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CIA and MI6 Chiefs WARN: Global Threats Looming

CIA and MI6 Chiefs WARN: Global Threats Looming

The heads of the CIA and MI6 have issued a stark warning about global threats. They highlighted the war in Ukraine, sabotage in Europe, and rising tensions with China. “We saw the war in Ukraine coming,” they stated, emphasizing their role in alerting the international community.

They are actively working to disrupt Russia’s sabotage campaigns across Europe and address escalating conflicts like the Israel-Gaza situation. Counterterrorism efforts against ISIS are also a priority. The intelligence chiefs stressed that global stability is under threat like never before since the Cold War.

China’s rise is identified as the main geopolitical challenge of this century, prompting both agencies to reorganize their priorities accordingly. Russian intelligence activities were described as reckless, with recent incidents of sabotage and arson attacks on infrastructure in Europe being attributed to Moscow’s covert operations.;

HARRIS ENTERS 2024 Race: National Security Fears Rise

HARRIS ENTERS 2024 Race: National Security Fears Rise

Kamala Harris has entered the race for the White House following President Biden’s announcement that he will not seek re-election. This sudden shift has raised alarms among national security experts who worry that adversaries like Russia, China, and Iran may exploit the “chaos” to their advantage.

These nations have shown little outward reaction to Biden’s withdrawal, but concerns remain high about potential changes in U.S. force posture abroad. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov mentioned that Moscow was “not very surprised” by Biden’s decision and emphasized Russia’s focus on its military operations in Ukraine.

With four months until the elections, much can change, making it crucial for America to stay vigilant and monitor developments closely. The Democratic Party now faces the challenge of building a strong platform against Republican candidate Donald Trump amid these geopolitical tensions.

WELCH SLAMS Biden’S RE-Election:

WELCH SLAMS Biden’S RE-Election: "Disastrous" Debate Performance Raises RED Flags

Vermont Senator Peter Welch expressed concerns about President Biden’s re-election campaign in a Washington Post op-ed. While praising Biden’s past achievements, Welch highlighted worries about his recent debate performance. “We cannot unsee President Biden’s disastrous debate performance,” Welch wrote.

Welch noted that Biden appeared to freeze and struggled with his closing statement during the June 27 debate. He argued that these issues raise valid questions about Biden’s ability to defeat Trump in November. “The stakes could not be higher,” he added.

Despite understanding Biden’s desire to run again, Welch urged him to reassess his candidacy. “He saved us from Donald Trump once and wants to do it again,” Welch stated, but concluded, "In my view, he is not the best candidate.

BIDEN’S Border Chaos: Record Crossings Spark Outrage

President Biden’s border policy is facing intense scrutiny as illegal crossings hit record highs. Critics argue that the administration’s approach has led to chaos and insecurity at the southern border. Republican lawmakers are calling for immediate action to restore order.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has deployed additional state resources to manage the surge. He stated, “The federal government’s failure leaves us no choice but to protect our own borders.” Local communities are feeling the strain, with many residents expressing concerns over safety and resources.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas defended the administration’s strategy, claiming it aims for a “humane” approach. However, many believe this leniency only encourages more illegal immigration.

With midterm elections approaching, border security remains a hot-button issue. Republicans see this as an opportunity to highlight what they view as Biden’s failed policies and push for stricter enforcement measures.

Biden’s BORDER Crisis: SHOCKING Surge in Illegal Crossings Alarms Americans

Biden’s BORDER Crisis: SHOCKING Surge in Illegal Crossings Alarms Americans

The border crisis under President Biden has reached alarming levels. New data shows a shocking surge in illegal crossings, leaving many Americans concerned. The situation at the southern border is deteriorating, with record numbers of migrants attempting to enter the country.

Border Patrol agents are overwhelmed as they try to manage the influx. Many believe that Biden’s policies are too lenient and encourage more illegal immigration. Critics argue that stronger measures are needed to secure the border and protect American citizens.

