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HARRIS FACES Backlash: Losing Catholic Voters Could Be Her Downfall

HARRIS FACES Backlash: Losing Catholic Voters Could Be Her Downfall

Vice President Kamala Harris is under fire for alienating Catholic voters. Alex Marlow argues that her recent actions are not only ineffective but also harmful to her political standing.

Marlow claims that Harris’s attempts to mock Catholics have backfired, costing her a key group of voters that President Biden once secured. He points to her Senate behavior, especially during Brett Kavanaugh’s hearings, as proof of her ongoing struggles.

In contrast, Marlow commends former President Trump for his strong public presence despite political disagreements. He suggests Harris’s strategies are failing while Trump’s appeal remains strong among conservatives.

TRUMP And HARRIS Neck-And-Neck: What’s Behind the Poll Shocker?

TRUMP And HARRIS Neck-And-Neck: What’s Behind the Poll Shocker?

Recent polls show a tight race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, with both candidates nearly tied. Just last month, Harris was ahead in election and favorability ratings. Now, her lead is gone, sparking questions about why voters are changing their minds.

NBC’s Savannah Guthrie talked with analyst Steve Kornacki about this shift. He explained how Harris’s favorability ratings have reversed. Last month, she had a 48% positive rating compared to Trump’s steady numbers. Now her positive rating has fallen to 43%, while her negative rating jumped to 49%.

Kornacki noted that this change brings Harris’s ratings closer to Trump’s figures. He also mentioned an interesting twist about public views on Trump’s presidency. Recent polling shows that 44% of voters think Trump’s policies helped their families more than during his time in office.

HARRIS’S FUNDING Frenzy: Can Trump’s Campaign Catch UP?

HARRIS’S FUNDING Frenzy: Can Trump’s Campaign Catch UP?

Vice President Kamala Harris has surged ahead of former President Donald Trump in campaign fundraising. On the day she announced her candidacy, Harris raised $25 million and reached $500 million within a month. This financial boost gives her a strong edge as the 2024 presidential race intensifies.

Trump’s campaign, however, had collected $309 million by the end of August. To close this gap, Republican super PACs are stepping up, spending over $80 million on TV ads nationwide in September alone. They’ve also set aside more than $100 million for advertising during the campaign’s final weeks.

Despite this fundraising difference, Republicans remain determined. They’re investing heavily in online, mail, and door-to-door campaigns to counter Harris’s financial lead. The race for the White House is becoming fiercely competitive as both sides strategically deploy their resources to win voters over.

Harris’s SHIFTING Fracking Stance ALARMS Conservatives

Harris’s SHIFTING Fracking Stance ALARMS Conservatives

Co-host John Roberts aired a clip of Bernie Sanders saying Kamala Harris is being pragmatic to win the election, despite her past views. Roberts then questioned if Harris would revert to opposing fracking if elected.

Philippe Reines responded by suggesting that Sanders’ comments reflect Harris’s current stance on fracking, even though she previously opposed it. He emphasized that candidates often change their positions based on electoral needs and context.

Reines believes Harris is aligning with President Biden’s record to gain support from undecided voters. He expressed confidence in this strategy as a winning approach for the election.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (RFK Jr.) Biography, Family, & Campaign ...

ROBERT F Kennedy JR Shocks Nation: Endorses Trump

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his presidential campaign on Friday and endorsed Republican nominee Donald Trump. Speaking in Arizona, Kennedy expressed concerns that continuing his campaign would aid Democratic nominee Kamala Harris.

Kennedy’s support had declined in recent polls as he struggled to find his place in a race reshaped by President Joe Biden’s exit and Harris’ nomination. Recent polls showed Kennedy’s support hovering in the mid-single digits, far from earlier double-digit figures.

A July AP-NORC poll revealed Americans were split on their views of Kennedy, with Republicans more likely to view him favorably than Democrats or independents. Those with a positive impression of Kennedy also tended to favor Trump over Harris by a significant margin.

