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Denver’s MAYOR ATTACKS Republicans, Declares Service Cutbacks Amid Migrant Crisis

Denver’s MAYOR ATTACKS Republicans, Declares Service Cutbacks Amid Migrant Crisis

Mayor Mike Johnston (D-CO) has openly chastised Republican leadership for obstructing a migration deal proposed by Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY). This agreement would have permitted a large influx of migrants and allocated $5 billion for their resettlement across various cities and towns. Having already assisted 35,000 undocumented migrants, Johnston labeled the blocked deal as a “plan for shared sacrifice”.

Following the failure of this deal, Johnston declared that Denver will need to implement budget cuts to cover the costs associated with incoming migrants. He pointed fingers at Republicans for these reductions, asserting that their refusal to approve regime change will strain city budgets and services offered to newcomers. The mayor cautioned that more cutbacks are on the horizon.

The Congressional Budget Office highlighted in February that such migration policies redirect family wages and workplace investment towards Wall Street and government sectors while shifting attention away from American communities. In Denver specifically, an influx of impoverished migrants resulted in 20,000 hospital visits which led to a partial shutdown of a city hospital earlier this year.

Johnston’s announcement included service reductions at the DMV and Park & Recs departments with the aim of freeing up resources for undocumented immigrants. This decision has sparked criticism as it directly affects services available to Denver residents.

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