Local communities near the border are feeling the impact firsthand. Increased crime rates and strained resources have residents worried about their safety and well-being. Many are calling for immediate action to address these pressing issues before they worsen further.

As this crisis continues, it’s clear that a change in strategy is necessary. Americans want effective solutions that will restore order and security at our borders, ensuring a safer future for everyone involved. The time for decisive action is now, before things spiral out of control even more dramatically than they already have.

Biden’s BORDER Crisis: SHOCKING Numbers Reveal the Truth

The border crisis under President Biden is getting worse. New data shows a record number of illegal crossings. Many Americans are worried about the impact on our country’s safety and economy.

In August alone, over 200,000 illegal immigrants were caught crossing the southern border. This is a huge increase from previous months. Border Patrol agents are overwhelmed and struggling to keep up with the surge.

Critics say Biden’s policies are to blame for this crisis. They argue that his administration has been too lenient on immigration laws. This has encouraged more people to try and enter the U.S. illegally, putting strain on resources and communities near the border.

Supporters of stricter immigration laws believe that tougher measures are needed now more than ever. They call for stronger enforcement at the border and policies that discourage illegal crossings altogether. The situation remains tense as America watches how this issue will unfold in the coming months under Biden’s leadership.

BIDEN’S Bold Threat: US Weapons Withheld if Israel Invades

BIDEN’S Bold Threat: US Weapons Withheld if Israel Invades

President Joe Biden recently stated that the U.S. would withhold weapons to Israel if they proceed with an invasion of Rafah. In a CNN interview, he clarified that this scenario has not occurred but cautioned against the use of U.S.-supplied arms in urban warfare.

Critics were quick to voice concerns over Biden’s remarks, citing potential threats to Israeli security. Notable figures like former Vice President Mike Pence and Senators John Fetterman and Mitt Romney voiced their strong disapproval, stressing unwavering U.S. support for Israel.

Pence labeled Biden’s approach as hypocritical, reminding the public of a past president’s impeachment related to similar issues with foreign aid. He called on Biden to stop making threats and to reinforce America’s longstanding alliance with Israel, echoing widespread conservative views.

Besides his statements about Israel, earlier this month Biden endorsed a significant aid package for Ukraine and other allies, demonstrating his ongoing commitment to global support despite facing criticism at home.

BIDEN HALTS Leahy LAW: A Risky Move for US-Israel Ties?

BIDEN HALTS Leahy LAW: A Risky Move for US-Israel Ties?

The Biden administration recently paused its plan to apply the Leahy Law to Israel, sidestepping a potential complication for the White House. This decision has sparked intense discussions regarding the future of U.S.-Israel relations. Nick Stewart from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies has voiced strong criticism, labeling it as a politicization of security aid that could set a troubling precedent.

Stewart charged that the administration is overlooking crucial facts and fostering a damaging narrative against Israel. He argued that this stance could empower terrorist organizations by distorting Israeli actions. The public exposure of these issues, along with leaks from the State Department, points to political motives rather than genuine concerns, Stewart suggested.

The Leahy Law bars U.S. funding to foreign military units accused of human rights violations. Stewart called on Congress to scrutinize whether this law is being politically weaponized against allies like Israel during an election season. He stressed that any real concerns should be addressed directly and respectfully with Israeli officials, preserving the alliance’s integrity

By halting application of the Leahy Law specifically towards Israel, questions arise about consistency and fairness in U.S. foreign policy practices, potentially impacting diplomatic trust between these longstanding allies.

BIDEN’S Press Shunning: Is Transparency at Risk?

BIDEN’S Press Shunning: Is Transparency at Risk?

The New York Times has voiced concerns about President Biden’s minimal interaction with major news outlets, labeling it a “troubling” evasion of accountability. The publication argues that dodging press questions could set a damaging precedent for future leaders, eroding established norms of presidential openness.

Despite assertions from POLITICO, New York Times journalists have refuted claims that their publisher questioned President Biden’s capability based on his scarce media appearances. Chief White House correspondent Peter Baker stated on X (formerly Twitter) that their objective is to provide thorough and unbiased coverage of all presidents, regardless of direct access.