BIDEN DEMANDS Supreme Court Shake-UP: Sparks Intense Debate

BIDEN DEMANDS Supreme Court Shake-UP: Sparks Intense Debate

President Biden has called for major changes to the Supreme Court, sparking a heated debate. Co-host Jonathan Lemire discussed the topic with Senator Cory Booker, who downplayed the extent of the proposed reforms.

Booker argued that these changes are practical and have bipartisan support. He emphasized that the highest court should not have low ethics standards, pointing out that right-wing billionaires are giving lavish gifts to justices with cases before the court.

Booker also supported term limits for justices, similar to other major democracies. He stressed that courts should not be influenced by financial gifts from interested parties as this undermines democracy and delegitimizes institutions.

HARRIS ENTERS 2024 Race: National Security Fears Rise

HARRIS ENTERS 2024 Race: National Security Fears Rise

Kamala Harris has entered the race for the White House following President Biden’s announcement that he will not seek re-election. This sudden shift has raised alarms among national security experts who worry that adversaries like Russia, China, and Iran may exploit the “chaos” to their advantage.

These nations have shown little outward reaction to Biden’s withdrawal, but concerns remain high about potential changes in U.S. force posture abroad. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov mentioned that Moscow was “not very surprised” by Biden’s decision and emphasized Russia’s focus on its military operations in Ukraine.

With four months until the elections, much can change, making it crucial for America to stay vigilant and monitor developments closely. The Democratic Party now faces the challenge of building a strong platform against Republican candidate Donald Trump amid these geopolitical tensions.

BIDEN’S Border Chaos: Record Crossings Spark Outrage

President Biden’s border policy is facing intense scrutiny as illegal crossings hit record highs. Critics argue that the administration’s approach has led to chaos and insecurity at the southern border. Republican lawmakers are calling for immediate action to restore order.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has deployed additional state resources to manage the surge. He stated, “The federal government’s failure leaves us no choice but to protect our own borders.” Local communities are feeling the strain, with many residents expressing concerns over safety and resources.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas defended the administration’s strategy, claiming it aims for a “humane” approach. However, many believe this leniency only encourages more illegal immigration.

With midterm elections approaching, border security remains a hot-button issue. Republicans see this as an opportunity to highlight what they view as Biden’s failed policies and push for stricter enforcement measures.

NOEM’S Presidential Dreams Shattered by Dog Debacle

NOEM’S Presidential Dreams Shattered by Dog Debacle

Governor Kristi Noem, once seen as a likely choice for Donald Trump’s vice presidential running mate, now faces a major hurdle. In her memoir “No Going Back,” she shares a story about her aggressive dog, Cricket. The dog caused chaos on a hunting trip and even attacked a neighbor’s chickens. This incident paints an unflattering picture of chaos under her watch.

Noem describes Cricket as having an “aggressive personality” and behaving like a “trained assassin.” These words come from her own book, which was supposed to enhance her political image. Instead, it underscores significant issues of control — both over the dog and perhaps within her own home.

The situation forced Noem to declare the dog “untrainable” and dangerous. This revelation could damage her appeal among voters who prize personal responsibility and leadership skills. It casts doubt on her ability to manage more significant responsibilities in higher office roles.

This event could severely affect Noem’s future in politics, including any plans for cabinet positions or presidential aspirations in 2028. Her attempt to appear relatable in the book might instead highlight critical lapses in judgment that are vital for national leadership roles.

TRUMP SURGES Ahead in Michigan: Biden’s Struggle to Secure Base Exposed

TRUMP SURGES Ahead in Michigan: Biden’s Struggle to Secure Base Exposed

A recent trial ballot in Michigan has revealed a surprising lead for Trump over Biden, with 47 percent favoring the former president compared to 44 percent for the incumbent. This result falls within the survey’s ±3 percent margin of error, leaving nine percent of voters still undecided.

In a more complex five-way trial ballot test, Trump maintains his lead at 44 percent against Biden’s 42 percent. The remaining votes are split among independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein, and independent Cornel West.

