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ISRAEL RESCUES Hostages: Dramatic Operation Against Hamas

ISRAEL RESCUES Hostages: Dramatic Operation Against Hamas

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Israel Police, and Israel Security Agency (ISA) successfully rescued four hostages from Gaza. The hostages include Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv.

The rescue operation targeted two Hamas buildings above ground. Noa Argamani’s abduction had become a symbol of the October 7 Hamas terror attack, with footage of her kidnapping widely circulated.

The IDF shared a video showing the dramatic moment they freed three of the four hostages. This successful mission underscores Israel’s commitment to bringing its citizens home safely from terrorist captivity.

OUTRAGE Over ICC’S Arrest Warrants for Israeli and Hamas Officials

OUTRAGE Over ICC’S Arrest Warrants for Israeli and Hamas Officials

The International Criminal Court (ICC) faces backlash for considering arrest warrants against Israeli and Hamas officials. Critics argue that rogue nations often escape scrutiny while the ICC targets Israel. “It’s spent over $2 billion. It’s been really ineffective,” said Orde Kittrie, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

Kittrie emphasized that Israel is not an ICC member state and polices its own alleged violations, making the court’s actions unjustified. “It’s obviously, totally politically driven,” he added, describing it as a political vendetta masquerading as legal proceedings.

Former Israeli leaders have called for dismantling the ICC, labeling it a “political tool.” The court’s prosecutor Karim Khan announced plans to request arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, along with Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar and Ismail Haniyeh.

ISRAEL DEFENDS Citizens: Destroys Hamas Rocket Launchers

ISRAEL DEFENDS Citizens: Destroys Hamas Rocket Launchers

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced the destruction of multi-barrel rocket launchers in Rafah. These launchers were aimed at Israeli territory and posed a significant threat. The IDF located and neutralized the sites along the Philadelphi Corridor.

The operation underscores Israel’s need to control Rafah to eliminate Hamas battalions and secure the border. Rockets from Rafah have previously targeted the Keren Shalom crossing, a vital entry point for humanitarian aid between Israel and Gaza.

The IDF remains committed to targeting terror threats in Rafah to protect Israeli citizens. “We will continue our operations against terror targets,” stated an IDF spokesperson on Twitter.

Jerusalem History, Map, Religion, & Facts Britannica

ISRAEL Stands Firm: CEASE-Fire Talks with Hamas HIT a Wall

The latest cease-fire talks in Cairo between Israel and Hamas have ended without any agreement. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is standing firm against global pressure to stop military actions, calling Hamas’s demands “extreme.” Defense Minister Yoav Gallant accused Hamas of not being serious about peace and hinted that Israel might step up its military actions in Gaza soon.

During the discussions, Hamas emphasized that stopping Israeli aggression is their top priority. Despite some initial signs of progress, the situation remains tense with ongoing threats to peace efforts. Notably, Israel did not send a delegation to the recent negotiations, while Hamas consulted with intermediaries in Qatar before returning to Cairo for more talks.

In another development, Israel has shut down Al Jazeera’s local offices, accusing the network of anti-Israel incitement. This action has drawn attention from Netanyahu’s government but does not affect Al Jazeera’s operations in Gaza or the West Bank. Meanwhile, CIA chief William Burns plans to meet with regional leaders to try and mediate the conflict.

The closure of Al Jazeera’s offices and upcoming meetings by CIA chief William Burns highlight the complex dynamics at play as international actors seek ways to stabilize the region amidst ongoing tensions between Israel and Hamas.

Antony J. Blinken - United States Department of State

BLINKEN DEMANDS Immediate Cease-Fire in Gaza: Hostages at Stake

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is pushing for a swift cease-fire between Israel and Hamas. On his seventh visit to the region, he stressed the need to stop almost seven months of fighting. Blinken is working to prevent an Israeli move into Rafah, home to 1.4 million Palestinians.

The talks are tough, with major disagreements over cease-fire terms and hostage releases. Hamas wants an end to all Israeli military actions, while Israel agrees only to a temporary halt.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu holds a firm line against Hamas, poised for action on Rafah if needed. Blinken blames Hamas for any potential failure in talks, noting their reaction could decide the peace outcome.

We are determined to secure a cease-fire that returns the hostages and do it now," Blinken announced in Tel Aviv. He cautioned that delays by Hamas would greatly obstruct peace efforts.