President Biden’s frequent avoidance of the White House press corps has been highlighted by various media sources, including the Washington Post. His regular dependence on Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to manage interactions with the media underscores a growing concern about accessibility and transparency within his administration.

This pattern raises questions about the effectiveness of communication strategies in the White House and whether this approach might hinder public understanding and trust in the presidency.

Biden WARNED: Israeli Defense Leaders URGE Against Recognizing Palestinian State

Biden WARNED: Israeli Defense Leaders URGE Against Recognizing Palestinian State

A group of Israeli defense and security leaders have issued a stern warning to President Biden. Their message is clear — do not recognize a Palestinian state. They believe this move could endanger Israel’s existence and indirectly support regimes known for sponsoring terrorism, such as Iran and Russia.

The Israel Defense and Security Forum (IDSF) sent this urgent letter on February 19th. They caution that recognizing Palestine would be interpreted as rewarding violent actions by Hamas, global terrorist organizations, Iran, and other rogue states.

Brigadier General Amir Avivi, founder of the IDSF, spoke to Fox News Digital about the situation. He stressed that it’s crucial for the U.S., at this juncture, to stand by its key ally in the Middle East and uphold American interests in the region.

In a rare display of consensus on Wednesday, Israel’s Knesset (parliament) unanimously dismissed foreign pressures to single-handedly recognize a Palestinian state.

WHO Chief SOUNDS Alarm on ‘Disease X’: The Inevitable Threat We’re Not Ready For

WHO Chief SOUNDS Alarm on ‘Disease X’: The Inevitable Threat We’re Not Ready For

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General, Tedros Ghebreyesus, has issued a stark warning about the looming threat of “Disease X”. Speaking at the World Government Summit in Dubai, he stressed that another pandemic is not just likely — it’s inevitable.

Tedros, who accurately predicted a similar outbreak in 2018 before COVID-19 hit, criticized the world’s lack of readiness. He dismissed any doubts that his call for a global treaty by May was simply an effort to expand WHO’s influence.

Tedros labels the proposed treaty as “mission critical for humanity”. Despite some advancements in disease surveillance and vaccine production capabilities, he maintains that we are still ill-prepared for another pandemic.

Reflecting on COVID-19’s severe impact, Tedros underscored the urgency of addressing this issue. The world is still wrestling with social, economic and political aftershocks from the ongoing pandemic.

Is Biden’s DRONE ATTACK Response Just a ‘Checklist’ Strategy? Waltz Slams Administration

Is Biden’s DRONE ATTACK Response Just a ‘Checklist’ Strategy? Waltz Slams Administration

In an exclusive statement to Breitbart News, Rep. Mike Waltz openly criticized the Biden administration’s handling of a recent drone attack in Jordan. This devastating event led to the loss of three American lives and left 25 others injured. Waltz, who holds positions on several House committees and has a background as a Special Forces commander, voiced his concerns about Biden’s strategy.

Waltz accused the administration of prematurely revealing its intended response to Iran, thus eliminating any potential element of surprise. His comments were in reference to Biden’s announcement on Tuesday where he assured that he does not seek a broader conflict in the Middle East. According to Waltz, simply telling Iran “don’t” is not an effective strategy.

The Florida congressman suggested a three-pronged approach: targeting IRGC operatives instead of just proxies, enforcing sanctions to cut off Iran’s funding sources, and supporting Iranian citizens demanding change. He expressed concern that Biden is merely ticking off boxes with ineffective strikes that target warehouses rather than directly punishing the Iranian regime.

Waltz called for a return to Trump’s policy of maximum pressure on Iran’s economy coupled with robust military action. He reminded readers that under President Trump’s leadership, attacks ceased when Iran-backed terrorists dared kill an American.

Red Sea Crisis: US Tries to Persuade Shippers to Sail Despite ...