Steve Mitchell, president of Mitchell Research, attributes Trump’s lead to Biden’s lackluster support from African Americans and younger voters. He forecasts a nail-biting contest ahead as the victory will likely hinge on which candidate can rally their base more effectively.

In a head-to-head choice between Trump and Biden, an overwhelming 90 percent of Republican Michiganders back Trump while only 84 percent of Democrats support Biden. This poll report underscores an uncomfortable situation for Biden as he loses a significant 12 percent chunk of his vote to former President Trump.

GOP’S SELF-Destruction: Gowdy Slams Republican Candidate Choices and Election Failures

GOP’S SELF-Destruction: Gowdy Slams Republican Candidate Choices and Election Failures

In a thought-provoking exchange, host Rich Edson engaged in a debate with guest Trey Gowdy about the looming Senate budget. Edson raised doubts about whether Republicans had managed to negotiate an advantageous deal, despite not holding sway over the Senate or White House. In response, Gowdy didn’t hold back from critiquing his own party. He highlighted that the GOP’s subpar candidate selection and lackluster election performance were at the root of their current predicament. As evidence, he referenced recent electoral disappointments. These included last November’s midterms where House Republicans fell short of expectations, and the 2021 Georgia elections which saw two Republican Senators unseated. Looking ahead, Gowdy sounded an alarm about potential repercussions if Democrats seize control of all three branches — House, Senate, and White House. He warned that a detrimental budget bill would be unavoidable in such circumstances. The responsibility for this possible outcome? According to Gowdy, it rests squarely on GOP shoulders due to their poor candidate choices and failure to secure winnable elections.

Stay updated with more news by following Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN.

TRUMP’S EYE on Burgum: A Potential Power Player in Second Administration

TRUMP’S EYE on Burgum: A Potential Power Player in Second Administration

Doug Burgum, the Governor of North Dakota, has recently been spotlighted by former President Trump as a potential key player for his possible second term. This news emerged following Trump’s unprecedented victory in the Iowa Caucuses.

Responding to conjecture about a potential role in Trump’s administration, Burgum, who had previously endorsed Trump just before the Iowa Caucuses said, “Well, it’s very flattering... but you know, these are all hypotheticals.”

The Governor underscored his dedication to his current position and to backing Trump’s nomination and election endeavors. He further explained that his previous campaign was motivated by concerns about the economy, energy and national security issues that America is facing.

TRUMP’S MAGA Wave Sparks Global Conservative Populist Triumphs

TRUMP’S MAGA Wave Sparks Global Conservative Populist Triumphs

In a recent interview at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump stated that his MAGA-Trump movement is driving a global surge of conservative populist victories. He pointed to Argentina’s new president, Javier Milei, as an example. Milei reportedly thanked Trump for laying the groundwork with his policies. The former US president playfully suggested that Milei’s “Make Argentina Great Again” slogan could also be shortened to MAGA.

Trump’s 2016 triumph over Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton was not a singular occurrence. It was preceded by significant wins for conservative populists worldwide, such as the Brexit referendum in the UK and Jimmy Morales’s victory in Guatemala’s presidential race. These successes helped ignite the movement that ultimately led to Trump’s ascendancy.

As we approach 2024, conservative populists are making further strides globally. Italy now boasts Giorgia Meloni as Prime Minister and Geert Wilders’ PVV party leads polls in Netherlands. With these victories and more expected throughout the year, it appears a global sweep for conservative populists is on the cards leading up to Trump’s anticipated rematch with Democrat President Joe Biden.

America's New Leaders -

TRUMP’S Troubled Past: Biden’s Team Shifts Focus Ahead of 2024 Showdown

President Joe Biden’s team is adjusting their strategy for the 2024 campaign. Instead of solely spotlighting the incumbent Democrat, they’re turning attention to former President Donald Trump’s contentious record. This move follows recent polls showing Trump leading Biden in seven swing states and gaining traction among younger voters.

