaged in an economic conflict against both the US and its allies. It outlines three key strategies: revamping America’s economic relationship with China, limiting U.S. capital and technological inflow into China, and strengthening U.S. economic resilience with allied support.

One notable recommendation is to shift China to a new tariff column to enforce more robust tariffs. The committee also suggests imposing tariffs on essential semiconductor chips used in everyday devices like phones and cars. This move aims to prevent Chinese domination in this sector from granting Beijing undue control over global economy.

Joe Biden: The President | The White House

BIDEN-XI Summit: A Bold Leap or a Blunder in US-China Diplomacy?

President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping have committed to keeping direct lines of communication open. This decision follows their lengthy four-hour discussion at the 2023 APEC summit in San Francisco. The leaders unveiled an initial agreement aimed at halting the influx of fentanyl precursors into the U.S. They also plan to restore military communications, which were cut off after China’s disagreement with the Pentagon following Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan in 2022.

Despite rising tensions, Biden made efforts during Wednesday’s meeting to strengthen U.S.-China relations. He also vowed to persistently challenge Xi on human rights issues, arguing that frank discussions are “critical” for successful diplomacy.

Biden voiced positivity about his rapport with Xi, a relationship that began during their vice-presidential terms. However, uncertainty looms as a congressional investigation into COVID-19 origins threatens US-China relations.

It is unclear whether this renewed dialogue will result in substantial progress or further complications.

Why does Joe Biden call climate change an 'enormous opportunity ...

President BIDEN’S RELENTLESS Coughing During Climate Speech Stirs Concerns

During his Tuesday speech, President Joe Biden was seized by a persistent cough. He was discussing his administration’s efforts to tackle climate change and marking the anniversary of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Biden’s coughing fit disrupted his conversation about the CHIPS and Science Act, a law he ratified last year. This act is designed to establish America as a forerunner in semiconductor manufacturing and innovation — vital for clean energy progression.

The president also relayed insights from his visit to the White House “Demo Day”. Here, he interacted with scientists engaged in projects funded by his administration. However, a recent poll from The Wall Street Journal indicates that two-thirds of Democrats believe Biden, at 80 years old, is too aged to be president.

Should he win reelection, Biden would be 82 at the onset of his second term and 86 at its conclusion. This would render him the oldest individual ever to assume presidency for a second tenure.

AMTRAK MYTH: Biden’s Million-Mile Tale Disputed Yet Again

President Joe Biden, during a recent announcement of $16.4 billion in rail grants in Delaware, once again shared a contentious anecdote about his Amtrak travels. The president insisted that he has clocked over 1 million miles on Amtrak, a claim he has made repeatedly since assuming office in 2021.

Biden’s story revolves around an exchange with an Amtrak employee named Angelo Negri. In Biden’s account, it was Negri who informed him of his supposed million-mile milestone during a casual train chat.

However, this oft-repeated narrative by the president has been consistently debunked by fact-checkers as false or misleading. This persistent discrepancy brings into question not only the authenticity of Biden’s claims but also his credibility as a leader.

TRUMP’S FIGHT: The Fourteenth Amendment Takes Center Stage in Ballot Battle

TRUMP’S FIGHT: The Fourteenth Amendment Takes Center Stage in Ballot Battle

A brewing legal battle is placing the spotlight on the Fourteenth Amendment’s “Insurrection Clause”. Plaintiffs argue that President Trump’s actions on January 6, 2021, should bar him from appearing on future ballots.

This legal challenge is not unique to one state. Similar cases are popping up across the country, including Colorado. Here, Judge Sarah Wallace, an appointee of Democrat Governor Jared Polis, presides over the case. There is a possibility that this issue may escalate to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Trump’s defense team counters by asserting that this amendment doesn’t extend to presidents. They highlight that while it mentions Senators and Representatives among others, it does not explicitly include presidents. The presidential oath has its own separate provision in the Constitution.

JEFFRIES’ JUDGEMENT: Praises Biden, Condemns ‘Irresponsible’ Maga Republicans

JEFFRIES’ JUDGEMENT: Praises Biden, Condemns ‘Irresponsible’ Maga Republicans

Jeffries recently commended President Biden’s leadership, emphasizing his efforts to uphold the special bond between the United States and Israel. He also underscored Biden’s commitment to Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression and his provision of humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza.

The House and Senate are ready to proceed under Biden’s guidance, Jeffries stated. However, he lambasted extreme MAGA Republicans for their alleged attempts to tie aid to Israel during its conflict. Jeffries branded this move as “irresponsible,” accusing them of political isolation.

Jeffries called for a comprehensive review of President Biden’s proposed package, citing the current perilous global climate. He criticized what he perceives as partisan games played by extreme MAGA Republicans. Jeffries characterized their actions as “unfortunate” during these challenging times.

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BIDEN’S LOW Approval Rating Fuels Reelection Fears

During an interview, George Stephanopoulos challenged President Biden on his low 36 percent approval rating. “I’ve never seen a president with such a low rating get reelected,” Stephanopoulos remarked.

Biden dismissed the accuracy of the approval rating and expressed confidence in his efforts. “If Trump wins in November, I’ll feel as long as I gave it my all and did the best job I know I could do,” Biden stated.

The president emphasized that the United States is at a critical juncture, suggesting that decisions made now will shape the next several decades. His response has drawn ridicule online, with critics mocking his use of "the best job.

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