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GERMANY FOILS Isis Plot: Arrest Sparks Security Alert

GERMANY FOILS Isis Plot: Arrest Sparks Security Alert

German authorities have arrested a Libyan man suspected of planning an attack on the Israeli embassy in Berlin. The arrest happened in the Bernau suburb, stopping a potential terror act. The suspect intended to flee to Sankt Augustin and eventually leave Germany after carrying out the attack.

Israel’s ambassador to Germany, Ron Prosor, praised German authorities for keeping the embassy safe. He emphasized that “Muslim anti-Semitism” fuels global terrorism and endangers embassy staff. Local Interior Minister Herbert Reul warned those threatening Jewish life in Germany: "We are on your trail!

This arrest follows a recent shooting by an 18-year-old Austrian citizen of Bosnian descent at the Israeli consulate in Munich. The attack also targeted a nearby museum dedicated to National Socialism documentation. These events highlight ongoing threats against Jewish institutions in Europe.

HORRIFIC Mass STABBING at German Festival: 3 Dead, 8 Injured

HORRIFIC Mass STABBING at German Festival: 3 Dead, 8 Injured

A mass stabbing at a diversity festival in Solingen, Germany, on Friday evening left three people dead and eight others injured. The victims included two men aged 67 and 56 and a 56-year-old woman. Four of the injured are in serious condition.

An internal police report obtained by Die Welt reveals that a witness heard the suspect shout “Allahu Akbar” during the attack. The suspect is known locally and frequented a mosque in Solingen. A manhunt is currently underway as the attacker fled the scene after specifically targeting victims’ necks, raising suspicions of terrorism.

Police have not released any description of the attacker due to numerous witness statements needing verification. Witnesses reported seeing the suspect speak to a 15-year-old before saying, “Today I’m stabbing everyone.” The incident occurred during Solingen’s 650th-anniversary celebrations.

A father worries for his missing child

FINAL FAREWELL: French-Israeli Woman’s Joyful Dance at Festival Turns into Horrific Terror Attack

Karin Journo, a 24-year-old French-Israeli airport worker, had initially planned to skip the Tribe of Nova music festival due to a broken leg. But when she learned her friends were going to celebrate a farewell party for one of them moving stateside, she couldn’t resist joining in.

Despite her injury and protective boot, Journo was captured on video dancing with joy at the festival. The mood shifted dramatically as Hamas militants launched their deadly assault on the festival grounds. Subsequent footage revealed a worried Journo seeking shelter behind a vehicle.

In her last moments, Journo sent an ominous text message at 8:43 Saturday morning. Her father Doron shared its contents: "To the whole family, I want to say that I love you a lot because I am not coming home.” This would be her final words before tragically losing her life in this savage attack.

Hamas: The Palestinian militant group that rules Gaza - BBC News

BRUTAL HAMAS Attack on Israeli Music Festival: An Unprecedented Horror Revealed

This past weekend, the Supernova music festival in southern Israel fell victim to a savage attack by Hamas militants. This brutal assault marked one of the first targets and resulted in widespread devastation across several towns. The attack led to at least 260 deaths, making it one of the most deadly civilian incidents in Israel’s history.

ABC News collected accounts from survivors and relatives of the missing to reconstruct this chilling event. They scrutinized and authenticated witness videos as well as security footage. Numerous festival attendees also contributed their experiences and original cell phone videos.

The pandemonium erupted just after sunrise at 6:40 a.m., signaled by initial rocket trails streaking across the sky. As crowds tried to escape by car, roads quickly became jam-packed and impassable. One witness reported close-range fire from Hamas militants while fleeing via the main road north—a claim backed up by images of their bullet-riddled vehicle.

ABC News has confirmed video evidence that emphasizes the intentional nature of this attack on Supernova. This episode marks a bleak moment in Israel’s history, spotlighting an escalating conflict with potentially wide-ranging implications.

TECH TYCOON’S Angel Slain: Hamas Turns Israeli Music Festival into Nightmare

TECH TYCOON’S Angel Slain: Hamas Turns Israeli Music Festival into Nightmare

In a shocking turn of events, Danielle Waldman, the 24-year-old daughter of tech industry titan Eyal Waldman, was brutally killed in a Hamas attack on an Israeli music festival. The young Californian had journeyed to Israel specifically to attend the Supernova music festival. Her father confirmed to CNN that she and her boyfriend Noam were tragically caught in the crossfire during the rave near Kibbutz Re’im on the Gaza border.

The intended peaceful celebration morphed into a bloodbath as over 260 people lost their lives. Countless others were either injured or abducted by the terrorist group. A grief-stricken Eyal Waldman expressed his initial hope to reporters that his daughter might have been taken hostage and would eventually be returned.

Eyal Waldman is renowned for establishing Mellanox in 1999, a firm specializing in high-speed servers and storage-switching solutions. In 2020, US gaming and computer graphics behemoth Nvidia acquired Mellanox for $7 billion. Interestingly, Waldman stirred both tech circles and Arab world by setting up research centers employing Palestinian developers within West Bank and Gaza Strip.

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TRAGIC Airstrike in Gaza School KILLS 30, Including Children

An Israeli airstrike on a Gaza school killed at least 30 people, including children, on Saturday. The attack has escalated tensions in the region. Witnesses reported chaos as rescuers tried to save those trapped under the rubble.

Families searched frantically for loved ones amid the devastation. Many children were critically injured, pushing already overwhelmed hospitals to their limits. This incident has worsened Gaza’s humanitarian crisis and calls for international intervention are growing louder.

The Israeli government claimed militants used the school to launch attacks against Israel, but human rights groups and the international community are skeptical. The United Nations demands an impartial investigation to determine if this was a war crime.

As grief-stricken families mourn their loss, global leaders must address the root causes of this conflict and strive for lasting peace. The tragic deaths in Gaza highlight the urgent need for resolution and remind us of war’s human cost.

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