FINAL WARNING: Yemen’s Houthi Launches Armed Drone at US Navy, Ignites Tensions

A drone, armed and unmanned, was launched from Yemen under Houthi control. It came dangerously close — within a few miles — to U.S. Navy and commercial vessels before exploding on Thursday. This alarming incident unfolded mere hours after the White House and its allies issued a stern “final warning” to the Iran-backed militia group. They warned of potential military action if such attacks persisted.

This event marks a first for the Houthis — their initial use of an unmanned surface vessel (USV) since they began harassing commercial ships in the Red Sea following the outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas, as stated by Vice Admiral Brad Cooper, who leads U.S. Navy operations in the Middle East. Fabian Hinz, an expert in missile technology and research fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, highlighted that these USVs form a crucial part of Houthi’s maritime weaponry arsenal.

Since late October last year, there has been an increase in aggression from Houthis with numerous attack drones and missiles targeted at commercial vessels traversing through Red Sea waters. In retaliation to these attacks, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced Operation Prosperity Guardian this past December 2022; additional ships were deployed to safeguard commercial vessels navigating through Bab el-Mandeb Strait.

Joe Biden: The President | The White House

URGENT: Biden DEMANDS Congress Approval for His Critical National Security Request

President Joe Biden is pushing Congress to approve his vital national security supplemental request. The White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, and National Security Council spokesman, John Kirby, are addressing inquiries concerning this issue.

The press briefing was scheduled to begin at 2:45 p.m. EST. It came after Biden’s speech at the White House Tribal Nations Summit and virtual meetings with G7 leaders and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Biden’s urgent call for action comes amidst a packed day filled with international diplomacy and domestic affairs. Stay connected for more updates straight from the White House.

EXPOSED: BIDEN and Elites’ Unsettling Alliance with China

EXPOSED: BIDEN and Elites’ Unsettling Alliance with China

President Joe Biden’s recent actions have stirred up a storm of controversy. His apparent dismissal of the idea of “decoupling” from China is causing concern among conservatives. These revelations come from a new book, Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, Their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life.

The book suggests that global elites and politicians like Biden and California Governor Gavin Newsom are actively pushing for a closer resemblance between the U.S. and its Communist adversary. It alleges that these individuals view Beijing’s elites not as threats or rivals but as business partners.

Among those named in these claims are influential figures such as BlackRock’s Larry Fink, Apple’s Tim Cook, and Blackstone’s Stephen Schwarzman. These business leaders were reportedly present at a dinner honoring Chinese Communist Party Leader Xi Jinping where they stood in applause for Chairman Xi.

This revelation comes at a time when concerns over China’s influence on global politics are growing. It highlights the urgent need for transparency in dealings between American leaders and foreign powers.

BLACKBURN BLASTS Biden: The Deterrence Disaster and the Fight to Regain Trust

BLACKBURN BLASTS Biden: The Deterrence Disaster and the Fight to Regain Trust

Senator Blackburn has recently taken President Biden to task over his approach to national security. She stressed the urgency of an “effective kinetic response” in order to restore deterrence, which she argues has been undermined during Biden’s tenure.

Blackburn highlighted that discontent within the Pentagon stems from the poorly executed withdrawal from Afghanistan. This incident sparked widespread skepticism towards the Biden administration among military ranks.

She further contended that even when faced with alternative strategies, President Biden stubbornly stuck with his flawed plan. He then hailed it as a success, contradicting the military’s evaluation.

In Blackburn’s view, restoring deterrence and executing an effective kinetic response are vital steps towards regaining credibility and trust within our nation’s defense department.

Joe Biden: The President | The White House

BIDEN-XI Summit: A Bold Leap or a Blunder in US-China Diplomacy?

President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping have committed to keeping direct lines of communication open. This decision follows their lengthy four-hour discussion at the 2023 APEC summit in San Francisco. The leaders unveiled an initial agreement aimed at halting the influx of fentanyl precursors into the U.S. They also plan to restore military communications, which were cut off after China’s disagreement with the Pentagon following Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan in 2022.