Israel open to ’little pauses’ in Gaza fighting, Netanyahu says ...

ISRAEL and HAMAS on the Brink of a Landmark Hostage Deal: Here’s What You Need to Know

A potential breakthrough is in sight as Israel and Hamas edge closer to a deal. This agreement could liberate about 130 hostages currently held in Gaza, offering a brief respite from the ongoing conflict, says U.S. President Joe Biden.

The deal, which could be enacted as early as next week, would bring much-needed respite to both Gaza’s battle-weary residents and the families of Israeli hostages taken during a Hamas attack on October 7th.

Under this proposed agreement, there would be a six-week cease-fire. During this time, Hamas would release up to 40 hostages — mainly civilian women, children, and older or ill captives. In exchange for this act of goodwill, Israel would release at least 300 Palestinian prisoners from their jails and permit displaced Palestinians to return home to designated areas in northern Gaza.

Moreover, aid deliveries are expected to surge during the cease-fire period with an estimated daily influx of between 300-500 trucks into Gaza — a significant leap from current figures," shared an Egyptian official involved in brokering the deal alongside U.S. and Qatari representatives

Joe Biden: The President | The White House

US-Israeli Citizen’s TRAGIC Death: BIDEN’S Heartfelt Response to Hamas Attack

On Friday, President Joe Biden extended his condolences following the death of Gad Haggai, a dual US-Israeli citizen. It is believed that Haggai fell victim to Hamas during their initial terrorist attack on October 7.

Biden expressed deep sadness over the incident, stating, “Jill and I are heartbroken... We continue to pray for the well-being and safe return of his wife, Judy.” He further revealed that the couple’s daughter was part of a recent conference call with families of hostages.

Referring to their experiences as a “harrowing ordeal”, Biden reassured these families and other loved ones. He pledged that efforts to rescue those still held hostage would persist. This story is still unfolding.

PAKISTAN’S Nuclear Leverage: Hamas Leaders Urge for a Showdown with Israel

PAKISTAN’S Nuclear Leverage: Hamas Leaders Urge for a Showdown with Israel

Leaders of Hamas and Islamic scholars gathered in Pakistan’s capital recently. They suggested that the ongoing conflict in Gaza might be stopped if nuclear-armed Pakistan were to threaten Israel. These remarks have been widely reported in Pakistani media and noted by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

The conference, titled “The Sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Responsibility of the Islamic Ummah,” was put together by the “Pakistan Ummah Unity Assembly.” According to MEMRI, this assembly is a network of Islamic religious organizations.

Ismail Haniyeh, one of the main speakers at this event, called on Pakistan to take a more proactive role in resolving the Israel-Hamas conflict. He said, “If Pakistan threatens Israel, then we can halt this war. We have high hopes from Pakistan. They can compel Israel to back down.”

Haniyeh also referred to Jews as “the biggest enemy of Muslims worldwide.” This inflammatory language has raised eyebrows among international observers due to concerns about escalating tensions in an already unstable region.

AMERICAN Hostages TRAPPED: 71 Days into Hamas’s Horrific Attack on Israel

AMERICAN Hostages TRAPPED: 71 Days into Hamas’s Horrific Attack on Israel

It’s now been 71 days since the devastating attack by Hamas on Israel. This brutal onslaught led to an immediate death toll of around 1,200 and roughly 240 abductions. Among those still unaccounted for are eight Americans, believed to be held captive by the terrorist group since the early October incident.

Among the missing are Judith Weinstein and Gad Haggai, a senior couple from Kibbutz Nir Oz near Gaza. They were enjoying a peaceful morning walk when disaster struck on October 7th. Their daughter, Iris Weinstein Haggai has shared her painful experience since her parents vanished without a trace.

Weinstein Haggai is relentlessly coordinating with various governments in an effort to secure the release of the hostages. She describes her situation as having a “split heart,” struggling to maintain normalcy for her children while grappling with anxiety over her parents’ unknown fate.

Turkish MP COLLAPSES Amid Fiery Denouncement of Israel’s Actions Against Hamas

Turkish MP COLLAPSES Amid Fiery Denouncement of Israel’s Actions Against Hamas

In a dramatic turn of events, Bitmez, the Deputy Chief of Turkey’s Saadet Party, collapsed during a budgetary debate in the Grand Assembly of the Turkish parliament. His collapse followed an impassioned criticism of Israel’s military response to Hamas terrorists in Gaza. Bitmez accused Israelis of committing “crimes against humanity” and “ethnic cleansing.” His final words before collapsing were reportedly, “Israel will not escape the wrath of Allah!”