Trump, despite grappling with multiple criminal and civil charges, continues to be a GOP favorite. The aim of Biden’s aides is to use his disputed record and legal allegations as a lens through which voters can view the potential consequences of another four-year term under Trump.

Currently, Trump faces four criminal indictments and is embroiled in a civil fraud lawsuit in New York. Regardless of these trials’ outcomes, he could still make a run for office even if convicted — unless legal contests or state ballot requirements prevent him from doing so. However, rather than dwelling on the outcome of Trump’s cases, Biden’s team plans to underscore what another term would mean for American citizens.

A senior campaign aide noted that while Trump may succeed in mobilizing his base with extreme rhetoric, their strategy will highlight how such extremism could negatively affect Americans. The focus will be on the potential adverse impact of another term under Trump rather than his personal legal battles.

Biden Impeachment Inquiry Authorized by US House Republicans ...

GAME-CHANGER or Political Suicide? House Republicans Ponder Biden Impeachment

Under the guidance of Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), House Republicans are contemplating the impeachment of President Joe Biden. This idea stems from numerous 2023 investigations into both Biden and his son, Hunter, who are accused of exploiting their family name for personal gain.

The decision to impeach could be a tricky one for Republicans. On one hand, it could resonate with their core supporters as payback against Democrats’ previous attempts to impeach ex-President Donald Trump. On the other hand, it might push away independent voters and undecided Democrats.

Calls for Biden’s impeachment aren’t recent developments. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has advocated for investigations into the president since he took office. With an ongoing inquiry and years worth of evidence gathered, Speaker Johnson might sanction an impeachment vote as soon as February 2024.

Nevertheless, this strategy carries significant risk. The evidence put forth by House Republicans against Biden seems vague at best, and initiating an inquiry doesn’t necessarily imply backing for impeachment itself — a point that 17 Republican House members from districts won by Biden in 2020 are eager to emphasize to their voters.

EXPOSED: BIDEN and Elites’ Unsettling Alliance with China

EXPOSED: BIDEN and Elites’ Unsettling Alliance with China

President Joe Biden’s recent actions have stirred up a storm of controversy. His apparent dismissal of the idea of “decoupling” from China is causing concern among conservatives. These revelations come from a new book, Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, Their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life.

The book suggests that global elites and politicians like Biden and California Governor Gavin Newsom are actively pushing for a closer resemblance between the U.S. and its Communist adversary. It alleges that these individuals view Beijing’s elites not as threats or rivals but as business partners.

Among those named in these claims are influential figures such as BlackRock’s Larry Fink, Apple’s Tim Cook, and Blackstone’s Stephen Schwarzman. These business leaders were reportedly present at a dinner honoring Chinese Communist Party Leader Xi Jinping where they stood in applause for Chairman Xi.

This revelation comes at a time when concerns over China’s influence on global politics are growing. It highlights the urgent need for transparency in dealings between American leaders and foreign powers.

BLACKBURN BLASTS Biden: The Deterrence Disaster and the Fight to Regain Trust

BLACKBURN BLASTS Biden: The Deterrence Disaster and the Fight to Regain Trust

Senator Blackburn has recently taken President Biden to task over his approach to national security. She stressed the urgency of an “effective kinetic response” in order to restore deterrence, which she argues has been undermined during Biden’s tenure.

Blackburn highlighted that discontent within the Pentagon stems from the poorly executed withdrawal from Afghanistan. This incident sparked widespread skepticism towards the Biden administration among military ranks.

She further contended that even when faced with alternative strategies, President Biden stubbornly stuck with his flawed plan. He then hailed it as a success, contradicting the military’s evaluation.

In Blackburn’s view, restoring deterrence and executing an effective kinetic response are vital steps towards regaining credibility and trust within our nation’s defense department.