Despite rising tensions, Biden made efforts during Wednesday’s meeting to strengthen U.S.-China relations. He also vowed to persistently challenge Xi on human rights issues, arguing that frank discussions are “critical” for successful diplomacy.

Biden voiced positivity about his rapport with Xi, a relationship that began during their vice-presidential terms. However, uncertainty looms as a congressional investigation into COVID-19 origins threatens US-China relations.

It is unclear whether this renewed dialogue will result in substantial progress or further complications.

Why does Joe Biden call climate change an 'enormous opportunity ...

President BIDEN’S RELENTLESS Coughing During Climate Speech Stirs Concerns

During his Tuesday speech, President Joe Biden was seized by a persistent cough. He was discussing his administration’s efforts to tackle climate change and marking the anniversary of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.

Biden’s coughing fit disrupted his conversation about the CHIPS and Science Act, a law he ratified last year. This act is designed to establish America as a forerunner in semiconductor manufacturing and innovation — vital for clean energy progression.

The president also relayed insights from his visit to the White House “Demo Day”. Here, he interacted with scientists engaged in projects funded by his administration. However, a recent poll from The Wall Street Journal indicates that two-thirds of Democrats believe Biden, at 80 years old, is too aged to be president.

Should he win reelection, Biden would be 82 at the onset of his second term and 86 at its conclusion. This would render him the oldest individual ever to assume presidency for a second tenure.

Joe Biden and Xi Jinping

BIDEN and XI: Critical Trade Talks Amid Escalating Tensions

President Joe Biden is scheduled to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping in California this Wednesday. This marks their first rendezvous in a year, amidst the backdrop of strained U.S.-China relations. The world’s two largest economies will put trade and Taiwan at the forefront of their discussions.

The White House has been alluding to this meeting for some time now. It will occur on the fringes of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in San Francisco. Both leaders are aiming to “responsibly manage competition” and collaborate where mutual interests overlap.

Meanwhile, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has been engaging with Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng for a second day of dialogue on Friday. Yellen underscored America’s aspiration for a robust economic relationship with China, while also urging Beijing to take action against firms suspected of circumventing sanctions to transact with Russia.

Yellen additionally expressed apprehensions about China’s export controls on graphite – an essential component in electric vehicle batteries – amidst escalating tensions between the nations that could see thousands protesting during the summit.

Secretary Antony Blinken (@SecBlinken) / X

BLINKEN’S STERN Warning to Israel: Improve Gaza or Jeopardize Peace Prospects

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken delivered a serious warning to Israel on Friday. He emphasized that if Israel does not promptly improve humanitarian conditions in Gaza, it could jeopardize any future peace prospects.

Blinken advised Israel to halt its military operations in the region, allowing for immediate and increased delivery of aid. However, this suggestion was quickly dismissed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who stated that Israel would be "going with full steam ahead.”

Despite the violent Hamas attack on Oct. 7 that resulted in over 1,400 civilian and soldier deaths, Blinken reaffirmed his support for Israel’s “right and obligation to defend itself.” He also conveyed his shock at the severity of the massacre and how quickly it has faded from many people’s memories.

Blinken showed visible emotion when presented with additional footage from Hamas militants who executed the attacks during his visit to Israel. However, he also expressed distress at images of deceased and injured Palestinian children in Gaza.

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BIDEN Vows STRONG Federal Aid as Hurricane Helene Death Toll Soars

President Joe Biden expressed sorrow and support for victims as Hurricane Helene’s death toll nears 100. He emphasized the federal government’s commitment to aiding affected communities with all available resources.

Biden praised first responders and volunteers for their heroism. “Our hearts are with those who have lost loved ones, and our commitment is to stand by you through this calamity,” he stated.

The storm has caused widespread destruction, submerging neighborhoods and destroying homes. Biden urged Congress to expedite emergency relief funds, stressing the need for bipartisan cooperation.

In closing, Biden called on Americans to offer prayers and tangible support. “We are a resilient nation,“ he declared, ”and together, we will rebuild and recover from this tragedy.”

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