Bitmez, aged 54 and a diabetic patient, was immediately rushed to Ankara’s Bilkent City Hospital. He was reported to be in critical condition following his sudden collapse.

The Saadet or “Felicity” Party that Bitmez is affiliated with is known for its Islamist ideology. It’s considered more hardline than President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Development (AKP) party. This incident comes at a time when relations between Turkey and Israel are tense due to Israel’s counter-terrorist operation in Gaza initiated after an attack by Hamas on October 7.

Erdogan has openly criticized Israel’s military actions while hailing Hamas

They burn our souls': Mother of two hostages returns to Nir Oz for ...

Hamas TERROR Unleashed: Vulnerable ISRAELI Family’s Nightmare Amid Hostage Crisis

Eyal Barad and his family faced a chilling ordeal during a Hamas attack. Taking shelter in their safe room in Nir Oz, Israel, they were forced into silence as armed intruders prowled outside. The cries of Barad’s autistic daughter risked giving away their hiding place, pushing him to contemplate extreme measures for survival.

This incident unfolded on October 7th amidst the Israel-Gaza war. Hamas militants brutally killed and captured a significant portion of Nir Oz’s inhabitants. An examination of residents’ messages and security footage indicates that Hamas had intentionally aimed at civilians — a disturbing change in strategy that greatly impacted the war’s trajectory.

The recent liberation of Israeli hostages has cast fresh light on this frightful day. The lack of Israeli military presence coupled with the capture and killing of defenseless citizens highlighted Israel’s vulnerability. Over 100 Palestinian militants departed Nir Oz with approximately 80 residents — nearly half of all released Israelis and one-third of all hostages taken.

Today, Nir Oz symbolizes this vulnerability as over 30 residents are still presumed to be captives in Gaza. This unprecedented operation by Hamas underscores its new hostage

ISRAEL and HAMAS Ink Unprecedented Cease-Fire Deal: Hostages Set for Liberation

ISRAEL and HAMAS Ink Unprecedented Cease-Fire Deal: Hostages Set for Liberation

Israel and Hamas have reached a temporary truce, which entails a hostage release arrangement, as verified by Fox News. The Israeli administration has pledged to ensure the safe return of all hostages, beginning with at least 50 women and children. For every subsequent set of ten hostages freed, an additional day of peace will be granted.

The cease-fire was officially declared following confirmation from Israeli and Hamas leaders that negotiations were nearing completion. Qatari mediators played a vital role in securing the agreement, which is scheduled to commence at 10 a.m. local time on Thursday.

As part of this agreement, Israel’s military will temporarily suspend its pursuit of Hamas for humanitarian reasons. Concurrently, Hamas has consented to free dozens of hostages as Israel agrees to release Palestinian prisoners at a ratio of three-to-one.

During its October 7th terror attack, Hamas seized roughly 240 hostages from Israel. The terror group claimed it had captured enough hostages — including Israelis, Americans and other foreign nationals — with the goal of liberating all Palestinians in Israel.

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ISRAELI STRIKES on Gaza City: What’s Really Happening on the Ground

Early Monday, Israeli forces initiated a series of assaults on Rafah, a city located at the southern frontier of the Gaza Strip. Rafah is densely populated with 1.4 million Palestinians seeking refuge from continuous conflict and is situated adjacent to the Egyptian border. These strikes are happening amidst indications that Israel may soon extend its ground offensive to target Rafah specifically.

The White House had cautioned against such an operation without a solid and implementable plan to shield civilians. This message was conveyed by President Joe Biden to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during their discussion on Sunday. The Israeli military confirmed that they targeted “terror hotspots in Shaboura,” a district within Rafah, but did not disclose further details about potential damage or casualties suffered.

Biden’s recent comments mark his most forceful stance yet regarding the potential operation in Gaza. He has demanded “immediate and specific” measures to bolster humanitarian aid following his critique of Israel’s military response as being excessively aggressive. Talks about a possible cease-fire agreement were central to Biden and Netanyahu’s 45-minute call.

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