TRUMP BACKLASH: Former Arkansas Governor Booed at Florida Freedom Summit Over Anti-Trump Remarks

TRUMP BACKLASH: Former Arkansas Governor Booed at Florida Freedom Summit Over Anti-Trump Remarks

Asa Hutchinson, the former governor of Arkansas, was met with a chorus of boos during his speech at the Florida Freedom Summit. This strong reaction from the crowd was triggered when Hutchinson hinted that Donald Trump could potentially face a felony conviction by a jury next year.

Having served as both a federal prosecutor and representative, Hutchinson is currently not making any waves in the Republican primary race with his polling numbers flatlining at zero percent. His remarks sparked widespread disapproval among the more than 3,000 attendees present at the event.

Despite facing an unfavorable response from his audience, Hutchinson didn’t back down. He maintained that Trump’s potential legal troubles could sway independent voters’ view of the party and influence down-ticket races for Congress and Senate.

TRUMP’S FIGHT: The Fourteenth Amendment Takes Center Stage in Ballot Battle

TRUMP’S FIGHT: The Fourteenth Amendment Takes Center Stage in Ballot Battle

A brewing legal battle is placing the spotlight on the Fourteenth Amendment’s “Insurrection Clause”. Plaintiffs argue that President Trump’s actions on January 6, 2021, should bar him from appearing on future ballots.

This legal challenge is not unique to one state. Similar cases are popping up across the country, including Colorado. Here, Judge Sarah Wallace, an appointee of Democrat Governor Jared Polis, presides over the case. There is a possibility that this issue may escalate to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Trump’s defense team counters by asserting that this amendment doesn’t extend to presidents. They highlight that while it mentions Senators and Representatives among others, it does not explicitly include presidents. The presidential oath has its own separate provision in the Constitution.

Judge orders Hunter Biden to appear in person at arraignment on ...

ETHICS In QUESTION: Biden Under Scrutiny as Hunter’s Investigations Intensify

The ongoing investigations into Hunter Biden have begun to cast a significant shadow over President Joe Biden. The Justice Department, along with Republican members of Congress, are closely examining the president’s son for his alleged involvement in a criminal scheme with then-Vice President Biden. This comes alongside separate gun charges following the collapse of a plea deal on tax charges.

A recent poll indicates that 35% of U.S. adults believe the president has acted illegally, while 33% suspect unethical conduct. The investigation is spearheaded by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH). Their goal is to establish a connection between Hunter’s business dealings with a Ukrainian oil and gas firm and his father during his vice presidency.

Hunter Biden has been indicted by special counsel David Weiss in relation to a gun purchase in October 2018. He stands accused of violating orders prohibiting drug users from owning guns and has pleaded not guilty to all three counts against him. There are clear differences in perception across party lines: only 8% of Democrats believe the president is guilty of crimes related to his son’s activities, compared with 65% of Republicans.

As these investigations and indictments continue, they fuel growing controversy around the Bidens. This raises serious concerns about ethics at the

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HARRIS vs TRUMP: The Political Showdown America Can’t Ignore

The political arena is heating up with Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump at odds. Harris accuses Trump of avoiding a debate, citing alleged fears as the reason. This confrontation highlights the fierce competition as America approaches the presidential elections.

ISRAEL UNDER FIRE: Global PRESSURE Mounts Amid Conflict

Israel’s ongoing regional conflicts have escalated, with recent strikes targeting Hezbollah and resulting in the death of a senior Hamas leader. These actions have drawn significant international attention, with UN and U.S. officials urging Israel to address humanitarian concerns in Gaza. The global community remains vigilant, aware of potential wider implications from these military actions.

TRAGEDY STRIKES: Domestic Challenges TEST America’s Resolve

A deadly shooting at a Mississippi football game has shocked local communities and reignited discussions on gun violence in America. Meanwhile, California faces emergency evacuations due to wildfires, underscoring climate-related threats that demand urgent action. These events highlight ongoing challenges in public safety and environmental strategy within the nation.

On the global stage, BRICS nations led by Russia’s Vladimir Putin are positioning themselves as future economic powerhouses, potentially overshadowing Western influences. This shift presents both opportunities and challenges for global economic balance and power dynamics moving forward.

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